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In need of your prayers just for 2day!!


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YES its 5AM my cat jus woke me up. She kept tryin to open my front door with her paws. (mrs thought someones tryin to break in)


I hav a job interview today at a local Computer store. Looks like they need a technician for builds and upgrades. PRAY i get this job ! ive been sittin at home for like a year now :) im great with hardware not so good with software! And i really HATE interviews!! :(


I beg you peeps after switching ON ur Ultra-Ds and SLi DRs close ur eyes n make a quick prayer for me :)

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if you dont get it theres always truck driving. I love this Job. i have mobile internet on the road with me anywhere i go. i have my desktop running next to me all day while i drive i can download /surf/bs on the boards, whatever. when i shut down for the night i just load up some video games/anime and my surround sound setup,and chill before i go to sleep. when i wake up its when i want to....not when an alarm tells me i have to. as long as i deliver on time nobody bothers me or tells me what to do. I get the load assighnment, i pickup, and a few days later at my own pace ive made the delivery.

this industry is always begging people to join. theres never enough Class A drivers. im 27 and i made $3500 last month with less than 1/2 a year experiance. after my year mark i can go to a smaller company that requires more experiance but pays better. by my 2 year mark i can pretty much have my pick of just about any company out there. i should be clearing about 5k a month when i hit the ceiling for this job. in the mantime ill be starting internet schooling soon to work on a degree whilie im on the road. all in all i hope you get your job at the computer store....but know theres always hope if you dont.

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if you dont get it theres always truck driving. I love this Job. i have mobile internet on the road with me anywhere i go. i have my desktop running next to me all day while i drive i can download /surf/bs on the boards, whatever. when i shut down for the night i just load up some video games/anime and my surround sound setup,and chill before i go to sleep. when i wake up its when i want to....not when an alarm tells me i have to. as long as i deliver on time nobody bothers me or tells me what to do. I get the load assighnment, i pickup, and a few days later at my own pace ive made the delivery.

this industry is always begging people to join. theres never enough Class A drivers. im 27 and i made $3500 last month with less than 1/2 a year experiance. after my year mark i can go to a smaller company that requires more experiance but pays better. by my 2 year mark i can pretty much have my pick of just about any company out there. i should be clearing about 5k a month when i hit the ceiling for this job. in the mantime ill be starting internet schooling soon to work on a degree whilie im on the road. all in all i hope you get your job at the computer store....but know theres always hope if you dont.

Some advice for a job like that: Don't be eating no mcdonalds all the time if you know what I mean ;) .

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too late!!!

i went from 190 lbs ripped to 250 fatass (seriously im gianing a good 10lbs a month easy) due to the fact i eat fast food and sit on my butt all day. ok mabee there is one bad thing about this job. but its my fault. i dont workout ever anymore(and i used to be a hardcore dieter/gym nut....had my own personal trainer and spent several hours a day with weights/cardio and all that jazz) been thinking about getting a small bench and some dumbells and a mountian bike, and have it attached to the back of my truk so i get some excersize. cooking my own food again will surly help with the healthy intake. but for now im a fatty.

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