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Army officer calls Obama "Usurper" President


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I like the poll asking if soldiers who don't support their president should be able to serve. :lol: I promise if the soldiers had to "like" Obama to be eligible to serve, our military would be about 75% smaller tomorrow.


And if I were the soldier, I'd find something better to do with my time... like disagree with Obama on things that matter, and there is plenty of that to be done.

+1. Good chunk of my unit is pissed about the election. Good chunk is also happy. Honestly, he's our CiC, we do what we're told.


Krow, being productive? In the ARMY? HA!

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And if I were the soldier, I'd find something better to do with my time... like disagree with Obama on things that matter, and there is plenty of that to be done.

There's PLENTY of legitimate ways to take shots at Obama. This isn't one of them. This is just being a crybaby.

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No, it was never "proven" like you say, it was simply alleged by you. Just because you kept saying it over and over again doesn't make it the truth, just means you're an obstinate fool.




Don't listen to Rehit, he's just a troll who has surprisingly managed to avoid getting banned.



and just why would i get banned?

because i do not agree?

how socialist of you.

you are just like Obama.

anyone who disagrees should be shut up or banned... :lol:

during the election we posted a copy of the security clearance documents here.

i am not going to go search for you, but they are here.

his association with William Ayers, Tony Resko, and the PLO terrorist Rashid Khalidi would immediately disqualify him from any security clearance.

feel free to go read the security clearance forms yourself.

feel free to try and disprove the association with the above named people.

just because you do not like the truth does not make it untrue.

because you cannot stand the truth does not make me a troll.

people like you are what give democrats a bad name.

you cannot defend against the truth so you just try and make it go away...

i do not need to defend myself against posting the truth.

i just have to try and make sure that socialists like you do not succeed in covering it up.

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and you are not?

for some reason your opinion trumps mine?

like i said before you are just a whiny little democrat that cannot stand the truth.

why don't you try disputing what i said about the security clearance facts?


i see...

you cannot since they are true...

so like a true little democrat you call me names instead.

as i said before.

you just cannot stand the TRUTH...

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how socialist of you.

you are just like Obama.


i just have to try and make sure that socialists like you do not succeed in covering it up.



like i said before you are just a whiny little democrat that cannot stand the truth.


so like a true little democrat you call me names instead.


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and you are not?

for some reason your opinion trumps mine?

like i said before you are just a whiny little democrat that cannot stand the truth.

why don't you try disputing what i said about the security clearance facts?


i see...

you cannot since they are true...

so like a true little democrat you call me names instead.

as i said before.

you just cannot stand the TRUTH...


You just don't get it do you Rehit.


It's like Verran said earlier


No we didn't. We attacked you because your bias goes beyond explanation and you make no attempt to hide it. We attacked you because you take every situation, twist it to the worst possible scenario, and then state that worst scenario as fact. You demonstrate a complete lack of objectivity.


This is why you keep getting attacked for voicing your opinion.


No one is disputing the facts about the fact that he can't pass the security clearance. What there disputing is your opinion which is not a fact which your saying is a fact that he is a terroist with some type of agenda to take down the country.

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You just don't get it do you Rehit.


No one is disputing the facts about the fact that he can't pass the security clearance. What there disputing is your opinion which is not a fact which your saying is a fact that he is a terroist with some type of agenda to take down the country.


Really? :rolleyes:

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We're actually disputing his intelligence, or the seemingly lack thereof :lol:


People, let's adhere to the most appropriate saying: don't feed the troll.

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i have never said he was a terrorist.

now you are trying to put words into my mouth.

i have said he is a socialist and is well on his way trying to convert my country.

i said he associated with known terrorists because he did...

there are members of his own party starting to fear his socialist ways.

it is not just me.

Democrats doubt Obama

somebody said he passed security clearances and i pointed out that he could not.

please point out to me how you construed this as calling anyone a terrorist.

perhaps you could search the forum to find this statement.

you will not find it because i never said it.

i do call him Osama out of pure contempt for him.

that knickname was loving given to him by Ted Kennedy, not me...

they also called him the "Magic Negro"... :lol:

i did not.

it is a well know democrat tactic to attack anyone who dares to speak the truth.

none of the things i have posted are untrue...

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your lack of intelligence shows in your replys Kash.

you continue to throw names like a small child instead of addressing the truth.

it is not my fault you are a pea brain that can not discuss what is true and just resort to attacking the messenger...

perhaps you would like to point out where i called him a terrorist.

or maybe even dispute what i am saying...

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I may not voice my opinion as Rehit does but I agree with him, Obama was shoehorned into his position (in my opinion) and we all know what group voted him in...



The guy is supposedly a good public speaker and he can not even remember what he want s to say, even the speeches he's made 20 times before.

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