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NF4 Expert will not cold boot- psu issue?

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RGone, thanks for the info- I can hang, no problem. I really like this board and do not have issues aside from the cold boot problem. I know how corporations operate- after a month wrestling with this problem a week to 10 days sounds pretty quick to me :D .


BigKohones, you got lucky with the A8N32 if you have no issues. I was considering that board before I got the Expert, but after reading up on them I found they have their own unique set of problems. Plus at the time no one had them in stock.

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Well I've only had it two days now..so issues may still arise; so far I like the superior cooling solution on the A8N32 however I hate the board layout. I can see in the near future having issues with multiple PCI card placements, right now I just got the 7800GT and X-Fi to deal with; the Expert's layout is perfect. I like the DFI board layout better and the onboard power/reset switches plus 4 led diagnostic were really nice. When it comes to cooling the A832N takes the cake though..its totaly silent :) vs the Expert's jet engine fan.


The point of my post was alot of people were speculating the PSU/other components was the cause of the no boot issue. I figure I'd save them some time and let them know atleast in my case the board was just defective.

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I figure I'd save them some time and let them know atleast in my case the board was just defective

And just so the rest know; that is not really an accurate statement as relates the DFI EXPERT. The Asus board he moved to does not hammer the power supply like the DFI board does and thus initiate the cold boot symptoms. It is more like this I posted earlier.


""I think there is some sort of problem with the +5VStndby. It appears that a couple of power supply companies and DFI are now testing""

Oh yes of course an Expert board can give cold boot symptoms and rma'ing the board can fix it, but the blanket statement about moving to the Asus board indicates his Expert was defected is not true at all points of inspection.




Well I've only had it two days now..so issues may still arise; so far I like the superior cooling solution on the A8N32 however I hate the board layout. I can see in the near future having issues with multiple PCI card placements, right now I just got the 7800GT and X-Fi to deal with; the Expert's layout is perfect. I like the DFI board layout better and the onboard power/reset switches plus 4 led diagnostic were really nice. When it comes to cooling the A832N takes the cake though..its totaly silent :) vs the Expert's jet engine fan.


The point of my post was alot of people were speculating the PSU/other components was the cause of the no boot issue. I figure I'd save them some time and let them know atleast in my case the board was just defective.

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I have an Asus A8N32-SLI too, it's a nice mobo in many respects. It seems to have few issues with PSUs and overclocks off a Seasonic 600W pretty well.


The Seasonic, however, ran with my latest Expert for an evening and a morning, then started power cycling as the BIOS loaded. Having tried all other available options, I swapped it out for a CoolerMaster 550W and everything worked again. This is under phase cooling, which may or may not have a bearing on it.


Something is not right somewhere there, for sure. We await the tech report with some anticipation of answers.

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The Seasonic, however, ran with my latest Expert

A2 version of the 600Watt Seasonic just started powering my "Expert" as well. About 2 hours ago. Priming 250x11 as I type this with 2x1gig EB4000 Ocz ram. Rails read low in bios and SmartGuardian and no freeken pots at all inside to adjust upward for better volts. That "p's" me off pretty good, but it is working. PrimerUp for 8+ hours and then see what gives after that.


My very own Ocz 600 watt PowerSteam would not even boot the board. I am betting there is a current draw that is tripping OCP when the board boots. Well made power supplies that have exemplary OCP circuits, kick off at the load of starting will be my guess.




I have an Asus A8N32-SLI too, it's a nice mobo in many respects. It seems to have few issues with PSUs and overclocks off a Seasonic 600W pretty well.


The Seasonic, however, ran with my latest Expert for an evening and a morning, then started power cycling as the BIOS loaded. Having tried all other available options, I swapped it out for a CoolerMaster 550W and everything worked again. This is under phase cooling, which may or may not have a bearing on it.


Something is not right somewhere there, for sure. We await the tech report with some anticipation of answers.

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Well your right RGone, that was an unfair statement. We'll see what happens when I get the Expert back in 3~4 weeks. I have a OCZ PowerStream 520W which is on the a list here so I don't see why I'd not meet the power reqs.


Well to make up for my last post all is not well in ASUS land either..its seems I just can't catch a break. I have one minor but super annoying issue, the IDE LED never stops blinking in Windows and only windows not dos or linux. This apparently is a common problem with ASUS' on google but no solution yet. Fortunately this time I bought local so I can take it back to the store for an exchange if I can't resolve the issue.

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I have an Asus A8N32-SLI too, it's a nice mobo in many respects. It seems to have few issues with PSUs and overclocks off a Seasonic 600W pretty well.


