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The X1900 series overclocking thread

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I don't have any luck with the scanner in AT. One time it will pass speeds that I know aren't stable and the next lock the whole system up at speeds that are 100% stable. Looping 3dMark is how I usually do final testing for stability.

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Yeah, also with 3dmark06, it reverts to default option (500/600), but when ati tool starts the clocks are 575/600. But i made a trick, i use the 3d detection to load the profile with overclock and it works, when the aplication close it reverts to the previous configuration (575/600), so i'm doing just fine

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A little more info on the progress of ATI Tray Tools for x1900 series cards..

A 3d06 run overclocked with the beta version of ATI Tray Tools. Clocks set at 682/824.




Also available is video card data that can be read and displayed by any program that can access shared memory. Only the values are from Tray Tools. The actual displaying of the data is just something I threw together real quick.



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Are you cooling the card with air or water? Either way it's a great overclock. But if it's on air it's outstanding. What voltages are you running and what are you seeing as loaded temps?

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My load temps at around 30C ambient with a maze4 are about 62-64C under 1.5vcore and 2,156 vmem. I'd really like to get a Tyee block.


Maybe I'll redo my FS/FT thread....


745.88 GPU freq

832.50 mem freq


1.5v vGPU

2.151 mvDDC

2.056 mvDDQ

1.580 vDDCI


idle temp: 47C

load temp: 63C

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Haha man I wish I read this thread a yesterday before I started to really go into clocking my 1900xt. With my old 9800 I used ATT and it was easy with the artifact scanner, but seeing the beta ATT isn't relased to the public yet I'm playing with AT which was a PITA but I managed to finally get it working. 0.25 B16 was a breeze to deal with the ati service but no games or 3dmark would run if I oc'ed and I would have to restart, 0.25 B15 wouldn't even let me oc, and now I'm using B14 which orginally I had problems trying to load BF2 after the splash screen thinking it was CPU related when it wasn't.


I'm currently at 720/800, max core I can do is 745 @ 1.525v and no idea what the memory can do since it randomly locks up during the artifact scanner.

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The beta of ATT probably wouldn't work for you guys. Looking at your clocks I'm assuming you're adjusting most or all of the voltages. In it's current form only the GPU voltage is adjustable. This works for me because I can get 820+ on memory at factory voltages. I'll give up some overckocking headroom to have a program that can make all the visual adjustments and handle the overclocking. Another good test for artifact testing with x1900 cards is the Canyon Flight in 06.

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