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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. that sucks man, i would definately get a new board, and keep folding on it...lol as im trying to get more dedicated machines for folding on, but no luck right now...lol

  2. http://www.ciao.co.uk/Sony_Cyber_shot_U_DSC_U60__5599507


    I also have this camera, its not the best camera in the world, but its the one that I use when I go snowboarding, due to the fact that it is water resistant, and it is pretty small. Picture quality is pretty good and I got a good deal on it. Also it came with a USB cord that you plug into the camera, so you dont have to fiddle with the card




    The only thing that I dont like about it is that you cant zoom in or out, but it does allow you to shoot short video with out sound.

  3. Hey guys I have been looking for a cheap projector. It does not need to be a big expensive one, just one that I can hook to my computer and watch movies on the wall and all that. I'm only looking to spend $150, any help would be greatly appreciated

  4. So you can install BF2 on the desktop?


    It seems like it wouldnt be the cds then. If it were me, I would try to do a windows repair or something, sounds to me like it could be a windows error then. I dont know tho. Thats what I would probably do, that or just get a new game...:)

  5. I run the graphical version of F@H and can play CS:S but it runs a little bit slower than usual, not as good fps, so I just shut it down then open it back up when I get done playing...little bit of a hastle, but its for a good cause!

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