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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. they arnt very random, i started by upping the bus speed after i set the ht multipier at 4, when it wouldnt boot and would just go black i found out that i wasnt "locking" the vga so i had to set that at 67. when i would get stuck booting windows i would then up the voltage and i got to 1.7 then i couldnt go past 244 with the bus speed so i asked questions. i was going up by one mhz with the bus speed at a time, not just random ones. so im now deciding to lower the voltage, and change the memory divider and try at where i left off with the bus speed + 1 mhz


    if you think that i should do something else, or what setting you think i should start over with, suggestions are very well welcomed

  2. yeah i sotra just set it there, thinking that it would help the stability, which from what i could tell it didnt change much, so i didnt bother lowering the voltage down any.


    so here when CS:S is done being reinstalled, will be setting the Voltage down to 1.6v and the memory divider at 133 with the ht multipiler at 4x, and the bus speed at 245 to see if it will work


    hopefully ill get better than a 2684MHz oc

  3. MSI K8N NEO2

    I know my computer good

    I am running stock cooling on the cpu, sucking air off the heatsink, with a duct taking it out the back of the case with a fan adding more suction

    Im pretty good at math

    Dont know where to set the memory divider


    CPU Temp was around 42 C at durring load when it kept freezing


    So dont go up to 1.7v?

  4. I have started to overclock but...


    Only upping the bus speed mhz to 244 with the ht at x4 gave me an oc from 2210mhz to 2684mhz along with the volts to the cpu at 1.70v. If I try to go to 245, it will begin to load windows, but just sit there forever...also


    it is very unstable, windows will just freeze randomly and i will have to restart. Could someone give me a few pointers on how to keep this from happening.


    I have heard of a trick...

    TIP: In the bios press and hold Shift+F2 and then press ALT+F3 to unlock "hidden" features within the BIOS

    which was originally posted at http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43033


    but when I try this, it does not work, anyone know why?


    Also how do i find which version of the bios i am running?

  5. that is a big case...lol


    dont think i need all that room...haha


    but yes i do plan on overclocking, and have started a little bit.


    Only upping the bus speed mhz to 244 with the ht at x4 gave me an oc from 2210mhz to 2684mhz along with the volts to the cpu at 1.70v


    but it is unstable, windows will just freeze randomly and i will have to restart. Could someone give me a few pointers on how to keep this from happening.


    I have heard of a trick...

    TIP: In the bios press and hold Shift+F2 and then press ALT+F3 to unlock "hidden" features within the BIOS

    which was originally posted at http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43033


    but when I try this, it does not work.


    Also how do i find which version of the bios i am running?


    sorry for the topic switch

  6. ok chavalcito quick question for you, people have been talking about raising the fsb, but i dont see a fsb part, and when you are talking about the "cell" settings, i do not see it, what submenu is it in?


    i think im running an older version of the bios, but i dont want to flash the bios, because i have never done that before. i downloaded MSI Live Update 3, and it is supposed to flash the bios for me, but it says that i dont need to update to a newer version.


    Im not using SATA HDDs




    These are the options in the BIOS not including all of the saving options or preset options


    Phoenix - Award BIOS


    The options are

    *Standard CMOS Features

    *Advanced BIOS Features

    *Advanced Chipset Features

    ***High Performance Mode

    ***Agressive Timing

    ***CPU Overclock In MHz

    ***AGP Overclock In MHz

    ***AGP Aperiture Size (MB)

    ***HT Frequency

    ***System BIOS Cacheable

    *Integrated Peripherals

    *Power Management Setup

    *PnP/PCI Configuration

    *H/W Monitor

    *Frequency/Voltage Control

    ***Dynamic Overclock

    ***CPU Voltage

    ***Memory Voltage

    ***AGP Voltage



    CPU Voltage at 1.65v

    AGP Voltage At 1.5v (Standard)

    CPU Overclock at 209 MHz

    AGP Overclock at 66 MHz


    If I try to push the CPU Overclock any higher than 209 MHz, then I will just get the black screen, which the only way to solve that is pull the CMOS Battery.

  7. sorry bout the sig, ill have to fix that


    and how do you mean lock my agp bus? all i did when i went in was push the cpu mhz from 200 to 210 (i know big leap) and push up the cpu voltage




    cant get the sig smaller than 30kb using photoshop, lowest jpeg settings, any suggestions for me?

  8. hey guys i was pushing the mhz of my cpu to 210 and when i boot it up out of the bios, for some reason the video card decides not to show anything on the monitor, any ideas what the problem could be? i have the cpu voltage at 1.6, should i push the agp voltage up?

  9. i know that clan games you are only allowed to use certain skins, and for clan tourniments, you are supposed to uninstall all of the skins. at least thats how it was when i was in |M16|


    but i tried what you said blitz, and it didnt work properly, so i dont know what to do.


    I found a crips skin and a bloods skin, and I thought that it would be sorta cool to play a "gang" war

  10. I thought that I read on valves site, that the VAC is not triggered by the custom skins...and i know that some of my friends have done that



    What is VAC?


    The Valve Anti-Cheat system runs on servers displaying the "Secured" shield logo. If a user connects to a VAC-Secured server while using a cheat, the VAC system will ban the user from playing on VAC-Secured servers in the future.


    While server admins may choose to ban specific players, server admins cannot VAC ban players. The VAC system is automated - contacting Steam Support to report cheaters is not necessary, nor will Steam Support act on any information provided.


    All VAC bans are permanent - Valve has a zero-tolerance policy for cheaters.


    The VAC system does not generate false-positives. Only hacks and cheats (modifications designed to give one player an advantage over other players) will trigger a VAC ban - any modifications to a game's core executable files (.EXE) or dynamic link library (.DLL) files will trigger the VAC system.

    The following will not trigger a VAC ban:


    * Using chat programs like X-Fire

    * Playing multi-player mods which do not modify core .EXE and .DLL files

    * System hardware configurations

    * Playing with custom skins


    Use only trusted machines to play on VAC-Secured servers - if you are not sure whether or not the machine you are using to connect to Steam may have cheats installed, do not play on VAC-Secured servers.


    For more information on Valve's policies, please see the Steam Subscriber Agreement and the Rules of Steam Online Conduct.

    Steam Subscriber Agreement



    Rules of Steam Online Conduct





  11. ok ill try that..


    what i ment by the player selections is when you go into the game, you can select at a t, the artic, leet, etc, i want all of the skins for those selections to be identical.

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