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So you think you want to go Windows Vista huh? (part 2, Angry's rant)


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After reading into some articals about Vista and playing around with it I am 100% behind A_G, I DO NOT WANT Vista.

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I hate how most computer companies have forced windows vista on it's most basic users...vista has alot of potential which im sure in about 2 years will be unleashed,but for now,games run like CRAP,no GOOD driver support in sight...750 megs of ram on BOOTUP? come on now,thats just ridiculous...i hate microsoft

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I won't be going to vista.


I don't buy Cd's because I think the RIAA is the devil himself, and here Microsoft had to put in Digital Restrictions Management opps I meant Digital Rights Management.


There is no reason to switch over, it's overly priced dog crap in a pretty package.

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I think I just had a real-life ROFL at this thread :D So well written, like speaking right outta my thoughts! I bookmarked this, so every time I see some n00b talking bout how vista is the bomb and everything, I can link this! Very nice, especially how you rant ;)


I have to disagree on the Linux part a little bit though, I run Ubuntu 5.10 on a P3 500MHz / 128MB / ATI Rage 4MB Laptop, and it found EVERYTHING (including LAN, USB, GFX and so on except Infra-red) without me having to install anything!


Other than that, well put!

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I read your post with interest, angry.

Here is what I say about linux:

If I want a server, I load linux.

I can do everything on linux but play games, so my 'daily driver' is XP pro.

Linux has a lot going for it, like price, security,

Want to run SATA raid 5 in windows? youll need $300-500 or more for a raid card. In linux you can run software raid 5 across sata, pata drives, whatever.... and its not resource hungry like windows servers.

Give me windows server 2003 or something and im lost :eek:

Put me on a linux box and im right at home :angel:

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for the sake of it, i thought id add my two cents worth


Last week I purchased a copy of vista business (didnt see any point in the ultimate version for me).


Deceided to dual boot it with xp to get me comfortable with vista and find any tweaks or issues.


I had one issue with installing which was my overclock (which i havent looked at since) other than that it installed straight away - took about 30 minutes total.


Sat down monday night, installed all my apps on vista on a 25gb partition and migrated over my data and email - no worries with anything except firefox which has known issues (got round this by using firefox portable :D ).


Ive installed Half life 2 and company of heros and supreme commander demo, all of which run much faster than they did under xp for me.


On the drm side of things, I have not encountered any problems play any music, videos or dvd's it just seems to work.


One feature that should be mentioned about vista is the new built in firewall, its essentially an after market firewall with the amount of configuration settings you can check.


Also the network manager is fantastic, every XP, Ubuntu and Mac (GF's) machine at home need the settings manually set or else it cant see my external dns, vista found it on install - didnt have to set a thing (that said I have now for RDP purposes).


Finally - vista picked up every driver for me, i did not need to reach for a CD at all during installation!!!


Im planning to blow away my XP partition over this coming weekend and that will be it for me.


Thats it, me done.



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Wait till you listen to just a plain ripped mp3 with no DRM and see the DRM manager using 3 to 9 percent of your CPU cycles.



True...I wish I knew how to shut the DRM off in Vista...sound quality is really dowm from compared to XP...


the bass is muffled compared to xp...I have xp-pro and xp64 and vista in a triple boot and to tell you the truth xp64 sounds the best...


As for other issues...?


for those of you that have a copy of vista....just try all the versions on the DVD...you can legally try all of them for a maximum of 30days... and it can then be rearmed for a extension

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True...I wish I knew how to shut the DRM off in Vista...sound quality is really dowm from compared to XP...


the bass is muffled compared to xp...


Give the settings in Media Player a through going over before you render a final verdict.


The default setup has SRS WOW turned on which tends to muddy-up the Bass and distort the Mid-High. I've never found a "good" setting for the SRS functions so I keep it turned off.


Besides the high CPU usage I haven't found any sonic degradation of my reference audio tracks at all.

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Thasp you're really oversimplifying Linux setups. There is just no way the average user will find setting up ANY Linux distribution easier than to set up Windows, whether it be for file sharing, as a router or whatever. I remember having to edit fstab just to get my USB drive to automount with certain distros. That should be one of the basic functions an OS should be able to do "out of the box". I'd rather run Mac OS on my PC than Linux as my main OS, if I had to chose between the two, and I've done it before.


Taowulf those are the current retail prices AFAIK, with deals to be found with bundled hardware or software on Newegg, for example.

Well, I respectfully disagree with your statements about Linux distros.


I have been using Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10 for about two weeks. Yes, I don't have a cutting-edge rig any more, but Ubuntu setup all of my components out of the box (so to speak). Not everything works perfectly, but it all works.


It was absolutely no different from installing XP. In fact, it takes me about 25 minutes. My DSL download speeds are better in Ubuntu than in XP, also. This is according to "Speakeasy".


I am one who went from Win95 to XP. There was no reason. I read the same things that are in this thread about Win95B, Win98 and ME. Were they true, ya betcha. I saved a bunch of money and then got XP with my then new computer.


So, as I read all of the press on Vista, I sit back and realize that I will probably never have a chance to review it from a first-person perspective. I simply won't spend the money to be duped. Too much bad press.

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