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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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And since someone mentioned marriage, I wanted to pass on a little interesting tibit I found on NPR the other day. Here's a link to a story about diamonds and the darker side of what goes into getting them:




I knew before that the diamond industry was pretty much evil but I had no idea that diamond weren't rare before I heard this. I don't want something that millions of people were killed for on my finger and I don't care if its what we are supposed to have when we get married or engaged. I am perfectly happy with a sapphire or emerald or something just as beautiful. Diamonds aren't forever and they are hyped up by the De Beers diamond cartel so that they can promote apartheid in South Africa.


Anyways, happy says I don't share enough of my rants so i guess I will throw this one out there.

you should really listen to this on NPR (I just listened to it myself, but I already knew most of hte backstory on diamonds)


she says she doesn't want a diamond engagement ring, so I won't get her a diamond (I'm ok with it because it is what SHE wants).


I did remind her that everyone else would be horrified that she didn't get a diamond, and she basically said what I always think... "they can all go %@#$#@ themselves if they think I am interested in what THEY think about me"




I've taught her well, Obi-Wan

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lol at least you moved to a great place (NL)


not that Vancouver, WA is bad...if there's one place we want to live in the USA, it is Portland/Vancouver


but Canada or NL is the real place we want to live...unfortunately I'd pick Canada simply for the fact that hockey rules up there...but prostitution and other things are legal in certain parts of NL so that ALMOST makes NL the winning choice

I love the grate nothwest never been anywere but WA , ID,OR,Calif

and NV. And as soon as we can get this finnished We are heading to Canada Too. Its my love of stealhead fishing that takes us there.


Now to pop the question to momma? And ya got to be truthful K

Are you gonna have a baby travis?

Is this what this is all about ?

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but prostitution and other things are legal in certain parts of NL so that ALMOST makes NL the winning choice
yeah but you know what . it not a big deal here so you dont see much of it here yeah theres red lite distreact here and you can walk into any coffee shop and pull up a chare and say amm think all try one of those lol That be 25 cents sir :D and we ant talking coffee ;)

But the hipe you see in the states were your told you cant do it . thats make everyone do it . ant here. Now on the bad side . you wont to live back in the 50s? then by all means move here. And from reading you. your way to picky like me to stay here. these people have no expectaions. You paint someones room and only paint half of it and tell them they have to paint the other half. they say OK and pay you anyways. thats what they expect. I have not seen one person with any pride im there work here. I guess my attutude would be differrent if i could work here.Im spoiled . But I spoiled myself iI allways had more money then i needed working as many jobs as it took. but here i cant and never had to see this side of life

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you should really listen to this on NPR (I just listened to it myself, but I already knew most of hte backstory on diamonds)


she says she doesn't want a diamond engagement ring, so I won't get her a diamond (I'm ok with it because it is what SHE wants).


I did remind her that everyone else would be horrified that she didn't get a diamond, and she basically said what I always think... "they can all go %@#$#@ themselves if they think I am interested in what THEY think about me"




I've taught her well, Obi-Wan



say you give her a diamond flower pin... then give her a DFI logo (diamond flower international)

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If I remember the story correctly they were originally Diamond Flower International. Probably didn't hurt much when they were concentrating on oem m/b and daughter boards in the early days.


But it sure would be hard to sell enthusiast class m/b's with a company name like Diamond Flower :)


The current moniker probably fits their business plan alot better. At least "design for innovation" sounds kind of tech saavy.


AG / Momma - no question, just a big kudos to two people who have obviously found their soulmates and were willing to look outside of the box to make it happen.

