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Dont Bump Old Post....


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I guess I owe an apology, for complaining about viperslayer.

Won't happen again.



That's OK...


just let this be a lesson...behavior like this will get you disqualified from the perks of OCC...


The sole reason OCC is what it is and where it is...is because of the members...this is the whole reason the staff of OCC does what they do for the members...for YOU guys...


Abusing the privilege is a good way to make it stop pretty fast...it doesnt take a village idiot to figure that out (well maybe it does)


The point of this thread wasnt/isnt to call anyone out but to drop a subtle hint that wasnt taken the 1st time around...


Please enjoy the Holidays....:)

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To be fair to our guys here though, waco, I sincerely doubt the fact that you are/were a mod on another forum has got ANYTHING to do with such 'butting heads' around here :lol:

Actually it has quite a bit to do with it. I remember arguing about rules and stuff like I had a say in it. :lol:


Well, that, and I can be an butthole. :D

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Actually it has quite a bit to do with it. I remember arguing about rules and stuff like I had a say in it. :lol:


Well, that, and I can be an butthole. :D


My point is proven ... rules are rules. Rules in the USA are different to the UK. I don't try and tell police officers here that I should be able to carry a gun :) Thus, I wouldn't argue with the rules on a different forum, because it only ends in one result - fail.


Goodwin's Law! PROVEN!



Go away, sir! :lol:

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Can't we all just ban each other until there's nobody left?


It would make everything so much easier :lol:




We've all done it before, but as Dr_Bowtie said its a matter of reading the rules and making sure that you obey them.


I'm a hypocrite though because probably quite often I break some of the rules...

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whos lego now?


That would be Suchuwato


By the way it is nice to see D3 posting again I hadn't noticed until just now but it looks like you have been posting again for a while. We can all benefit from your knowledge so I'm glad to see you on here again.

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We've all done it before, but as Dr_Bowtie said its a matter of reading the rules and making sure that you obey them.


I'm a hypocrite though because probably quite often I break some of the rules...



it's no problem....


we were all once greener than broccoli when it comes to good forum etiquette....this is exactly how we learn that etiquette...


I was once this person as well...albeit not near as bad...


setting a goal of being a better person leads to being a better poster as well...it all helps...


Just being a wad and living doesnt really do one justice...lol

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