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G.Skill HZ/Any other UCCC (2x1024) 260+ please post here


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If I actually knew what the definition of a cold boot problem is, I may know if I have had it, and overcome it or not :D LOL!


I do know I have had a lot of times where the machine remains black... beeps long, then does nothing. usually this requires me to clear cmos, because yanking power for a minute or two doesnt appear to help. Is this what a cold boot problem is? Or do you mean, its too 'cold' literally... lol, which I find to be pretty hard to understand why tempurature has anything to do with it.

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yes, you are experiencing cold boot issues and most likely it is due to your seasonic s12-600 psu - take a peek at nf4 section and you will see an active s12 thread. Rma ur psu is my advice!

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The first set of ram was bad I have a new set and I will have the overclock soon working out the max.


And I have a set with the 3-5-5-10 SPD I was wondering if you could add a ine at the top of your chart for what cpu-z shows as the SPD so we can see if the old is better then the new.

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I don't know about that. I mean, the machine never had a 'cold boot' for the time I had been using it and messing with OCing the CPU. All of a sudden, when I hit a wall with these wimpy RAM, I get a cold boot. To me, logic dictates that it was the RAM causing the dead behavior... not my PSU. As the machine acts fine when I bring the ram down below 255mhz.

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my cold boot problem is this, and i hope this is a definition of a cold boot that some are having. whenever i turn the pc on, the bios post screen would show and then hang there. so i would see the cpu type, the size of rams and that's it. no dmpi updated or backup cmos OK whatsoever. what i end up doing is hit the reset button or completely power off and power back on. i have no try the yellow slots yet, but i don't see why the orange slots would be a problem. nealh, any updates from you bro? i hope my problem is the same as yours? :).

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Finally managed to get stable setups from these things. The lowest timmings I can get are 3-4-3-7 @ 241MHz, and the highest OC is 270MHz with timmings of 3-5-5-10. All this is at a 1T command rate and 2.6V (higher voltages didn't seem to give any extra stability).

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my cold boot issue...turn on PC..It will post top line of Bios...AWARD BLAH, BLAH and either hang or reboot..


if I get to cpu ID and ram amount..I boot and run fine


My ram has blend for 4.5hrs at 2600/260 ram 2.6v 3-4-3-8-1t...I stopped it to test other settings


I personally think it has to do with 704-2BTA bios and my mobo

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ooz: Thank you for doing this!


OCZ UCCC Ram in Sig: 3d/01/03/05/06, SP 32M, OCCT, Dual Prime 10+, game stable.


Ultra-D 6/23/05 (623-1)

FSB - 255

LDT - Auto

CPU/FSB Ratio - x10

Vcore - 1.456 (1.400 x 104%)

LDTv - 1.20

CHPv - 1.5

vDIMM - 2.7


DRAM Frequency Set - 200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command Per Clock (CPC) - Enable

CAS Latency Control (Tcl) - 3.0

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd) - 04 Bus Clocks

Min RAS# active time (Tras) - 08 Bus Clocks

Row precharge time (Trp) - 03 Bus Clocks

Row Cycle time (Trc) - 12 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc) - 14 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd) - 02 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt) - 03 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref) - 3120 Cycles

Write CAS Latency (Twcl) - 01

DRAM Bank Interleave - Enabled


DQS Skew Control - Auto (Disabled)

DQS Skew Value - 0

DRAM Drive Strength - Auto (Normal)

DRAM Data Drive Strength - Auto (Level1= 50% reduction)

Max Async Latency - Auto (8.0ns)

DRAM Response Time - Fast

Read Preamble Time - Auto (6.0ns)

IdleCycle Limit - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass - 16 x

Bypass Max - 07 x

32 Byte Granularity - Disable(4 Bursts)

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my cold boot issue...turn on PC..It will post top line of Bios...AWARD BLAH, BLAH and either hang or reboot..


if I get to cpu ID and ram amount..I boot and run fine


My ram has blend for 4.5hrs at 2600/260 ram 2.6v 3-4-3-8-1t...I stopped it to test other settings


I personally think it has to do with 704-2BTA bios and my mobo



wow that's almost the exact same problem i have. it's not a consistent problem, but a problem nonetheless. sometimes, when i turn the pc on after coming home from work, it would boot up fine. then i'll play a game or do something else and reboot. that's when i'll have the cold boot problem. also whenever i change something in the bios, i get the cold boot freeze :(. it's getting annoying. should i go back to bios 623-2? what's the best bios for these new pc4000 memories? thanks in advance.

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