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Womans Guide To Geeks


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yeah i am sure none of you brag that you built you own computer to people huh? nope never? girls are always amazed when i tell them that.


I'm am happy to say that NO i have never used anything remotely computer-related to pick up a chick :P but hmm....seeing how i do not have a g/f right now, maybe i should give it a try ;) lol

exactly my point.

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I'm am happy to say that NO i have never used anything remotely computer-related to pick up a chick :P  but hmm....seeing how i do not have a g/f right now, maybe i should give it a try ;)  lol

Quality women like guys that like computers, not the obsessive MMORPG types but the ones who have no delusions about being a geek and are comfortable with it. Chicks dig computers, it can get you chicks. It did for me and she's a keeper.

My new gf is really cool... she can name the internal parts of a comp (that's leagues above the others). She says she finds geekdom sexy. I don't really get it, but hey works for me ;)

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My new gf is really cool... she can name the internal parts of a comp (that's leagues above the others). She says she finds geekdom sexy. I don't really get it, but hey works for me ;)

Congrat's on picking up a quality woman :)


Yeah geekdom is sexy... just look @ American Pie, that hot european chick is looking for 'her' geek and end up with the 'Sherminator'. :lol:


Maybe they're 'attracted' to your mind instead of your body/car/money/Extensive 'Uber' MP3 collection (that ones for you Dig' :Pj/k)

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mayeby half of it applies to me....dont know much about monty python....and im listneing to ying yang twins right now....not even close to techno lol, when im with my gf....i NEVER mention a word about computers. EVER lol...of course im also on my highschool football team that went to the championshipgame (lost) so everyone sees me as a jock so i geuss not a lot of people see me as a nerd lol.

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well neighter did i stay at home to buy new components .. have all what i want :D


but i HAVE stayed at home to watch a movie .. (that the same? )


and i HAVE stayed driving .. when i drove to a partie .. and when i got there i thougt .. why should i ? i'm just ganno drive untill the fuells off .. :D lovely night of cruising :D

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Quality women like guys that like computers, not the obsessive MMORPG types but the ones who have no delusions about being a geek and are comfortable with it. Chicks dig computers, it can get you chicks. It did for me and she's a keeper.

My new gf is really cool... she can name the internal parts of a comp (that's leagues above the others). She says she finds geekdom sexy. I don't really get it, but hey works for me ;)



well i will say, that when i was in college, i DID have a lot of girls talk to me because they knew i knew a lot about computers...it was usually some stupid problem they were having that they wanted me to fix. A couple of times girls i've never met before, would stop by my room and be like "i heard you knew a lot about computers"....lol. it was annoying more often than "cool" though.



and ziggy, i dunno about guys with the most decked out computers getting chicks...i mean, how often does someone see you're computer if you're not in a dorm room. They would have to willingly come over first.

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