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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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I make enough to not apply for welfare and/or food stamps


enough to do the things we love since we've made some sacrifices to cut other things out of our lives that we don't need.


I would bet that out of the adults here who have finished high school and college, 85% or more of you make more than I do.


I'm not jealous or angry. I love what I do even if I don't make diddly-squat. One day a company will come along and realize that I'm the perfect guy for them and will pay me what I am worth...in the meantime...I keep doing what I do.


I did say "if you don't mind me asking". The reason is it is one thing to say you do not have those things because (for whatever reason - I am not judging) you don't have the means (well, I mean means as in discretionary income because anyone can get stuff on credit but that is not too smart) verses not having those things because you have the money available but you just don't want them. I was in teh later position for many many years and can commiserate but once things changed I did not see any sin in treating myself and my family. Don't get me wrong, material possessions are just that and are by no means the most important thing in life.


I don't see any big deal with telling someone your approximate income range (well, I would not tell my employees of course) on the intraweb. Now Angry, can you PM me your account numbers and pin numbers as well please. I am a Sultan in Nigeria who cannot access directly my expansive wealth. If you send me all your bank information I will surely pay you millions and trillions of dollars in return once I transfer all my countries money to your bank account.

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some people think we are rich because we play hockey, have season tickets to hockey, momma goes to school and doesn't work during schoolyear, I have a nice guitar, etc



it isn't because we are rich


we are not even really considered middle class...maybe lower middle class



we can do these things because we choose to sacrifice other things...like a mortage payment, car payments, etc. We don't go to bars, we don't buy the things we don't need just to have 'status' with friends (not having friends is also a good way to save money). We don't have children either, so we'll always have enough money to live comfortably lol.


most people it seems can't learn to sacrifice. they have to have it all.


we don't have a single credit card. If we cannot afford it, we don't buy it. Period. We have purchased a total of one 42" television on credit. We paid it off a year early and have never bought anything else on credit.


We eat healthy. We eat at home instead of restaraunts. We buy good whole grain organic or natural foods. We don't eat a lot of junk food. We don't drink soda. We are ok with this and honestly don't miss it at all. This is another huge area we save a lot of money from cutting out of our lives.


now that I don't smoke that is another $300-$600 a month saved.


if i could just kick my starbucks habit...

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if i could just kick my starbucks habit...


Ewwww... Starbucks? Their coffee isn't even good... much cheaper to pick up a $10 coffee grinder and some whole beans from your local place that sells whole bean coffee. Invest in a good coffee maker and/or an espresso machine and you've got WAY better than Starbucks for overall MUCH cheaper!


I guarantee you'll be MOST pleased with the extra effort it takes to kick Starbucks for better home made coffee... :nod:

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Ewwww... Starbucks? Their coffee isn't even good... much cheaper to pick up a $10 coffee grinder and some whole beans from your local place that sells whole bean coffee. Invest in a good coffee maker and/or an espresso machine and you've got WAY better than Starbucks for overall MUCH cheaper!


I guarantee you'll be MOST pleased with the extra effort it takes to kick Starbucks for better home made coffee... :nod:


Ditto. We have two of these (one decaf and one high octane) and they rawk.





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some people think we are rich because we play hockey, have season tickets to hockey, momma goes to school and doesn't work during schoolyear, I have a nice guitar, etc



it isn't because we are rich


we are not even really considered middle class...maybe lower middle class



we can do these things because we choose to sacrifice other things...like a mortage payment, car payments, etc. We don't go to bars, we don't buy the things we don't need just to have 'status' with friends (not having friends is also a good way to save money). We don't have children either, so we'll always have enough money to live comfortably lol.


most people it seems can't learn to sacrifice. they have to have it all.


we don't have a single credit card. If we cannot afford it, we don't buy it. Period. We have purchased a total of one 42" television on credit. We paid it off a year early and have never bought anything else on credit.


We eat healthy. We eat at home instead of restaraunts. We buy good whole grain organic or natural foods. We don't eat a lot of junk food. We don't drink soda. We are ok with this and honestly don't miss it at all. This is another huge area we save a lot of money from cutting out of our lives.


now that I don't smoke that is another $300-$600 a month saved.


if i could just kick my starbucks habit...



We got where we are because of sacrifice. Granted not everyone can do the same thing and we are lucky. My point is that spending varies with income. So one person's spending would seem extreme but then if you look at income differences you might see the reason for the differences.

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Ewwww... Starbucks? Their coffee isn't even good... much cheaper to pick up a $10 coffee grinder and some whole beans from your local place that sells whole bean coffee. Invest in a good coffee maker and/or an espresso machine and you've got WAY better than Starbucks for overall MUCH cheaper!


I guarantee you'll be MOST pleased with the extra effort it takes to kick Starbucks for better home made coffee... :nod:



no one has better coffee than Starbucks in my opinion my friend


I buy only whole bean premium coffees from Starbucks and grind them at home


I don't want an espresso machine in my home. I want to go to starbucks and get my Venti Iced Mocha or whatever else I decide I want when I don't want to brew my own premium starbucks coffee at home.

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no one has better coffee than Starbucks in my opinion my friend


I buy only whole bean premium coffees from Starbucks and grind them at home


I don't want an espresso machine in my home. I want to go to starbucks and get my Venti Iced Mocha or whatever else I decide I want when I don't want to brew my own premium starbucks coffee at home.


Think of how many people have to choose between a Venti Iced Mocha and gas not to mention all the starving children in Appalachia.


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I dont find Starbucks to be the big evil corporation that some claim them to be


and more importantly...neither momma nor I have EVER been in a Starbucks where one of the employees wasn't bright and cheerful and happy to be serving us.


Sounds far fetched I am sure but it is true...all Starbucks we have ever been in have been clean and the employees extremely friendly and helpful.


I totally dig Starbucks and I totally dig their offerings and the quality of their coffee.


If children starve and SUV soccer moms cannot afford gas then maybe they should sell those SUV's drive something like a hybrid.

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Guest caffeinejunkie

whats your opinnion on the Highlander series and am I the one?

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I totally dig Starbucks and I totally dig... the quality of their coffee.

Sorry but that made me sad, but don't pay attention I'm just from the number one country in consumption of coffee per capita, and I'm no talking about litres but kilos of pure coffee beans.

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I hate Starbucks because they are so full of .. Take one quick look at the ol' CEO's false veneer of cheerful crap for once... That by itself was enough for me to forswear Starbucks. (Which is also easily maintained because SB coffee is only passable at best.)

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