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My new system

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well, i found two NF3 LP-UT mobos after searching the net for three days, today. so i bought both of them for back up b/c DFI is discontinuing the NF3 LP-UT 250GB skt754 mobo.


they're flooding the market place with these ugly have redsigned NF3 250-AL mobos.


so now, i've got my 7800GS coming back from newegg's RMA and two nf3 LP-UT mobos and finally i got a response from Asetek on my pump, some mix up on their end about my "ticket" they call them. but i'll be getting my pump fixed shortly after i get my mobos and my 7800 so things are starting to look up for me.


the nice final touch of the day is my c00l mistress avatar :)



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You actually ended up spending more money than it would have cost to put together a Super sweet NF4 system.
i don't see how, i spent nothing for the 7800GS, i spent $100 for the mobo and my mom, after explaining why it was so hard to find the nf3 mobo, she bought me the second one which would never of happened if i was buying a nf4, i spent 350 on a cpu that does 3200mhz, and thats it.


100 mobo

349 cpu

320 vid card, sold my x800 for $200 and my old burnt out clutch beater car for 150 so the vid card upgrade is for free.


if i were to go nf4.........


150 mobo

300 X2 2.2ghz cpu

120 psu

350 7900GT


and i wouldn't sell my old AGP card since all the systems i have now use AGP.


so... $360 for nf3 and $920 to start a nexgen system that is already going to be scrapped by this june for the AM2. i figure if i have to spend all that money on a 939, which i'd not beable to run at 3200mhz, it would be a total waste as the AM2 i'd have to buy another new mobo, cpu, ddr2 mem.


so the way i see it, i spent a little to maximize my AGP/PSU system and i'll have a 7800 vid card a gig of ram that does 460 2-2-2, and a cpu that does 3200+mhz.


seems right smart to me.


then i'll have this system that will get somewhere around 7000~7500 in 3D05 with SM3.0 and HDR and i'll be sitting pretty saving my money for the AM2 940 Dual Core HTT667, DDR2-667, PEG x16, PSU with 24pin and PEG x16 power plugs.


yup, makes good sence. if i spend a little now to bump up AGP performance, i'll have that much more money saved up to get the new AM2 system.



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Let me know when you are all set up and we will do some comparisons. You know I just came out of a 3ghz NF3 setup to this NF4 setup. There is a bit of difference. ;) I wasn't trying to be an butt to you TGM. If 939 is on it's way out then you can pretty much make the argument that 754 is a dead dog as well as AGP. As far as AM2, until it actually comes out and is a decent platform, more than likely a chipset revision down the road, I'm not even going to give it a thought. I may be back to using Intel by then, who knows.

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if you've seen the initial benches of the next-gen Intel cpu, you too will be excited by it


I will definitely use the new Intel chip if it stays on teh same performance level or better than the initial test chips (ie they smash an FX-55 at teh same cpu mhz in almost every test/bench).


there's nothing wrong with liking or using Intel as long as it is as good and as much bang-for-the-buck as AMD.

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Let me know when you are all set up and we will do some comparisons. You know I just came out of a 3ghz NF3 setup to this NF4 setup. There is a bit of difference. ;) I wasn't trying to be an butt to you TGM. If 939 is on it's way out then you can pretty much make the argument that 754 is a dead dog as well as AGP. As far as AM2, until it actually comes out and is a decent platform, more than likely a chipset revision down the road, I'm not even going to give it a thought. I may be back to using Intel by then, who knows.
no, i hear ya.. it's just that i already have the neccessities for AGP so i just went with that and decided to wait for the new AM2 and then when we find out tried and true equipment with that platform i'll have the money saved up and the prices won't be as high.


i can't afford much all at once, i'm on a fixed income and it's not jutifiable to go with a whole new platform base when i can just get some good clocking and AGP performace parts and wait for the nexgen stuff. it gives me time for saving up my pennies.



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if you've seen the initial benches of the next-gen Intel cpu, you too will be excited by it


I will definitely use the new Intel chip if it stays on teh same performance level or better than the initial test chips (ie they smash an FX-55 at teh same cpu mhz in almost every test/bench).


there's nothing wrong with liking or using Intel as long as it is as good and as much bang-for-the-buck as AMD.

Intel and AMD for me ...not AMD or Intel. i've been running both platforms for years now. same goes for graphics cards.


but ya AG, i've seen the .65µ nexgen Intel cpus running 6.5ghz on air and stock hsf! w0w.


i'll buy what ever is the fastest at the time. deciding between AMD's or Intel's nexgen platforms. i just need time to watch the early adopters so i can spend my money well since i haven't go alot to spend.



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