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Alienware Ad Lol


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I have it someplace


got boxes of crap that I brought home with me :)


t-shirts, polo shirts, posters, mugs, pens, cds (of stuff I'm not even sure what it is/does), my ash tray the I never got to use... things like that came home with me. along with a copy of every peice of worth while software in the lab (sorry kevin no linux)

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yeah i bought my dad an alienware computer but i stole the sandpaper condom from him. figured he'd never use it. still havent had the guts to put it on though. haha sorry. and no, i didnt really buy my dad an alienware computer. :ph34r:

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whaddya mean the operating system adds another $200 bucks??


....oh........i see........tee hee hee :D


then again, whose computer aint a pirate ship....

HA HA HA so true :lol::lol::withstupid:


BTW how did u get that pirate screen? I want mine prsonalized that is so cool.


are there some hidden windows files/ pictures that u can change to personalize it?


please tell me

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alienware systems come with a sand paper condom for the end user.


that case is the same as their old one with stupid plastic shell on it... they cost WAY too much just for the "look". thier warranty is a joke, they put them together poorly (paying some bum in mexico to do the work)


and the keyboard and mouse? you're kidding right? those are your basic run of the mill keyboards and mice with a colored shell on em... alienware can kiss my butt cuz I'd never touch one

i agree with you 100%, about 50% of the time they dont even work correctly. i have 4 different friends that have alienwares and they regret buying them, one of them just bout it 2 months ago, i told him that they sucked and he said "the reviews are good so you are wrong" i said, then go buy it, just dont whine to me about the crappieness of them.......he has already started the whining lol

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I agree totaly. Kids at school just dont wana listen to me though. I already had four people come up to me asking if i want to buy their Alienware. Im like why yah selling it they say because it sucks. I built a computer for a friend and his brother had an alienware i did it half as much and twice as better his brother was really jellous. And he was one of the people who tryed to sell it to me.

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