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Need help overcloking AMD Phenom II X 945 3.0 stock


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hello im new here and i want to overclock my new pc i makej i think the specs are below just in case i have an

AMD Phenom II X 945 3.0 stock with a good cooling system.. and my MB is an MSI 790gx-g65.. i have red a lot about this...

and most peple say that this proceessor is very easy to overclock.. i just want to get de 3.5 - 3.7 ghz.. i dont ask to much hehe

in other forums i read that i only need to set the multiplier to x17 and rise the voltage.. but i cant find the way to set the multiplier to x17

my mobo and other software just allow me to set to x15 and it comes like that at stock.. so if everybody is setting the multi to x17 or more..,,

how do they do it.... or do u have a good guide or link on how to overclock this processor, thanks a loot i really apreciate your help!


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hello im new here and i want to overclock my new pc i makej i think the specs are below just in case i have an

AMD Phenom II X 945 3.0 stock with a good cooling system.. and my MB is an MSI 790gx-g65.. i have red a lot about this...

and most peple say that this proceessor is very easy to overclock.. i just want to get de 3.5 - 3.7 ghz.. i dont ask to much hehe

in other forums i read that i only need to set the multiplier to x17 and rise the voltage.. but i cant find the way to set the multiplier to x17

my mobo and other software just allow me to set to x15 and it comes like that at stock.. so if everybody is setting the multi to x17 or more..,,

how do they do it.... or do u have a good guide or link on how to overclock this processor, thanks a loot i really apreciate your help!



the 945 has a locked Multiplier. (its not a black edition) ...

you have to oc by increasing the fsb or whatever your bios calls it.

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just increase your bus .or whatever ..and take step by step...like if it comes stock at 333 take 337 and see if it runs stabel and the temps too ...good luck ... :)

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You'll have to resort to intel style overclocking methods with the 945. Try bumping your base clock up 10 mhz and then run a stress tester like prime95 for a few hours. If your overclock is successful than continue higher in those increments or with whatever increments you're comfortable with. Keep an eye on temperatures and try not to go over 65C (though usually instability would start occuring at about 60C). Are you running a DDR2 system or DDR3? once you reach instability, you've reached the max the chip can go at stock voltage, it's up to you whether to proceed further. If so make sure to keep bumping up the voltage as necessary, and bump the HTT and CPU NB's up to maybe 2400mhz for a 3.6-3.8ghz main clock. and maybe 2500mhz for 4ghz

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thanks i really appreciate your help its been very useful i just did what you said, i just add 10 mhz at base clock, and do a stability test with the AMD override and im getting calculations error every 2 minutes.. what im doing wrong?? should i have to lower the mhz of the base clock.. ? or add more voltage?? is so, how much voltage do u recommed?


My system:


AMD Phenom II X4 945 Deneb 3.0 Ghz

6GB DDR3 OCZ Gold Edition @1066

HDD WD SATA 3.0gb/s 250GB

MB MSI 790GX-G65 790GX


580 Watts PS

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no, lower the RAM multiplier from 332mhz to 200mhz. start boosting the FSB by 3, lets say u boosted ur FSB by 3, so now its 203! run the stability test, if u pass, u can add more FSB, 206! run the stability test again! when ull fail! add more voltage, lets say you failed at 224FSB (just a guess) add voltage and the run the stability test again!if u fail again, add voltage to northbrinde and run the stability test again. an so on. good luckDONT forget to monitor ur temps! once u reach 60C u can stop overlcocking, since at 60C the CPU becomes unstable.


my bad thought, he had 667Mhz ram... u should change the RAM multiplier to 4.4(800mhz)

Edited by alentor

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once u reach 60C u can stop overlcocking, since at 60C the CPU becomes unstable.

That's not really true...it's just a good rule of thumb to not go much over 60 C load. The temperature alone doesn't hamper stability.

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That's not really true...it's just a good rule of thumb to not go much over 60 C load. The temperature alone doesn't hamper stability.



heh, i know that, i just dont want him to push his CPU too far.. i dont know waht of cooler hes using.. thats why i told him to stop overclocking once he hits 60C :P

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That's not really true...it's just a good rule of thumb to not go much over 60 C load. The temperature alone doesn't hamper stability.

While I agree he shouldn't necessarily stop there, alot of Phenom II's do usually lose a great deal of stability above 60C ( or so I've noticed)

I'm going to start overclocking my 940 today and see what I can come up with

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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THANKS for your tips. well right now im stuck at 3.3ghz Bus Speed 220.5mhz, HT Link 2205.2 Mhz, ,cpu voltage 1.376


FSB:DRAM 3:8 588.1mhz 8-8-8-24 6GB DDR3, NB Core 1.160V


what do u recommend to get 3.7 ghz.. thats all i want hhehe, BTW my Temps is 49-50C average.. THANKS

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THANKS for your tips. well right now im stuck at 3.3ghz Bus Speed 220.5mhz, HT Link 2205.2 Mhz, ,cpu voltage 1.376


FSB:DRAM 3:8 588.1mhz 8-8-8-24 6GB DDR3, NB Core 1.160V


what do u recommend to get 3.7 ghz.. thats all i want hhehe, BTW my Temps is 49-50C average.. THANKS

phenom 2 loves sub ambient temperatures. on air your gonna be getting between 3.4-3.6


stuck how?

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