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why do i see so many people that hate McDonalds?I dont eat much fast food( once every 2 months if im lucky)Is their food bad or something?The only bad press i heard about McDonalds is that they keep coffee at a higher temperature which result in

old lady+coffee(MD style)+spill+skin graph=MONEY lawsuit

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why do i see so many people that hate McDonalds?I dont eat much fast food( once every 2 months if im lucky)Is their food bad or something?The only bad press i heard about McDonalds is that they keep coffee at a higher temperature which result in

old lady+coffee(MD style)+spill+skin graph=MONEY lawsuit


McDonald's food is just terribly unhealthy and not that any business should be blamed for making Americans fat, eating there isn't the best choice. The one thing that irks me about McDonald's is their way of marketing to children. I listened to this thing on the Commonwealth Club of California meeting (I would provide a link the the story but I can't find it on their website) where a speaker came and talked about how McDonald's fashioned their marketing strategies around Disneyland's because Ray Croft (founder of McD's) and Walt Disney were close friends. This means that Disney characters and the like are used to tell children that they should eat this food even though its about the worst thing for them. Anyone remember that Willard Scott was the first Ronald McDonald? Did you know he was fired because he was too plump? And have you ever noticed that Ronald McDonald is never actually eating the food in any of the commericals he appears in? McDonalds presents themselves as a fun place for kids to go and eat while its the worst thing for them. Its sad that we have the most access to so many different varieties of food yet we chose for our children to stuff them full of fries and chicken nuggets.


We are a nation of malnutritioned people because we chose to eat at places like McD's while we should be staying at home cooking our own meals. We should actually all do like you and only eat their once every couple of months instead of every other day.

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Another question for Happy and Momma...


What do you think of virtue as a higher concept... I know you consider honesty and tolerance some of the greatest virtues, but what sort of ways should people be in order to better society? In other words... What is your idea of a perfect human being (even though we know that such a thing doesn't exist aside from Jesus whom you've already stated as "cheating")?

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Another question for Happy and Momma...


What do you think of virtue as a higher concept... I know you consider honesty and tolerance some of the greatest virtues, but what sort of ways should people be in order to better society? In other words... What is your idea of a perfect human being (even though we know that such a thing doesn't exist aside from Jesus whom you've already stated as "cheating")?




there's no such thing as 'perfect' because what might be perfect for me, might be an abomination for you


I watched a lot of twilight zone as a kid and young adult, and I always appreciated the 'moral of the story' that each little episode had (and so did Outer Limits and other shows like that).


some guy wanted to be the only guy on earth because everyone was . him off and getting on his nerves


so he got his wish


uh oh...now his wife was gone, all his friends gone, there was no one around left to talk to at all...the earth was truly devoid of any human life except him





or even the Terminator right...we invent AI (artificial intelligence) and we teach it all kinds of things like this is good, this is bad, protect humans, etc....but then in a twist of fate, the machine thinks that to protect the humans, it has to basically nuke them into the dark ages because they are always killing each other.



you know...just odd things like that...you should ALWAYS be careful what you wish for



I mean, a perfect human would probably be some Jesus-like character who never did anything wrong (and so we'd %T@$@# hate him and chase him around town throwing rocks at him because no one likes a smart-butt who can do no wrong....right?), never said anything wrong, was the most boring mofo ever born, etc.



My version of 'perfect' and your version of 'perfect' are two totally different things, even if 99% of them are the same things, that 1% difference would be the breaking point and we'd end up at war because I'd say "hookers are stupid...we don't need them" and you would shoot back at me from behind the covered wagon with "bs!! Hookers are our god-given right!!!" and it would always be hate over this one thing...because when something is perfect for you, there's no room for compromise...or else it wouldn't be perfect...!






I suppose my vision of utopia (which is slightly less fantastical than perfection) would be a society that was more like some European cultures...where they are accepting that people are *gasp* different...but you know...there's plenty of faults with that (such as those that msmolt pointed out a few posts back, as well as plenty of others).


I guess tolerance and understanding with a good dose of liberal conservatism...but see, that is such a contradictory vision that my nose just started bleeding haha.




I honestly don't know what it would take to be a 'better society'


I think I do, but I probably don't. Just like you think you do...but you can't please all of hte people all of the time.


and some people...just cannot ever be happy with what they have...

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