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Problems with CFX3200-DR? Post here (merged)


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I installed the drivers that came with my CFX3200 and when I run Avid Xpress Pro HD I get:


Exception: Win32_Mixer_Set_Details_Error


And then Avid closes.


Avid is giving me the "install your soundcard's most recent driver" bit. I did find a version R1.36 Driver dated 4/21/06 for the "Realtek 880(D)" that is, from the best of my understanding, the most recent driver for the ALC882 but that didn't help anything (I think R1.35 or 34 is on the CD).


Now, I know that this is not exactly DFI's problem but that doesn't change the fact that this is probably the best place for me to get some answers.


Any ideas?

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Stick to something tried and true like NF4 original boards and SLI technology...or just use what you have and wait 6-12 months for a mature AM2 platform (AMD's new DDR2 setups), or 4-8 months for a real Conroe setup, which, at this time, will annihilate anything AMD can bring to the table.


Angry: I'm _really_ not trying to pick a fight with you here, quite the contrary you've helped me and many others with your posts. However, I just want to share my experiences that doesn't go along with your opinion above (though this is just one person's experience and I realize we can both be right here).


I've owned the following:


DFI Lanparty NF4 SLI

DFI Lanparty RDX200-CF

DFI Lanparty CFX3200-DR


I got the NF4 SLI and two 7800 GTX 256MB cards at the same time. After fighting for days, I overnighted an Epox SLI board and had everything working hours later. I returned the DFI SLI board.


Shortly thereafter, I got the RDX200 and I bought an 1800XT to go in it. Other than it not wanting to do a reboot via the reset button (always have to do a hard reboot), the RDX200 worked flawlessly for me, including when I got my 1800XT CF Edition.


Most recently, I purchased the CFX3200 and I've not had one single issue. It's running my Opteron 165 at 2.7GHz stock volts on air and my two 1800XT's as I type this. Both my RDX200 and my CFX3200 run my two 1800XT's or my 1900XT flawlessly and I've extremly happy with the performance and image quality.


I eventually sold those two 7800's and bought a 1600XT and a Arcera PCI-E RAID card to go in the ECS SLI rig to be my server.




All that to say that I've had just the opposite experience with SLI vs. Crossfire. I won't dispute that ATI chipsets have had their share of trouble, but it was my impression that DFI's SLI boards had their share too.


The point is that at least one person has had nothing but rock solid experiences with ATI and Crossfire.


Please understand that I'm just trying to share my experiences. If I were trying to pick a fight, I would take issue with you having such resolute certainty that a product that hasn't been released yet is going to annihilate anything AMD has or will have by then. But I'm not going to do that. :)

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cpu-z reading in bios saus 1.34v when I manually set 1.376v in bios. I had to manually set 1.376 b in bios to coonsitantly even boot. I have aces to a Multimeter can someone explain to me where i might check vcore? I would also like ati system manage. I am still using the stock fan but i was able to overclock my 170 to 2.5ghz with the same voltage. 5 hrs prime stable

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Angry Games mate, i actually dont agree with you on Crossfire performance. My rig is performing great. This board is working great for me too - 100mhz higher overclock than on my Expert.


Scores wise im running around 10,400 in 06 16,300 on 05 which is right up their with the highest SLI numbers, and there is more left in these yet. I think these are great scores considering my CPU is only just over 2.9ghz.


Also, value wise, any dual GPU setup is gonna be pricey, but i have to say, compaired to my SLI 7900GTX's this was about £200 cheaper! I have run SLI since it first come out and have had multiple platforms (SLI 6800GT's on Asus A8n, 6800U's & 7800GTX 512's on DFI SLI-DR, and 7900GTX's on my Expert.


SLI is by far the more mature technology (god knows how many hours ive spent wresteling with the ATI tool BETA to get it to overclock crossfire) but the current state of crossfire is no more different to when SLI came out 16 months ago.


Also, clock for clock, these X1900's are beasts and clock for clock i would say they are more than a match for my 7900's.


