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Violence between repo men and car owners rising


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Yup. It'll be happening a lot more too with things going the way they are. The good old American way of driving cars that cost more than we make in a year are over, but some people haven't quite found out yet. They will when the repo man shows up at their house.


As a repo guy, I'd think you'd have to expect stuff like this. I mean you'd think it would just come with the territory of going to other people's homes and taking their stuff for a living. It's hard to say what I think of this particular case without more info. It depends on the details of the shot that the homeowner fired. If he shot in the air as a warning, the repo guy should go to jail. If the shot was fired anywhere near the repo guy, then I'd say it's self-defense. The sheriff wouldn't elaborate so it's tough to say.

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This is why any repo's should be accompanied by law enforcement. It'll keep the peace much better than some twit showing up at 3am and trying to swipe the car and not expect any confrontation.


Years back, a friend of mine had her car repo'd. She moved back up here from Florida and had left a forwarding address with the US Mail. After about 2 months, she started getting "some" of her mail, but not all. She called down to her last post office and they said that they had done the Forward, but would do another for her. Another 2 months go by and she got some other stuff, but again, not all of it. Where was it going? She got home from work one morning and was in the house tinkering around. She got a grocery list together, and when she went back outside, her car was gone. She called the police and they told her that the car was repo'd. Jess went into panic mode because her purse, money and other personal items were still in the car. The police weren't much help either. She was contacted 3 days later by the repo people and told where she could meet them to get her personal effects. It was at the local mall parkinglot, but her car was nowhere to be found... Just the repo guy and another guy. They handed her a box of her stuff along with a $125 CLEANING bill because they had cleaned the car. Looking through her purse, all her cash was gone except for $20. She had just cashed her $400+ paycheck the morning her car was repo'd. Of course, the repo guys knew nothing of what she was talking about... :rolleyes: Also missing were some her CD's, some rings, necklace and her watch. She called the police and had them come out to meet her with the repo guys there, but again, there was no "proof" thay they took anything :rolleyes: They took the report and we're pretty sure it went in their circular bin. She also never got her CD player or speakers back that she had installed 6 months prior...


Repo guys are creeps... You can bet your "buttox" that there'll indeed be more confrontations until the police start coming with in these cases. At least if they would have been there for when Jess's car was repo'd, she at least have her money and jewelery.


Yes... She should have been looking into why her car bill wasn't coming to her house, but that's still no excuse for the repo guys to steal all her stuff

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Not trying to defend people that don't pay their bills, but some of these repo drivers need their asses kicked VERY badly and some of them should NOT be in the repo business. Almost EVERY SINGLE incident involving a repo could have been avoided had the repo man left when the thought of violence arises. The repo men should leave, call the police, and come back with a police officer. Just ignoring the people threatening you with a damn baseball bat or a gun is flat out IDIOCY.

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While looking for a restaurant in the Boston suburban area...me and some buddies watched a guy with a tow-truck repo a car at a gas station.


At least, we thought that was what was happening. From an exterior perspective, it looked like the car was being stolen. Backed the tow-truck in, lifted the rear wheels of the other vehicle (SUV) and started to speed off, until a very unhappy person got out of the SUV (:lol:) and raised hell.


Man it's sketchy...as far as I'm concerned, it's robbery...

Edited by Crazy_Nate

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I have little love for people who complain after getting their stuff repo'd. Honestly, do you expect the bank to just sit around when you don't make your payments? Yes, some repo men are dummies and should be fired, but honestly, refer to my first sentence.


Rokk, why on Earth would you leave that much money in your vehicle in the first place? I always take my wallet and phone with me when I get out of my car, and keep as little material of value as possible in there.

Edited by Kamikaze_Badger

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I would do it as well...


Even if I knew I wasn't paying my bills if I TELL you to leave my property you mother effing will, unless you're a police officer and have a warrant...



Bottom line it is not your property until the people holding the loan have been paid in full. It belongs to the lien holder and you drive it at their leisure. It belongs to you when the note is paid in full. That why you do not hold a clear title until the loan is satisfied. Its the same thing with a home. The difference is that a home does not get up and move unless of course it is a trailer. You dont own the home until the loan is paid in full so you get the deed for the land and home.


Its funny how folks think the property is theirs just because they are paying the loan.

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Bottom line it is not your property until the people holding the loan have been paid in full. It belongs to the lien holder and you drive it at their leisure. It belongs to you when the note is paid in full. That why you do not hold a clear title until the loan is satisfied. Its the same thing with a home. The difference is that a home does not get up and move unless of course it is a trailer. You dont own the home until the loan is paid in full so you get the deed for the land and home.


Its funny how folks think the property is theirs just because they are paying the loan.



I have no pity for someone who gets repo'd. If you're not paying on it, it's not yours. It's a very simple equation.

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I have little love for people who complain after getting their stuff repo'd. Honestly, do you expect the bank to just sit around when you don't make your payments? Yes, some repo men are dummies and should be fired, but honestly, refer to my first sentence.


Rokk, why on Earth would you leave that much money in your vehicle in the first place? I always take my wallet and phone with me when I get out of my car, and keep as little material of value as possible in there.


Because she came home from work and went inside to get her stuff together to go grocery shopping. She said she had been inside for only 5 minutes. Aparently with newer cars, they can jsut have a new key made for it using the VIN number. She had her keys on her

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