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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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I guess i am confused.

Can you run stable @ 3ghz with any divider?


>>Yes, like u can see on my pics^^ (Prime @ Custom & FFTs in place)


300x10 :180 is 270mhz.

Can you run 270mhz on your ram 1:1 and boot to windows. I am not familiar with gold memory but i think its not a windows app either.


>>I want to use 10x300 and 166 Divider, b/c this one works and the 180 dont work.

I can boot to windows 273 1:1 and it wont crash or freeze, its just not stable super-pi stops @ 2-4 round and prime stops after 1-5 mins^^


Sorry for confusing u, its difficult for me to write the things in the way i mean it...

My english is poor :(

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Well she got here today. But I'm at a friends shop right now. The stepping is CACJE-0601VPBW. I'll put the thing together tonight. W/ a regular 8meg pci card.(I don't have a pci-x here yet) I hope it'll work Heh... The stock air cooling isn't near as nice as what they used to ship w/xp's. I doubt I'll post any hair raising OC's for a time. I might be able to post the worlds lowest 3dm01 score ever for opteron. LOL I'll post back later after I assembile and work w/it abit.

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A little update^^


Opti148 0530APMW NO IHS 3003Mhz



This is semi-final... If the Rest of my test wont work i cant get the Ram higher :(


Edit: Omg, now i saw im a beginner in overclocking.. I really tried everything came in my mind over weeks...


gues what helped?!

I switched to 2t -.- now im priming 273 1:1 :drool:


Oh man ... But hey, im back in the game, the Cpu is cold and perhaps its getting higher^^

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I'm really impressed with mine sofar. One of my sticks of utt-bh5 was bad. But I gotta' coupla' really good sticks of tccd. Now running @2460 (10x246 1-1 2.5-3-3-7) stock vcore auto everything thus-far. 32meg superpi stable 29mins 53sec.(Stiock voltage!) I wonder if she'll do 250x10 stock voltages. And still prime?superpi ect. Running really cool too! I'm impressed. Back to it. I guess my questions won't get answers unless I get to work. LOL

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Does overclocking a Opteron 165 to 2.4 GHZ using stock voltage preduce that much more heat/is hard? I'm getting one for my second computer, since my woman wants this one. Probably have very similar specs. (Sept fot the graphic card will be a X1800XT now that prices lowered.



Using Stock HSF. (Will I need to remove current thermal paste to do this stable with respecteble temps)


Currently it IDLES at 28 C (by windows) and 33 c by led monitoring.

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Does overclocking a Opteron 165 to 2.4 GHZ using stock voltage preduce that much more heat/is hard?

Yes, but very little as to not be a concern. You really get the big heat output boost when voltage is raised.

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Alright. 2.4 here I go.


This will be my first overclocking experience. I've been told this is very safe. I have all my parts today.


I will test everything with the 1800 tonight for it just came in the mail. I'm reading all the main forums for Overclocking and printing them out for quick refrences. Any basics that people overlook their first time? (I'm planning on staying stock voltage)

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The maximum temperature of my San Diego 3700 @ 2.9 ghz 1.55v was 38º C using Prime95 with Large FFTs test.


The maximum temperature of my current Opteron 175 @ 2.75 ghz 1.55v was 38º C using one Prime95 with Large FFTs test on one core only. When using two prime95's, one per core, and each one doing the Large FFTs test the temperature got higher, between 42 and 44º C.


I am using watercooling, also at 2.4ghz and stock voltage I agree with Peanya about not worrying too much: higher speeds make the cpu have higher power requirements, and thus higher temperatures... but voltage is somehow a higher source for heat.

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Well I got 255x10 stock voltages 32msp stable. @260X10 gotta' random restart. Problem w/me and raising voltages. Is I allway's raise the mhz too. Then I gotta' raise the voltage some more.(+the mhz's!!)Hehe..)) 2750 now.Fairly stable with the quick stuff.(Haven't primed yet though) 275X10 1-1 1.4*110% tried to lower that vid some. But gotta' restart.

Guess I'd better get a modem in that rig and send ya's some screenies. Need to get on some better cooling. She idles nice as far as I'm concerned(35-7c) but that 50c load's abit much, I'm inclined to think.(Nf2 thinkin'?)

Edit Maybe sometime this week I'm pull that sink lap it, give it some as5. (I was lazy when I put er' on there the first time..(Well nice new factory paste + I didn't want to void my warranty for at least 9mins.+ I wanted to see if it was all dead, real fast (Seems ok))Superpi-S&M 3dm01 stable. Like that. I think I'll prime tonight.

Edit2: really nice OC's everyone.

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I have wondered this for some time now but when we all run Prime95 for stability testing what torture test should we be using? I usually use the "In Place Large FFT's", is that what you guys use? Thanks for the help.

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