I agree, its a mission to get this platform going, ive spent a fair few days getting it going, but i expected that, u dont jump on a new technology and expect it to be perfect, it often requires you to get to grips with it, and get your head around. Especially when it comes to DFI boards. But fortune favours the brave as they say and now ive got it going, its great!

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Angry_Games I would def have to agree with MikeMK on this also, I love the ATI cards. My benchies are giving me very good results and I don't even have the right ram in my rig yet, much much more room for improvement, A buddy of mine has the 7900's in SLI and he wishes day in and day out that he went the crossfire way. It's much cheaper and we'll get more out of them preformance wise. Reason your paying more for the green monster cards in SLi is cause your paying for them to put their little logo on the boxes...Now their is biast for ya. Being that your in the red culture, I'd think you'ld go for the red cards.... :^)

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I'm New to DFI, could someone tell if the memtest that is built into dfi is reporting my memory speed correctly? Its just that memtest seems to be reporting my that my memory is operating at 2606MB/s, Surely this cant be right as my old abit av8 struggled to get 2200mb/s (in memtest86+), i benched my memory in sisoft sandra 05 and it gave a score of (5801MB/s) which i know is probably a buffered read/write test.



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I can't say enough about this board, except that it straight up owns. I am not all that experienced with OC'ing and the like, but since January I've had 3 different motherboards and so far this is the best board yet. I am running an X2 3800 at 2.8Ghz with a mere 1.45v and loving it! The only issue I had was with my RAM, but after an hour or two of trial and error in the DRAM settings I was able to get it stable! I finally feel like my quest is over... Well, maybe I will try to squeeze out another 100-150Mhz from my processor... All in all, I have to say Kudos to DFI.

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I'm not here to fight with those of you that enjoy your Crossfire


I am just here to give realistic expectations and real experience with Crossfire technology to those who are on the fence, or those who plan on jamming $1k worth of cards into their rigs




the realistic and experienced answer is stick to Nvidia and SLI for now


ATI will mature as time goes on, and eventually it will be worth the money.


Right now, it is not, unless you are one of those bleeding edge types that just has to absolutely have the latest and greatest.


You've heard Rgone and I warn you all many times about buying the latest and greatest, and a lot of you never bothered to listen and show up here screaming and ranting about how your DFI or your SLI or your Crossfire is a big pile of crap etc etc, when if you had listened to us the first time, you would have just waited until it matured, or you would have went with something that we suggested was a better bang-for-the-buck.



I'm not here to try and tell anyone that enjoys their crossfire stuff that they are wrong and/or stupid.


I'm only here to give a realistic perspective of ATI's latest offerings. I don't just throw the stuff together and run a few benches and play a game or two and then try to declare to everyone that this is the best stuff on earth (something that most of you are guilty of) without realizing all of the pitfalls and bugs and hazards that go along with the latest and greatest (something most of you tend to ignore or forget when you are raving about your 20 billion score in 3dmark06 etc).


You can accept me at my word, or you can think that I am a hater. It doesn't much matter to me.

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It's ok Angry Games, I think you're privvy to far more information than we are. Though I think atm with the advent of Conroe having support only for ATI cards, we can expect an excellent round 2 for ATI, if Intel get it right of course, usually their chipsets seem to fare better. I expect that the 580 chipset will reach maturity during the AM2 launch anyway. Of course this is my opinion and hope...

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well it seems either ATI or DFI or both have been reading this and have finally started complaining



which is good in my opinion



if I don't have the proper hardware to support you customers with, then how can I promote anything?



Let's be honest...if I only have 7800 and 7900 SLI because Nvidia falls all over themselves to make sure guys like me have the latest...and I cannot (and trust me I have tried and tried and tried) get a single ATI video card from ATI...what am I supposed to promote and support?



I surely cannot promote ATI and their products at this time...as I have told you all, if you all buy Crossfire (which, by all the benches I have seen, is as good as Nvdia's offerings, and the X1900 is the best 'single' card on the market as I have said many times even though I don't have one), what happens when you need support?


You get sent to some office in Taiwan where they don't speak very good english, they don't overclock, they don't play video games, they don't test things like rgone and I test things...you get the idea.



