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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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Sorry to hear about your mom. :( I used to visit my best friend in Salem, OR when I was in the Army in 'Frisco 20-odd years ago. I really liked Salem - the feel of the town . How does Boise compare I wonder? That last part was perfect - I imagined Drago's accent in my head the whole time. Perfect! LMAO It also made me think of the movie about the '80 US Olympic team. I graduated from hi school that year and remember watching them win. :D

the woman I was with right before Carly (the one that I stole Jackie the cat from when she moved out!) was from Salem, and I remember spending probably 45 out of 60 days in Salem/PDX visiting her and other friends before she finally moved over to idaho (and absolutely hated it)


Salem...was (and probably still is lol) a dump. Sorry, but it is a dump in my eyes. Yuk.


The statehouse and other stuff is really cool though, so its not a total loss, but I could never live there.


And on top of that, it rained 44 out of the 45 days it seemed sheesh


But now we live in Boise and Boise is like a mini-Portland...freakin raining all damn winter here...

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Where does the white in the snow go when it melts?


Or if rain is so clear why does it urn white when it freezes...?


I don't see a problem with AG's and momma age difference...(from the 1st page of question)


I my self am 34 and my wife is 25....we also met on the internet...she lived in Texas... I went to meet her and she moved here to Indiana with me.... we now have 3 chilrdren together...We will bw married for 1 year on Feb 14 (valentines day) we have been together since september 15....4 days after WTC bombing.....

the first two questions can easily be answered by Google lol


(my opinion has nothing to do with scientific fact other than Science is believable and religion has no place in telling us how things work...it is for moral teachings, not how animals and plants have evolved through the millenia)


some people really freak out about our 10 year age difference...I just shrug and walk away because they are idiots. Love knows no age (you know though, a 14 year old and a 30 year old is just not cool so I should rephrase and say "adult love" knows no age lol)

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Why is Morrowind Elder Scrolls III such a cool game ?


Why did I recently find a copy in the 100's of games I acquired and get addicted to it ?


When and how do you beat the internet ?

Elder Scrolls is ok...I played it a lot on the Xbox and even a little on the PC, but I got bored of it rather quickly I guess.


I do tend to pick up a lot of old games and replay them (Shadowrun for Sega Genesis...Fallout for PC...)


I used to have a kick-butt picture of the Internet's End-Boss but I lost it =(

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i realized if something is gonna happen it will happen on it's own. if not then atleast i have a friend. she kept texting me last night when i was out with my new g/f. eventually she told me she was in town and wanted to talk. well she came by and we talked and i tried hard to resist but i just couldn't do it. she couldn't keep her hands off of me and eventually it led to us sleeping together. we r both seeing other people and you think you're doing good until you see/hear from the other person and then u just melt like butter. and the durn mixxed signals r driving me crazy. i know we aren't getting back together but she acts like we r together (in many ways) and she just can't keep her hands off of me. i guess for now i'll deal with a casual friendship. but eventually i have to put a stop to it. i mean the . is great (OMG) and everything but it's not fair to my new g/f (and obviously i'm not gonna tell her) it's just so hard to say no to some1 u care about so much.


one thing she said to me is she's gad she can talk to me and i not get upset. and also that i can talk to her and her "try" not to get upset.


just thought i'd tell u what was going on

you play a dangerous game kimosabe


how do you feel after sleeping with the ex when you go back and hang out with the new gf?


pretty awful hopefully!




I'm not really too preachy. As I said, I went through the exact same scenario almost to the letter once before. It sucks.


Best thing you can do is just let the cards fall where they may, which kinda sucks since you have a new gf that you are going to hurt pretty badly if she really likes you...or you can buck-up and make a stand and put everything on the line and tell it like it is etc to the ex and let her know "look, I got a gf right now...if you and I are not going to be together again, just sleep with each other casually, then I have to know so I can let the new gf know I am not serious with her, or I can tell you to stop touching me because it will end up hurting someone else and you must respect the fact that I don't like nor want to end up hurting yet another person who is innocent and caught in the middle of us"




or you can say STFU ANGRY YOU LOSER hehe

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no i appreciate the advice. now i gotta find out what i want. i mean i don't want to stop sleeping with her but i also don't want to hurt the gf. i totally understand what you are telling me. but i guess i need to be a man and stand up to my ex and tell her no. because i do like this new girl but i don't know if that's what i want uggggggghhhhh stupid life has to be so comlicated.



and yeah i feel horrible about what i did.

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We both grew up in Idaho (southern Idaho near Nevada border)


Twin Falls? Pocatello?


Came back only long enough to see my mom and dad before going on to Portland. Unfortunately, 6 days after I came back, mom broke a hip and was diagnosed with bone cancer, and I stayed to take care of her.


