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"Old Sayings"


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Just dropping by (1) out of the blue (2), to add my nickel-two cents/tuppence (3) etc.

Sorry, had to be done.

Decent ones...


This were all fields

In my day... - for example "...you'd be shot for less."

[Any WW stories in the local]

"Let's blow this fascist popsicle stand!"


Friend who's back in the secure unit again (true, sadly) - It's rabbits out of the hat, mate.

+ Needs must when the devil vomits into your kettle. (Blackadder)

+ I reserve the right to contradict myself.

That's a whole different... - countless ones, ex. " ...kettle of fish."


Literary ones (guess)


I'd sit with a sick parrot tonight.

She was as crazy as two waltzing mice.

They say he's so crooked he crap turds the shape of pretzels.


Delete as appropriate, people.

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You fell out of the ugly tree, and hit every branch on the way down.

LOL. Yep, that's me.


That’s a horse of a different color.


You have to learn how to walk before you can run.


You can kiss my royal a$$.


If you want to play, you have to pay.


It’s time to pay the piper.


If you had a brain, it would be lonely.


Your head is thick as a brick and half as quick.


Have you lost your marbles?


If you keep this crap up, I’ll:

hit you so hard your head will spin.

knock you into next week.

send you to Siberia.


A stitch in time, saves nine. (Ben Franklin)

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not the brightest peanut in the turd....


sphincter says what..?


and to turn the tables...


"A man never stood so tall as when he stooped to help a cripled child"...I always liked that saying....it's from the Shrieners...

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Couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery.


As much use as a chocolate teapot.


She has got a face like a robbers dog chewing a wasp.


If you had brains, you'd be dangerous.


He is not the fastest stepping in the batch.

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I'll beat you like you stole something.

If I had a face like yours, I'd teach my butt to talk

Your as useful as a glass hammer.

You have a face like a well slapped arse.

I would'nt trust you as far as I could throw you.

As happy as a dog with two dicks

Your so ugly you have to be 21 to look at you.

Fit as a butchers dog.

Your just pissin in the wind.

High as a kite / Drunk as a monkey / Dumb as an Ox,

That big girl has more chin's than a chinese phone directory.

Your so tight you squeak when you walk / Tight as a ducks butt

He would roll over his dying mother to hump his sister.

Mouth is as dry as an arabs sandal

Straight as a dogs hind leg.

Do you kiss your kids goodnight with that mouth.

Your confusing me with someone who actually gives a !@#$ <---- personal favourite

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