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  1. Chris obviously needs a lesson on PSUs cause checking it in your BIOS or using Speedfan, just isn't on. Granted, it should be in the ballpark, but it is never accurate. Like SilverStone mentioned, 11.94 should be nothing to be concerned about...unless it is really bouncing around.
  2. As others have mentioned the Mushkin or GSkill versions of this RAM seem pretty good as well. I went with the Mushkin when I bought mine since I got it sig. cheaper than either of the other two. The NCIX link works out to $248 in US for the OCZ so that isn't any better. The Mushkin are even more expensive on there (and a LOT more than I paid 5 months ago).
  3. Usually not worth the hassle unless it is something you can't even get here.
  4. Yeah, if the backplate covers up any of your RAM traces on the back (which it would have on my Expert board), then you should not use the Scythe backplate. You can simply use the backplate that came with your board, although you may need to get longer screws for it. There is no problem with using your DFI backplate and the Ninja (I'm living proof). Here is a previous post on the subject with the correct size of screws that you need to use with the stock backplate http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...43&postcount=15 Entire thread http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread...0243#post460243
  5. If by re-immerse, you mean will they try to 'soak' you again...probably If you mean reimburse, then who knows...but it is always worth a try ...not trying to poke fun at your English...it was just a humorous slip
  6. After sorting out my cold boot issue (it was definitely the Enermax Liberty PSU) I have not had a single issue with this board. It was my first build and I did my research so knew what I was getting into with DFI and OC'ing. I read, read, and read some more before purchasing all my components and it has all been working flawlessly for 4-5 months so far. I found OC'ing so easy I was left wondering what all the fuss was about. Granted I have not really tried to push it in terms of OC'ing, but then I have no reason to...my system is running flawlessly OC'd to 2.6 on stock volts and an extra 2-300 MHz is not going to make any noticible difference to me at this point...so why put the added stress on the system?
  7. Agree! I have the P180 and the FSP Epsilon (same cables) and it works like a dream in this case. I previously had a modular Enermax Liberty 620W, and this Epsilon works much better than the modular unit in the P180 (despite what you may have read from various online sources).
  8. Eeeh, sounds like it was just one of those missed emails, so no big worry. You guys obviously take your customer support pretty seriously based on your presence here. Aaaaah perfect, thanks for that explanation, I simply assumed from that diagram that the V3 & V4 versions already were separated onto 12V3 & 12V4. It was not clear that the diagram was for the load AFTER you use the adapter. I assumed the diagram was showing the loads prior to using the adapter. Now that I look at it again, it is still a bit confusing, but I can see that I was obviously misinterpreting the diagram. Sooooo...I need to stop making assumptions
  9. Ok, I sent both emails to [email protected] and the second one was April 21, 2006 8:02 PM. It looks like I deleted the first one I sent, but it was just the same message about a week earlier. Thanks for the information! Yeah, it just seemed odd since in that second diagram the GPUs appear to be already separated onto 12V3 & 12V4. Using the molex in that instance has the potential of loading both GPUs onto 12V4, which seems like the opposite of what you would want, but maybe not. Sounds like you have put it to rest with V5 though, so no worries.
  10. Hey very cool...I didn't know there was any Silverstone techs on here...and that I would get a quicker response (I posted about this earlier here as well). I can get you the info when I get home tonight, assuming it is still in my sent box. I sent the emails a couple months ago so I think it was before June...I could be wrong though. Sorry for the tone of my last post... I just thought it was something they would want to fix as it could cause a lot of grief for your customer support (along the lines of "hey, I followed your instructions and it doesn't work"), and never got a response, so after two emails I was a bit frustrated. Will post again later Edit: I guess I posted about this on another site http://forums.extremeoverclocking.com/show...ad.php?t=217950 not here, and it was in April, so I will try to see exactly when & what email I used. However, do you agree the adapter should be used on the older version, not the newer one for the reasons I listed in my post in extremeoverclocking?
  11. I totally agree with KimTjik's comments, and look we have the same PSU:cool: . I switched from the Liberty 620W to this Epsilon and found the Epsilon MUCH easier to use for cable management, especially in my Antec P180 case.
  12. Yep, that is for the system, not just the cards, so again you will be well above that with the Epsilon 700, but if you are going dual 7950, I would go with one of the PSUs that nVidia has on their certified list (PCP&C, Zippy, or the Silverstone probably all good bets)...although I think the Epsilon 700 should be plenty. Of course, I can't imagine putting in two 7950s anyway :eek: http://www.slizone.com/object/slizone2_build.html
  13. The dumb thing about Silverstone and their info on the Zeus 650 is that they got it all wrong in terms of telling people when to use the molex-PCIe adapter on their website. If you look at this diagram: http://www.silverstonetek.com/QA-POWER.htm they tell you to use the adapter on the newer version of the PSU (which makes absolutely no sense and in fact will most likely cause the problem seen in that extremetech article). Basically they have it backwards in that diagram, and the molex adapter should be used on the older version. I have emailed them a couple times and not even a reply...oh well
  14. ooztuncer, I think you and others you quoted are confusing the requirement for the entire system vs those of the cards. Please post where you got those requirements on the eVGA site. From nVidia's site an "Ultra High-End SLI PC" requires: http://www.slizone.com/object/slizone_howtobuild_2.html "Ultra High-End SLI PC*: You must have a power supply that can provide a minimum of +12V @ 22A of dedicated power for the two graphics cards. Of this 22A requirement, +12V @ 5.5A must be available to each of the two PCI Express 6-pin auxiliary power supply connectors. The remaining 11A must be supplied to the motherboard for dedicated graphics card use." Ultra High-End SLI PC being: "Dual GeForce 7900 GTX or Dual GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 2.6 GHz or Intel Pentium EE 955 3.46 GHz NVIDIA nForce4 SLI X16 motherboard with 2GB system memory Two HDDs in Raid 0 configuration Two optical drives PCI Sound Card LCD at 1600x1200 resolution" With the Epsilon you are getting 2*15a (actually 2*18a) of power dedicated directly to the cards. That should be more than enough even for OC'd cards.
  15. See my sig....any of the better brands using Samsung UCCC chips seem to play well with the Expert... Note the 260@1:1 is at stock volts.
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