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9/10 - I love the Brute/KMFDM style artwork & everything is easy to read

its actually KMFDM - Ruck Zuck (the new Hau Ruck 9-track remix single thing coming out in a month or so, and thanks :)


What do you think of one of this?




I like that! Reminds me of Nine Inch Nails' "The Fragile" artwork!



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In fact is a carnivorous plant - Dionea muscipula - with catch in it :)

well, yeah i kinda got that far.. but i meant just the way the colors flow and the lighting and such.. seems NIN-like


oh and jachyra007, i give you a 9/10, i like the picture and i've never seen that font before.. very cool!

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Thanks, not sure where I ended up finding the pic, but the self-quote popped into my head not soon after.


The componet part is in Neverwinter, from the same game, and the description is in Morphine Jack - fun stuff


I'll give you a 9/10 also, I like all the system spec detail - I just dont have enough components worth mentioning, and I need fewer to make mine readable anyway.

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lol dr_bowtie...tell everyone to %$#@%#@ off about your sig


it has all the info you need...sigs are utilitarian at this forum and you DO an EXCELLENT job of helping everyone you can....so neener neener on flowery signature wearing punks lol




Sure thing boss....thats what i am talking about....I'm not all show and no go....I'll leave that for all those sig envy people....;)

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@newguy: hot chick! luv asian girlz.... w00t!

@bowtie: i had flashback of david hasselhoff rocketing on the ocean surface with spongebob and his buddy on his back.... *shiver* the movie is funny, but.... hasselhof??? lol


as for mine, lemme forecasts... hmm..... i bet 9 out of 10 people will comment on my avatar instead of sig lol

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I'm thinking your name should be changed to DeadBeaver. :D


Avatar: 10 - Kinda looks like an animal mafia hit or just some buck-tooth doofus beaver. Hmmmm, similarities are striking...:P


Sig: 10 - Nice job with the heatwave effect.

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@ redbeaver:


well, i am getting a bad feeling when i c ur avatar, hehe so giving a 7

sig deserves a 8 (i am a hard grader)


@ace: avatar = 10 - I believe its the best in this forum

sig: 6

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