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My new system

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I got my elbows today; thats why i've got things moving again on my new system build. I've got all my tubing.... tubbed? lol. and my equipment is just held in for tubing the system. i've still got to take the protective paper off the bottom of the blocks, heh. i also have to place some more cool sleeving in critical places. also i have to get some teflon tape and really mount the elbow and original fitting back into the chipset block. the elbow turns out to be a 3/8NPT i didn't kow for sure if they were 1/4NPT or 3/8NPT so i bought both types.


i still need to buy distilled water and ZRSC. then run the 24 hour test, then mount everything into my case and attach the blocks, then use some paper towels incase of leaks and test it for another 12 hours.


then: setup raid0, slipstream raid drivers, burn winxp sp2 with modded files for XX/16 raid0, then win updates, then drivers, then overclocking and monitoring apps..... geez! then i can start playing around


but here's a close up of my modified chipset and vga blocks for them both to fit. i know the chipset doesn't need water, but i already had the block with the kit.








welp, i'm making process. i'll be getting the Newark 4000 tomo! i can't wait to get it running, but i gots all that crap to sort thru first. ...oh well



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in the post above with ExRoadie, i said i wasn't going to use the nv sata raid as it doesn't have a lock

you should read more


the NV 3/4 ports are locked


1/2 are only good for up to 240-ish before they fail to detect (but again, 3/4 is good to any speed, and who needs more than 2 drives in RAID?)


so now it's either the non cpu utilisation PCI Sata II card (for future upgrades also) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...N82E16816102060

and not bother with the onboard Marvel chip , as i won't be using the nv sata raid b/c it doesn't have a lock, or i'll use the onboard Marvel sata raid chip.


now the things i'm trying to get feedback on are:


1. how well does the marvel sata raid0 performace compare to a PCI sata card (which doesn't use the CPU for processing)


2. how much CPU utilisation does the marvel chip use


3. where are the SATA ports that the Marvel chip supports


4. i've only used the sil3114 for raid, how difficult is the Marvel to setup? anything i should know before hand?


5. my sil3114 raid0 64/4 gave me a strange bench in HDTach. it looked like this //////// and the low stream read was like 50mb/s and the high stread read was like 106mb/s, but my average read speed was very low b/c of the oscillation and it ended up reading 65mb/s. very low. so thats why i'm trying to do the research to find out what that is about. i could use HDSpeed and get a consitant 106~110mb/s read stream tho. very strange.


1. The Marvell controller is the same as the NV controller. The PCI sata card you listed is crap. Sorry to say so, but as I explained before, a $59 RAID card is generally pretty crappy compared to the more expensive cards with plenty of onboard memory. You might not think so, but the onboard RAID solutions are almost always better than cheapo PCI RAID solutions. But you can agree to disagree (I've tested a few PCI RAID cards and only the higher-end ones with onboard memory, as I explained in a previous post, are worth spending money on)


2. about as much as the NV controller...people are always somehow worried that onboard RAID solutions are going to eat 25% of their cpu or something but they dont. Generally 1% to 10% (and 10% is pretty far out there...about 5% generally...and you must ALWAYS keep in mind that they only eat cpu power when reading/writing...so after something is loaded or written, the controller is no longer eating cpu power since it has no work to do...which means in a game, the only time the controller eats cpu is during level loading, or if you don't have enough RAM and the game has to constantly cache to the pagefile)


3. 3/4


4. none of them are difficult. You can use the RAID guides/tutorials at angrygames.com that I made for the NF4 Lanparty and Infinity/DAGF NF4 as the NV controller is basically the same except it supports SATA II on the NF4. And before you say anything, the Marvell is really just a bridge for the NVidia. You can run hdd's on 1-4 and they all come up in the same RAID bios as they are all controlled the same. 3/4 are just on a marvel bus instead of the Nv bus.


5. Si3114 sucks.




plain and simple.


it sucks worse than the Si3112A that the older Intel boards and older AMD AthlonXP boards used.


avoid it if you want performance.


Use the onboard 3/4 solution for RAID if you must have RAID


use the onboard 3/4 solution for single drives if you plan on clocking past 240


use the onboard 3/4 solution for RAID for boot OS and the cheapo $59 card for multiple storage drives if you plan on going past 240HTT


or test RAID-0 on 3/4 and then test again on the cheapo card and see which performs better (who knows, that $59 cheapo card might run circles around the Nvidia controller)





anyhow, i need to decide if i should run 64/16 , 16/16 , or 16/4 raid0 and i'll read the links that Exrodie gave me to do my research about that.


big giant huge mega HDD/RAID benchmark thread in teh Software section with a zillion posts...read it thoroughly to see what others have achieved

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yah, i was wondering which ports on the mobo itself were the nv or marvell. but i figured it out as you can see in the pic where my two yellow sata cables are. and i did read about this. i do a lot of reading, please don't tell me i don't. i would read one post stating the opposite of the other and never know which controller is supporting which sata ports. seemed like no one really knew b/c "i've never had that problem with my mobo" but then again, they never ran the nf3 mobo, or it was a foggy thing they remembered having to deal with and don't remember which is what.


i thought that marvell chip look really tiny for a controller chip, lol. so it's the bus lock and not the controller chip lock that is the difference. c00l, thanx, now i've got that strightened out on my head.


oh yah, i knew about the cpu utilization being quit low, but i just wondered if a PCI card would help out during gaming. i'm running 1gig of ram so FEAR might be page filing on me. i know when i ran my raptors in raid0 64/4 HDTach gave me a 5% utilisation.


yah, i never liked how the sil3114 ran for me. i would get bad average raid0 scores in HD Tach b/c the stream read would look like this /////// instead of a steady stream like ----------- that.


whats goingto be a bit tricky is trying to get winxp sp2 to do anything other than 4K cluster.



