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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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For Happy & Momma both:


Favorite nightspot downtown...


House of Blues

Old Chicago

Tom Grainey's

Morrison Center (not throwing rocks, I like that one too)

Steelheads@the Grove

or you name it.



I will confess that in a former life, I worked the door at Graineys. Hey, I have kids, and it fit good with my day job schedule-wise. ;)

dont have a house of blues


Old Chicago is killer pizza


never heard of Tom Grainey's


never been to the Morrison Center (but we'll be there to see Carlos Mencia)


Steelheads = hockey so you know we'll be there




we arent into bars or nightclubs. we don't go to those places.


we are going to be learning how to dance classic ballroom dancing, and latin ballroom dancing like salsa etc come this August. We'll learn a bit of swing too hopefully (in case we end up at a sock hop haha)

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how do you feel driving a pile o' junk?

a pile o junk is relative to the person who is driving it, not who is looking at it and does not own it.


our piles of junk are paid for and reliable.


they don't require a monthly payment


they don't require monthly repairing


they get decent to excellent gas mileage


they both have A/C for the summer


they both have working heaters for the winter


while it would be nice to drive a new Honda Accord Hybrid V6, that would mean $300+ monthly payments and our insurance would more than double every month, meaning about $500 or more a month in payments that we right now use for other things.


Until the cars die...we'll keep driving them.


Cars and houses and children and toys are not status symbols. If they are status symbols to you, then I guess your ego is bigger than ours. We have the things we enjoy. We don't have all of the latest brand new gadgets like iPods, 2.4Ghz cordless phones, plasma tv's, riding lawn mowers, etc.

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a pile o junk is relative to the person who is driving it, not who is looking at it and does not own it.


our piles of junk are paid for and reliable.


they don't require a monthly payment


they don't require monthly repairing


they get decent to excellent gas mileage


they both have A/C for the summer


they both have working heaters for the winter


while it would be nice to drive a new Honda Accord Hybrid V6, that would mean $300+ monthly payments and our insurance would more than double every month, meaning about $500 or more a month in payments that we right now use for other things.


Until the cars die...we'll keep driving them.


Cars and houses and children and toys are not status symbols. If they are status symbols to you, then I guess your ego is bigger than ours. We have the things we enjoy. We don't have all of the latest brand new gadgets like iPods, 2.4Ghz cordless phones, plasma tv's, riding lawn mowers, etc.



What is your annual income if I might ask?

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What is your annual income if I might ask?

I make enough to not apply for welfare and/or food stamps


enough to do the things we love since we've made some sacrifices to cut other things out of our lives that we don't need.


I would bet that out of the adults here who have finished high school and college, 85% or more of you make more than I do.


I'm not jealous or angry. I love what I do even if I don't make diddly-squat. One day a company will come along and realize that I'm the perfect guy for them and will pay me what I am worth...in the meantime...I keep doing what I do.

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You mentioned "a company"


If it was your decision what company/job would this be?


Yeah HG...What do you want to be when you grow up???? (hopefully none of us ever truly grow up and become grumpy old farts ;) )

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You mentioned "a company"


If it was your decision what company/job would this be?


it would have to be a company like DFI that allows me to work when I decide to work (and they would already know my results are positive....just look at this forum and how well DFI has done since I've started working for them doing support and now promoting....and OCZ...and DangerDen...etc)


It would have to be a company that paid me a heck of a lot more than DFI pays me lol.


Honestly I rather like doing for myself instead of answering to some schmoe in a corporate office somewhere.


You'd have to offer me a good job with good pay and good incentives to get me to accept it.


I already KNOW I am successful and positive and will make anyone I work for successful. There's no question or argument there. I've been successful in every job I've had because I am confident, intelligent, and I have what it takes to make even dog turds sound like something you want to buy and tell your friends about so they will buy also.


A company will have to show me they are ready to accept a guy like me and make it worth my while.








which is probably why no company has come knocking at my door yet ;)


plenty have, including DFI's direct competitors in the mobo market...but not a single one has really offered me what I am after (and to be honest, since all of the mobo makers are Chinese, they don't and won't offer any serious wages)

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Yeah HG...What do you want to be when you grow up???? (hopefully none of us ever truly grow up and become grumpy old farts ;) )

a grumpy old bastard who yells at stupid kids and complains to momma about dirty slutty girls who get pregnant and it serves them right except my damn taxes end up paying for their little snotnose brats they have because they couldn't keep their legs closed or god forbid just go get some birth control








something to do with hockey?







I ain't growed up yet, and I don't ever plan to growed up.

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