The Seasonic, however, ran with my latest Expert for an evening and a morning, then started power cycling as the BIOS loaded. Having tried all other available options, I swapped it out for a CoolerMaster 550W and everything worked again. This is under phase cooling, which may or may not have a bearing on it.


Something is not right somewhere there, for sure. We await the tech report with some anticipation of answers.


How does that Asus A8N32-SLI compare to the expert??? OC better or worse ect..


I just about had it with this board Im on my second RMA and it seems to just get worse, first the boot issue then the floppy stopped working I thought no biggie I shall just get another floppy drive, got a new one and the mobo still does not recognize the floppy


and to make things worse the mofo bios settings reset to default after a cold boot now.


Im going the send the peice of junk back and eat the 15% restocking fee..

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I like the DFI Expert much better in every respect except build quality. The A8N32's heatsinks are night and day more efficient than the Expert's active cooling not to mention silent :) Running COD2 for 30mins would jack the Expert's chipset to 50c ~ 52c; with the same equipment/case the A8n32 runs a cool 42c. At idle the A8N32 is around 36c; the Expert idled around 42c.


Note however I have a 7800GT which may have attributed to the Expert's chipset overheating; there was a suggestion to move it to the lower slot but I never bothered to try. On the A8N32 there is no need, the layout of the cooling system is much more thought out.


OC'n on the A8N32 sucks cause its confusing as hell and there are no good forums like this one with tips on how to OC it. The Expert is straight forward and much friendly to OC'n if you ask me. The nice thing about the A8n32 is the packaged AI NOS software which overclocks for you and is support by ASUS.


I thought DFI tech support sucked..pray you don't need help from ASUS :) There a billion times worse.

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Well, count me in as another with an apparent cold boot issue. It worked fine for a while but now I have a severe boot issue. By the way I have not even loaded Windows yet and only have the fans, vid card, and memory in.


For me I get the "everything on" for a second or so and then it shuts down. However, turning the PSU off and back on does not work, nor does unplugging the PSU. The only thing that seems to work for me is to do the above and also wait for it to hit room temp and then it seems to boot without any problems (either with the case power or MoBo switch).


Certainly frustrating...any more news on this front? I noticed one of the DFI folks (AG maybe) mentioned that Seasonic was working with DFI to replace PSUs that don't work with their boards...anything similar in the works with Enermax?


Bummer, thought I was free... :sad:

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If you really need to leave the PSU off while it cools down before you can boot again, then based upon your description, I would lean towards a bad PSU.


Well, count me in as another with the cold boot issue. It worked fine for a while but now I have a severe boot issue. By the way I have not even loaded Windows yet and only have the fans, vid card, and memory in.


For me I get the "everything on" for a second or so and then it shuts down. However, turning the PSU off and back on does not work, nor does unplugging the PSU. The only thing that seems to work for me is to wait for it to hit room temp and then it seems to boot without any problems (either with the case power or MoBo switch).


Certainly frustrating...any more news on this front? I noticed one of the DFI folks (AG maybe) mentioned that Seasonic was working with DFI to replace PSUs that don't work with their boards...anything similar in the works with Enermax?


Bummer, thought I was free... :sad:

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If you really need to leave the PSU off while it cools down before you can boot again, then based upon your description, I would lean towards a bad PSU.


Well I can hope right...because replacing the PSU would be about 10X simpler than replacing the MoBo. I do have to turn the PSU off, but it takes considerably longer than the 3-4 seconds some are reporting here.


Just installed Windows with no problem and tested my PSU with a DMM and everything looks fine. Sometimes when I hit the power switch I get a flash of activity then it shuts down and I then get a second flash of activity and it shuts down. Sometimes if I hit the power switch enough times it will boot. If I leave it for 5-10 minutes it boots every time. (edit...let it run Prime 95 all night on stock settings and then shut down...had to wait about 40 min before it would start again...strange). Gotta look into RMA'ing this board I think as I just realised I am past my RMA on the PSU.

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It would only power on for about 5 milliseconds after a cold boot for me. No diagnostic LEDs would stay fully lit; they would all just quickly flash red at once and the board switched off. I would hear a clicking noise emitted from the Enermax Liberty PSU every time I tried to power on too.


Something else: the board WOULD power on when I removed the graphics card after the cold boot problem had occured. After I had waited a certain cooldown period of time it would switch on normally again with everything installed.


Everything is perfect with my new Hiper PSU, even though it is rated slightly less than the Enermax for voltage. I can turn on and off at will - nice. :P


Very, very similar to my situation with the Liberty 620 except sometimes I get one flash of activity and other times it flashes twice (with only one press of the pwr switch). I have to wait a while to re-start as well & seems related to the length of time it was on. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and get a Hiper 580.


Hmmm nope, I see Alex had the Hiper and had the same issue.

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