Yet when someone comes to us with SLI problems we can help out because Nvidia and their partners supply us with the proper latest-and-greatest pieces of hardware necessary to keep you guys, the paying customers, happy and interested. This is something that ATI just doesn't seem interested in, and now they are angry that I have told everyone here this.




I may sound bitter, but I am not really bitter at all. I am just realistic, as always. I cannot help you if I cannot have experience and knowledge first-hand with the hardware. The hardware that I 'borrowed' isn't very impressive at this time either.



I'm not here to fight with you guys....and I am definitely not here to slam ATI and say they are the worst company ever. Those of you that know me know how much I love all of my old ATI cards. I have an 8500, 8500LE, 9500NP, 9800NP, 9800XT, 9700Pro, X800Pro, X850XTPE. I love all of them.


But no one is buying those cards, and none of those cards will run Crossfire.


I have 6600GT SLI, 7800GT SLI, 7800GTX SLI, and 7900GT SLI now...thanks to Nvidia and their partners.



do you see the difference here for me?





so again, those of you that are happy with your Crossfire setups, you know that your setup is the bomb and that is fantastic. I am happy that you are getting your performance and that you are happy. As i have ALWAYS maintained, it is up to YOU, the computer's owner, to determine if you are satisfied with your system. It is never up to anyone else whether your rig or your overclock or your performance is good or bad.


as raju says, I am privvy to a lot more information that you guys are, but I have not broken any NDA's or made any untrue statements at this time. If ATI is hurt by my statements, they should go ahead and supply me with their best goods and let me retract my statements if their goods prove to be the best.


I am not so proud that I cannot and will not come back and readily admit that my previous statements were wrong and incorrect...but until such a time as my statements can be proven wrong and incorrect...I stand by them, regardless of the trouble my statements will cause me personally (and right now it seems I am in a good deal of trouble...)

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can someone please give some incie on the issue that i raised in my previous post? I would also like some help determining the problem I have. I have set up dram setting in the bios twice now, both slightly different because I thought there might be a problem. I have booted with each of them and ran dual prime for 5 hours+ with no errors. the problem is that i can not even get it to post after I ask it to restart from windows instead of turning off.I aslo seem to have trouble sometimes with it not posting even when I push the the power button from it being off. Other times it boots right up into windows. I have manualy set the cpu voltage to 1.375 (Cpu-z and smartgaurdian report it as 1.34v though) I would really aprreciate the Assistance. I am extremely confused with this oard atm. btw i only have a single 1900xt in atm

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Right now, it is not, unless you are one of those bleeding edge types that just has to absolutely have the latest and greatest.


You've heard Rgone and I warn you all many times about buying the latest and greatest, and a lot of you never bothered to listen and show up here screaming and ranting about how your DFI or your SLI or your Crossfire is a big pile of crap etc etc, when if you had listened to us the first time, you would have just waited until it matured, or you would have went with something that we suggested was a better bang-for-the-buck.



I'm not here to try and tell anyone that enjoys their crossfire stuff that they are wrong and/or stupid.


You can accept me at my word, or you can think that I am a hater. It doesn't much matter to me.


Yup, thats me... always have to have the bleeding edge - but thats the part i enjoy, learning about it all, putting it together. Im not one for the easy life. But then along with that I know exactly what Im getting myself into, and you wont find me coming on here saying "This board is S**t cos i cant do this, or it wont do that" I am quite prepared to learn and put the effort in myself as I have done many times, and usually my persistence pays off. I am also then happy to pass on my experiences to others who are undecided or having problems themselves.


I guess im one of the lucky ones, that can experience pretty much everything at some time, as I said ive had alot of SLI setups, I just wanted something new to play around with, and i dont doubt SLI is great and what nvidia has done is fantastic. For a newcomer I would certainly recommend it over Crossfire, cos its simpler and easier, however, to say crossfire doesnt perform isnt exactly accurate either.


Angry, I certainly dont think you are a hater, and I definately respect the work you do over here for the DFI community, and always consider your views on things. Im just speaking from my own experiences, thats all. :)

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