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Bestes Cooling Ideas


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I saw in a magazine once that someone had taken everything except the drives and psu and dumped them in a basin of oil with all the appropriate connections sticking out. The oil was being moved around by some agitator of some sort, I forget what, but it had more effect than dry ice, water, etc and it's safe as oil doesn't conduct electricity! Kind of sump cooling.

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I saw in a magazine once that someone had taken everything except the drives and psu and dumped them in a basin of oil with all the appropriate connections sticking out. The oil was being moved around by some agitator of some sort, I forget what, but it had more effect than dry ice, water, etc and it's safe as oil doesn't conduct electricity! Kind of sump cooling.

same here, except i saw it online. it was pretty cool and seemed to work fairly well, but they had to worry about leaving their components in too long because the oil can seep into the boards themselves.


although i dont think it'd ever be able to do what dry ice can, as the lowest temp the oil can hit is room temp...

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I've been thinking of using a car air-conditioning condenser and putting it 6feet below ground and using auto antifreeze.

pipping it to my PC with a transfer pump that I could put on a relay coil/switch so when I turn on my PC the pump comes on also. water temp should never get above 58deg f. and in stead of using water blocks I would connect all my heat pipes together and run the water through them, and if I do that the fans that blow on them can be set to there lowest setting rpm. This would at the same time cool all air in my PC being now totally closed off "no new air required" and cool CPU,VGA,Ram and Hard drive.

and that's my plan.


want to keep my PC cool and dust free. and wont be effected much by ambient temps .

been thing of this for years and i think I've got it all figured out.

what's your input?

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Some manufacturers explicitly warn against connecting to mains water supply because the pressure can be too much and warp/destroy the waterblock...

I never knew that, I mean I would have assumed there was a lot of pressure there but that it "could" do that is pretty awesome.

In a literal sense...


A regulator could take care of that tough...

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Well trial and error is a good thing....


they call it the School of Hard Knocks for a reason....


go ahead and try it...what have you really got to lose...?


but I would go with water-block as thats what they are made for...thicker and more stout...blowing a heatpipe in trial and error and wasting a rig isnt my idea of fun...


sometimes you just gotta use Common Sense for these things...

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