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Ordinary Gui

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Hey, Im still learning my way around so forgive if this is in the wrong section :).


On to my question. What is with the folding craze? I dont get it.


I did some folding back in the day, what 2 or 3 years ago maybe but im always doing a lot stuff on my machine that requires reformating every so often so i never bother installing it again. I understand it is for good causes, but people are folding like it provides some sort of entertainment or something else. I mean am seeing people buying computers just for folding and gpus just to fold i dont get it, am i missing something?


I mean it is just to provide extra system resources to whatever cause you are doing it for...no?


Thanks guys.

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Some people will do it just because they want to help the program, others do it because they know someone with cancer or another disease, others do it simply to be at the top of the stats list. And of course, there are the contest run by sites like OCC and others... :D

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I understand it is for good causes, but people are folding like it provides some sort of entertainment or something else.

For a lot of people it is entertainment, whether they'd admit it or not. I'm often amazed myself how much people will spend just to "win" at folding. I'm of the opinion personally that if people truly want to help the cause they should not be buying dedicated rigs and paying these giant power bills but should instead be donating that same money to research. But given that people do get enjoyment out of it, the two options are not equal, so to each their own.

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Haha, these are all the kinds of answers i was expecting and kind of disappointed. The way i see some people talk about folding i thought it contained the answer to life after they achieved so many points of folding.


Thanks guys for the responses.

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For a lot of people it is entertainment, whether they'd admit it or not. I'm often amazed myself how much people will spend just to "win" at folding. I'm of the opinion personally that if people truly want to help the cause they should not be buying dedicated rigs and paying these giant power bills but should instead be donating that same money to research. But given that people do get enjoyment out of it, the two options are not equal, so to each their own.

I would agree with you if the donated money actually went to help the people in need instead of paying the people that run the place salary's, vacations, cars, christmas etc. I guess the only real way is to go in the hospital and give money to the person in need...

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Sounds like something someone with 87k PPD would say. :lol: I think Verran was saying not donating it to the paitents, but donated to researsh a cure for disease and cancer which would be used properly. That would probably be a better use of the money than running millions of computers 24/7 sucking down power and many of them doing the same work as another - then not even knowing if the data will be greatly useful. All that said I still fold on one or two comps at a time.

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I do it because I had an employee lose their precious little girl. No one should have to go through that. And you never know what is in store for you. As many of us get older the realization is that something will happen to us and if there is a small way that i can use my stuff to help the research rather than send money then I am all for it. Just like anything else it does become addicting once you start. Then you get to a phase where you spend tons of cash on hardware and run it till the circuits start popping in the house and then you moderate and run what you are comfortable with for the duration. Now I do it in the hopes it will provide that little piece of the puzzle to help find some cures for these diseases.

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