I can't tell you how awesome that is, it says a lot about you!! I cherish my mother and when she passes it will be devastating to me! Both my parents have serious health problems also, and dad is totally disabled so we moved in with my parents to take care of them.


Right before she passed, I met Carly (momma heh...we met online at Yahoo! so my previous post about social sites is relevant again!), and we decided that after my mom passed on we'd move up to Boise so she could finish her last 2 years of college.


I also met my partner on yahoo, we've been together five years as of Nov 31 '05. We have been 'married' for almost four years and could not be happier.


I love momma's posts; you found a real gem, congrats!!



I grew up in a town about 30 miles SW of Twin Falls of about 120 people called Castleford. So yeah I am hick farm girl.

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I think we should hang out ;).

sounds like a plan, us girl geeks gotta stick together, right? lol ...maybe sometime an IM chat would be c00l. :)



or, how do you think gravity will behave at a sub atomic level? will quatum physics ever tell how gravity will work with all the quarks flying around? will we be able to use quatum gravity to propel our cars without wheels and long dividing destructive cement death roads so that our little fury creatures won't have to dodge our meat crunching death metal cars?


and when do we get to use our own avatars?!?! lol



so now, what about quatum gravity and our future of transportation? AG? anyone? opinions?


and the custom avatars? when?!? lol ...how many posts?



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sounds like a plan, us girl geeks gotta stick together, right? lol ...maybe sometime an IM chat would be c00l. :)




so now, what about quatum gravity and our future of transportation? AG? anyone? opinions?


and the custom avatars? when?!? lol ...how many posts?




My yahoo address is in my profile if you wanna add me cause we do have to stick together. Its a lonely, smelly world for us geeky girls, hehe.

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or, how do you think gravity will behave at a sub atomic level? will quatum physics ever tell how gravity will work with all the quarks flying around? will we be able to use quatum gravity to propel our cars without wheels and long dividing destructive cement death roads so that our little fury creatures won't have to dodge our meat crunching death metal cars?


and when do we get to use our own avatars?!?! lol




Unfortunately, we pig americans will continue to cry about gas/oil prices and shortages all while driving our big pig SUV's and trucks that you don't need living in the middle of the city, as well as other gas-guzzling vehicles etc...because we won't change. We all forgot about the 1970's and gas shortages.


What are we going to do when China, soon to become the world's largest economy, begins to gain enough personal wealth in it's citizens that they all want to drive cars to get about in their giant 10,000,000+ citizen cities like Shanghai etc...? There's over a billion Chinese, and they are slowly gaining a strong enough economy to where they finally have a little personal wealth...and that means more gas/oil will be needed to drive THEIR economy...and let's face it, they outmanufacture us as it is already, and all that mfg'ing requires large volumes of oil not only for fuel, but for any petroleum-based product (go google sometime exactly how much of your everyday life items are made in some part with petroleum...you might be surprised).


What are we going to do...go invade them also? Because lets face it, if their economy is booming, and ours is busting, or not even busting just not booming anymore like the Chinese economy is, and China's demand for oil goes up along with their incomes...they can pay more for oil...they will eventually outbid us for oil, or be able to fill contracts of purchasing so much oil per month etc that the USA cannot match.


I'm sure some of you think it sounds a little alarmist, or tin-foil hat stuff, but I can assure you that China is going to be the worlds largest economy in just a few short years. And India has a billion citizens and their economy is starting to pick up (and us outsourcing jobs to them is a big contribution).



I'm worried because for a couple of years we've been strangled by the cost of rising fuel. I'm not worried that the world will suddenly run dry and there won't be anymore. I'm worried that we are relying too much on gas and oil to always be available in the quantities and at the prices we have pretty much controlled for a few decades. We could afford it, and we were the only real country to have such high volume needs.


And we went away from the 'small compact' cars that got great gas mileage, to the SUV's (PUV's as I call them), big trucks, cars that are just not really fuel efficient anymore. Toyota and Honda and a few others are still very good, but all day long I see soccer moms with ONE KID driving a Lincoln Navigator, talking on the cell phone to her friend who is probably another woman that lives in an URBAN AREA with ONE KID that is driving another Lincoln Navigator since the first one convinced her she just had to have it.





now...I'm not Mr Tree Hugger. Not by any means lol. I create as much trash as the average american, and I am sure I waste as much electricity with all this unecessary computer crap always turned on (even after I'm done 'working').


But when it comes to cars, I want a reliable (Honda/Toyota heh) car that is comfortable (Honda/Toyota) and gets great gas mileage (gasp...Honda/Toyota!) and MIGHT POSSIBLY even be a HYBRID (OMG! Angry just said something evil!)


