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I figured most people on a computer forum would be touch typists as well.


I think you'd be surprised. I only type with my index and middle fingers on both hands too... I find it to be way faster than using all of my fingers :P


This uis a tes sentence witrhout lookiing at the kueyboard., See, if I trhink about it, then ir all gioes wrong!!!!

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I think you'd be surprised. I only type with my index and middle fingers on both hands too... I find it to be way faster than using all of my fingers :P


This uis a tes sentence witrhout lookiing at the kueyboard., See, if I trhink about it, then ir all gioes wrong!!!!

:blink: Damn. I didn't realize anyone typed by looking at the keyboard any more. I don't think I've looked at mine except when typing passwords in years. :lol:

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I think you'd be surprised. I only type with my index and middle fingers on both hands too... I find it to be way faster than using all of my fingers :P


This uis a tes sentence witrhout lookiing at the kueyboard., See, if I trhink about it, then ir all gioes wrong!!!!

Gere is ny test to see if O know the [lade,emt of the lettters

*looks at what he typed*

WOW I did a lor nerrer tjsn thoidht OI eould!


*looks again*




I do a combination I guess, I don't need to peck at the keyboard Like I used to but I definitely need to glance down and give my fingers a general direction in which to flow.

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You guys make me sad...lol, j/k :P


EDIT: I should mention that aside from all that AIM usage during college, I'm a computer programmer, so I pretty much type for a living. As such, that probably plays a part as well. After all, as they say, practice makes perfect. If I had to hunt-n-peck, programming would take forever :lol:

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- Let's see how I type with my eyes closed.


Perfect. And I'm only 14 :P I pretty much have the W, S, A, and D positions inscribed into my fingertips, and I can find the rest from there lol.


- :et's gove ot pme ,pre gp/ (Let's give it one more go).


Crap, I was hitting every key one to the right LOL.


- Third for good luck. REALLY good luck. I have a feeling this one came out really good. REALLY good.



Edited by tkrow21

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As was said, touch typing is something that should come naturally. If you have to think about it, you're not doing it right :P.


You may type a mistake every now and then, but if you take a glance at the screen, you should also have the ability to hit backspace and correct your mistake(s) without looking at the keyboard as well. If you want to consider yourself a touch typist, then I'd say that numbers are the only thing I can see being questionable, but everything else you should be able to nail 95% of the time.


The more you do it, the better you'll get. If you're really intent on improving and don't want to simply resort to spamming OCC, there are some typing games you can "play". I think I recall a Flash-based "Typing of the Dead"-like game posted on OCC a long time ago.

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As was said, touch typing is something that should come naturally. If you have to think about it, you're not doing it right :P.


You may type a mistake every now and then, but if you take a glance at the screen, you should also have the ability to hit backspace and correct your mistake(s) without looking at the keyboard as well. If you want to consider yourself a touch typist, then I'd say that numbers are the only thing I can see being questionable, but everything else you should be able to nail 95% of the time.


The more you do it, the better you'll get. If you're really intent on improving and don't want to simply resort to spamming OCC, there are some typing games you can "play". I think I recall a Flash-based "Typing of the Dead"-like game posted on OCC a long time ago.

Sun keyboards are the only thing that really screw me up. :P

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:lol: @ hunting & pecking...


I wonder if texting has an influence on this? I never text (can't for the life of me)...and yet I can transcribe things out of a book without even looking at the keyboard. Granted, I took a couple typing classes in high school. You wouldn't believe how helpful it is. :)

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Sun keyboards are the only thing that really screw me up. :P

I don't know what that is, but yes the keyboard can affect one's ability to touch type effectively, especially on netbooks and small notebooks that have scrunched keyboards. Usually the letters are fine, but doing punctuation and/or numbers may mess you up if they have smaller keys than usual.


Also, I don't like those ergonomic keyboards that have the two "hands" split. I haven't really used them much, but my friend had one in college and it annoyed me.

:lol: @ hunting & pecking...


I wonder if texting has an influence on this? I never text (can't for the life of me)...and yet I can transcribe things out of a book without even looking at the keyboard. Granted, I took a couple typing classes in high school. You wouldn't believe how helpful it is. :)

I don't think texting improves your ability to touch type on a computer keyboard. I'm texting more now that I have an iPhone, but I never texted much before. Plus, for texting, you're almost always using your thumbs, so it's entirely different than a computer keyboard, even if your mobile device has a QWERTY keyboard.

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I don't know what that is, but yes the keyboard can affect one's ability to touch type effectively

Keyboards that come with Sun workstations:




They're impossible to touch-type on when you use any key combos that use CTRL or backspace. :lol:

Edited by Waco

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