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Lookin good. Let's see some pics from the other angle with the rad in them.



oh, you wanna see my yuck-a-mess of wires around my rad? lol ...i just shoved 'em in there b/c i've got to take aoart the whole system to finish up the elbow fitting mod and them prime the system and run it for 24 hours.


so, when i get things all back installed you won't see any wires, and if you do, in the up coming months i'm going to UV Yellow wire mesh the exsposed ones.











i need more time to buy the things i want to make a nice finish. more UV stuff and more than one UV round ccfl and i need to get the cool sleeves on all the tubing and other things i want to do but can't think ATM.



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yah, i was wondering which ports on the mobo itself were the nv or marvell. but i figured it out as you can see in the pic where my two yellow sata cables are. and i did read about this. i do a lot of reading, please don't tell me i don't. i would read one post stating the opposite of the other and never know which controller is supporting which sata ports. seemed like no one really knew b/c "i've never had that problem with my mobo" but then again, they never ran the nf3 mobo, or it was a foggy thing they remembered having to deal with and don't remember which is what.


aye most people don't answer good for some reason lol...or they are like me and figure that you've already searched and found that the two ports near the cpu socket are the locked ones (3/4) ;)



oh yah, i knew about the cpu utilization being quit low, but i just wondered if a PCI card would help out during gaming. i'm running 1gig of ram so FEAR might be page filing on me. i know when i ran my raptors in raid0 64/4 HDTach gave me a 5% utilisation.


PCI card won't help nor hinder during gaming (unless it is a really crappy one then it will hinder or constantly use cpu cycles even when not accessing the drives connected to it).


1GB of RAM with FEAR is going to be your problem. The ONLY thing that will cure this is either dropping the gfx settings to the toilet, or moving up to 2GB RAM (I've tested FEAR and Quake4 about 100 ways to Sunday and that is honestly the only cure)


yah, i never liked how the sil3114 ran for me. i would get bad average raid0 scores in HD Tach b/c the stream read would look like this /////// instead of a steady stream like ----------- that.


that's just the crappy nature of the 3114. I never could figure out why we kept using it after the first barrage of complaints against it (and our users showing many a benchmark of the NF2 vs the Abit NF7 NF2 with teh 3112 stomping the hell out of the 3114 on our board lol)


whats goingto be a bit tricky is trying to get winxp sp2 to do anything other than 4K cluster.




here's the easy way (tho it might not sound so easy and it might be time consuming)


install windows on a spare hdd of any size


hook up your RAID drives and create the array in the RAID bios


boot to windows, and go into the Admin controls - Computer Management - Disk Management and then partition and format your RAID array/partitions to the size/cluster size you want


after formatting them (or just the boot drive) then shut rig off, remove spare hdd, go back into RAID bios and make sure your array is bootable, then install XP (and don't format! Xp setup should see the drive as already formatted and just begin to install!)

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We call this the "third world cluster setup". LOL


Works like a champ though!


here's the easy way (tho it might not sound so easy and it might be time consuming)


install windows on a spare hdd of any size


hook up your RAID drives and create the array in the RAID bios


boot to windows, and go into the Admin controls - Computer Management - Disk Management and then partition and format your RAID array/partitions to the size/cluster size you want


after formatting them (or just the boot drive) then shut rig off, remove spare hdd, go back into RAID bios and make sure your array is bootable, then install XP (and don't format! Xp setup should see the drive as already formatted and just begin to install!)

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aye most people don't answer good for some reason lol...or they are like me and figure that you've already searched and found that the two ports near the cpu socket are the locked ones (3/4) ;)

yah, i did some searching, not many 754 nf3 users anymore, found a couple people that weren't sure. then i went to another forum and found the the 3/4 satas were locked, what i wanted to know was which sata ports were controlled by which controller chips (nv or marvell).


PCI card won't help nor hinder during gaming (unless it is a really crappy one then it will hinder or constantly use cpu cycles even when not accessing the drives connected to it).


1GB of RAM with FEAR is going to be your problem. The ONLY thing that will cure this is either dropping the gfx settings to the toilet, or moving up to 2GB RAM (I've tested FEAR and Quake4 about 100 ways to Sunday and that is honestly the only cure)

yah, i have the 1gig TCCD kit. bought it b4 the 2gig PC4000 G.Skill's came out. i'm kinda hoping maybe a top-o-line agp might come out with 512 vRam on it. might help. *shrugs*


that's just the crappy nature of the 3114. I never could figure out why we kept using it after the first barrage of complaints against it (and our users showing many a benchmark of the NF2 vs the Abit NF7 NF2 with teh 3112 stomping the hell out of the 3114 on our board lol)
well, i'm glad i don't have to use the silicon image controller anymore then if that was the issue.


here's the easy way (tho it might not sound so easy and it might be time consuming)


install windows on a spare hdd of any size


hook up your RAID drives and create the array in the RAID bios


boot to windows, and go into the Admin controls - Computer Management - Disk Management and then partition and format your RAID array/partitions to the size/cluster size you want


after formatting them (or just the boot drive) then shut rig off, remove spare hdd, go back into RAID bios and make sure your array is bootable, then install XP (and don't format! Xp setup should see the drive as already formatted and just begin to install!)

yes, i had already read and researched that trick and have already tried it. i can get up to the point of having let's say a 16K cluster formatted from a spare drive, then do a fresh install on my raid0 and then i get the "ERROR CTRL ALT DELETE" message if i use anything other than a 4k cluster. thats what i was trying to tell you about before. that trick will work fine with winxp, winxp sp1, but not with winxp sp2. thats what i'm talking about the problem is.



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