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Oc Noob Needs Advice

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I have an Abit m/nf7-s motherboard (w/soft bios), and a Barton 2500 which runs, as I am lead to believe, at a standard 1.83 Mhz. I have a SLK-800u with standard CPU cooling fan mounted on the CPU. The system is currenly running 256 megs of pc2700 RAM


I am looking for a step by step guide to overclocking the barton 2500 so I can get an idea as to what my limits are in this pursuit.


Any advice/links you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

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that's low, real low.


but that didn't happen the first time... I don't even know how many times it took for that to happen. lost count after the first 100 times or so.

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Well, i dunno about the ocing ur barton, but welcome to OCC, are you going to be one of the people who only posts in your topic and never returns *glares evilly* <_

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Ok...what the hell is going on in this thread? I understand what D3 gets so pissed at threads going off topic, and I won't be surpirsed if Duraplex doesn't come back because of you guys....but w/e...I'm not trying to be mean, but Blippy, Big Red, Monkey and Tyme each made off topic posts and somewhat inapporiate, as was your thread title...Please try to keep it clean next time so the moderators dont get pissed :)


(I've said this so many times...but once again...at least twice a day...)

To overclock, slowly raise your FSB in increments of 4. Since you have the nForce2 chipset, I suggest you lock your PCI/AGP slots at 33/66 MHz. Then at a 180 FSB run a couple system benchmarks to check for instability. If its unstable, lower the FSB a littlebit. Your DDR-333 (PC-2700) will be your hold back, because it only is designed to run at 166 FSB. You can try giving it some extra voltage, and relax the timings to things like CAS3 etc., but personally, I wouldn't expect things like a 200FSB outta that RAM. Try upgrading to decent PC3200 or even 3500 for higher FSBs.

Edited by DevilMB3017

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Hey bud. I've got pretty much the same setup, except that I don't have a good HSF, so I can't overclock for long.


First step: Upgrade your BIOS to the latest revision (SoftMenu III). Its BIOS revision 17, and I know my board was rev 13 when I first installed it.

Second step: Upgrade all the nVidia nforce drivers. They just released new ones. Its a nice little touch, helps you run that much more stable.

Third step: I'm ignoring your RAM speeds. If you really wanted to OC you would've known that the AMD drivers work much better when running sync with the RAM. Therefore, the forethought of buying PC3200 RAM at the least would've been a good choice. Open up the BIOS and go into SoftMenu. Unlock the CPU settings to User Set. Crank up the CPU FSB speed in increments of 10 or so, saving to CMOS and starting the computer. It'll pop to a big red screen that frightened me the first time, but its basically saying don't do anything at that moment or risk frying/never starting your comp again. Burn the CPU in at that speed for a while, run some CPU intensive proggy. If its stable (doesn't reboot by itself) then go back into SoftMenu and step it up a bit more. At some point in time you'll have to go to the lower menu and crank up the voltage (take baby steps) to make it run stable. Again, go too far and you risk killing your CPU in a surprisingly short amount of time.


Keep in mind you're not gonna be able to go too far because of the whole memory thing. Or, rather - you can go equally far, you'll just kill your memory and melt your mobo if you try to run your RAM in sync. You can change the ratio that its set at, but if you could run in sync that's when you really start seeing performance. Too bad for you.


Keep in mind that as soon as you change the stepping, you void the warranty from AMD, so as per everything else, do this at your own risk. And don't be one of those dicks who burn out a CPU cause they're idiots and then tries to return it.


Hope it helps, good luck

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your ram will probaBLY KEEP YOU from achieving a good OC, you should be able to hit 2ghz though easily, but anything above that might be hard for ya, save your money for better ram!

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