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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Are there any particular bios versions that the Opty doesnt like (or does like, for that matter) Just looking for some feed back

I've had several Opterons in Expert and Venus boards using both UCCC and CE-5 memory. I think I have used every Bios available and have not seen any difference at all.

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gotta love these optys, my CAB2E 144 is at 2.7 GHZ stock volts, only being limited b ymy motherboard (entire system i s unstable above 300 HTT, and my PS/2 dies at 310


Time to go DFI perhaps? :P;)

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Finally got the new machine together and I'm very pleased!


Followed the guides and knowledge gained mostly here and when I lowered my ram for a max on the opty I managed to push the cpu to 2.83Ghz - it was getting pretty hot though - it maxed at 56C during dual prime


Still testing the max for the ram. It was fussy, but I think I found some settings that cooperate with the timings of the ram.


Currently running 2565.00 MHz 285 MHz x9 1:1 2T newest dfi stock bios


once its proven to be stable I'll post some screenies.


Oh yea, I'm running the trial of Windows xp pro 64x and so far no game issues with Age of Empires 3, StarWars Battlefront 1, and good old Soldier of Fortune Double Helix!

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Guest LithoTech
Finally got the new machine together and I'm very pleased!


Followed the guides and knowledge gained mostly here and when I lowered my ram for a max on the opty I managed to push the cpu to 2.83Ghz - it was getting pretty hot though - it maxed at 56C during dual prime


Ouchie! That IS hot' date=' and with a decent HSF too. :eek2: You got the volts up past 1.5 I assume? Curious, I've been asking many Opty users, at what point did you have to start adding voltage? My 146 did 2.8ghz just fine on stock, ran it at 2.7ghz 24/7. Never could get a stable 3ghz out of it though, as soon as I had to add voltagel, I lost stability big time.


Still testing the max for the ram. It was fussy, but I think I found some settings that cooperate with the timings of the ram.


Currently running 2565.00 MHz 285 MHz x9 1:1 2T newest dfi stock bios


once its proven to be stable I'll post some screenies.


Very nice speed on the ram! :dog: It's not often you see 2gig kits doing over 275mhz, even 270 is rare. What timings did you settle on with that speed and 2T?

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