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Intel to discontinue i7 920 and 940

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Wait as in it uses dual channel, or as in it can only control 2 DIMMs?


4 DIMMs, dual channel :)


Back on topic, I don't see what the big deal is. Intel discontinued many processors before... and AMD too... and VIA... and... yeah you get the idea

Edited by Zertz

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Yeah but in this case it isn't something better. They don't want to continue the 920's because they want the "enthusiasts" to spend more money. The 920 was a good price/performer, but now it will cut into they new processor's price range that isn't as good. Bottom line: AMD doesn't have a competitor for this line, so they can do whatever they want.

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I heard that Intel said the i5's will not OC at all..

I have two responses and I can't choose between them, so I'll post both:


1) Heard from who?

2) And you believed them?

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I have two responses and I can't choose between them, so I'll post both:


1) Heard from who?

2) And you believed them?

:withstupid: anandtech has an article showing them off here. It shows that performance wise they will stack up nicely with the 920, whihc is why intel wants to get rid of it.

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Bottom line: AMD doesn't have a competitor for this line, so they can do whatever they want.


It's not like if AMD hasn't done the exact same thing in the past ;)

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