I mean...gas is pretty expensive, and I want to get the most for my money. I try not to drive everywhere, but when I do, I want to not have to stop at the gas station 3 times. To get to the bank. Which is a block away.



So Angry, wtf does this have to do with my question? you ask...


I see us continuing to depend on gas and that means combustion engines. Until our government really gets serious and starts offering some of that government grant money to serious scientists that will either help create new energy sources, new transportation sources, a combination, or something...anything that is not harmful (or AS harmful lol) and is good for the environment and breaks our dependence on oil.


If we only needed oil for industry/mfg, think of that...cars ran on hydrogen, vegetable oil, burning books, bad children strapped to pedals...I dunno...but not gas/oil.


And those subatomic particles (which are trying to be squeezed out by Intelligent Design all the sudden) and anti-gravity engines or shields or whatever fanciful stuff that we see in games and sci-fi....those are things we REALLY could develop...if we had any scientists left honestly...and if they could get the grant money to REALLY research that.


But you know, if we break our dependence on oil, what will the poor oil companies, who made what...9 billion profit in a single fiscal quarter (3 months!!!! PROFIT!!!)


Thursday, ExxonMobil (XOM) became the most stark example yet of how much big oil companies benefited from the huge run-up in oil prices during the third quarter even as two major hurricanes ripped through the industry's Gulf Coast infrastructure. Exxon reported:


Net income up 75% to $9.92 billion. That is the most a U.S. company has earned from operations in a three-month period and greater than the annual gross domestic product of entire nations including Cameroon and Zimbabwe.


Revenue up 32% to $100.7 billion. That is greater than the annual GDP of all but just 38 of the world's economies.


Exxon illustrates the energy's sector's tremendous profit amid record-high energy prices. The industry is on pace to earn $96 billion this year — more than what the USA's industrial and telecom companies will earn, combined




Oil companies strategically use that money to make sure there's no real incentive for other energy sources or any reason to lessen our demand on their product lol.




but you know, this is a bad place for me to rant on and on. Notice I ain't picking on any individual, whether citizen or government. I think we all have a responsibility.


And seriously...how the hell are we gonna have cool air-cars and anti-grav racing bikes and faster-than-light space travel and all that dumbass star trek dorko tech like Trans-Oscillating Gender Refabricators etc unless there's a reason to do all that research.


If we continue the way we are, we'll continue to rely on oil, and when the noose tightens on the supply, we'll end up fighting over it with someone, or many one's...and wars might fuel invention like WW1 and WW2 did...but we've got too many nasty weapons already and quite possibly real madmen with real reasons to use them.


I'd rather die in a 900mph anti-gravity racing accident...



Avatars = read the rules!

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I have another question.... This is kinda AG induced.....


Why are some people so ungreatful.......?


why can't people just accept the truth....?


Why are some women so picky about engagement/mariage rings.....besides being a "golddigger".....?


you sometimes you get the urge to get somebody something for a B-day or holiday or something....and you cant tell it wasn't what they wanted.....who cares accept it....


we didn't get you what you wanted....we got you what we wanted to get you....I've seen people go spastic because they didn't get what they wanted....


Personally I'd be happy with a giftwraped turd....Just the fact someone actually thought enough about me is all I need......It's the thought not the gift....ok enough ranting...now those questions.....? ;)

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I have another question.... This is kinda AG induced.....


Why are some people so ungreatful.......?


why can't people just accept the truth....?


Why are some women so picky about engagement/mariage rings.....besides being a "golddigger".....?


you sometimes you get the urge to get somebody something for a B-day or holiday or something....and you cant tell it wasn't what they wanted.....who cares accept it....


we didn't get you what you wanted....we got you what we wanted to get you....I've seen people go spastic because they didn't get what they wanted....


Personally I'd be happy with a giftwraped turd....Just the fact someone actually thought enough about me is all I need......It's the thought not the gift....ok enough ranting...now those questions.....? ;)



I know I am not like other women in the world but I am with you on this bowtie, I would like anything just as long as someone thought of me. In the four years AG and I have been together we haven't really done a whole lot of gift giving but we buy whatever we want and call it a present. We got what we wanted and we picked it out for ourselves. We avoid the whole "It wasn't what I wanted" by going together and picking it out. Might take away from the whole gift giving process but it avoids arguments and some people no matter what you do are never happy, ingrates!


And the whole ring thing is just ridiculous. My cousin just got done "picking" out her engagement ring and was telling me about how expensive her tastes were. Man I don't care if it came out of a cracker jack box, its from the person I love it and it has meaning behind it. Someone doesn't need to spend $3,000 on a ring to show they love me. Love shouldn't be based on material things one wears around their finger but it happens.

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