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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. for sure, that little brat would have nothing electronic to touch or play with, no computer, tv, calculator, etc....I would beat the crap out of him. probably would sell the xbox to one of his best friends...lol


    It actually reminds me of my girlfriends cousin, he is 15 and does not leave his room. he just sits there and plays xbox all night and sleeps all day. Its crazy and if I were his parents there would be some changes

  2. my school had ACER computers and they were not too bad, I just thought that they were a little bit on the cheaper side, but not bad. I can only assume that the monitors are not that bad. They didnt seem to be bad with the computers at school.


    Have you looked at a ProView monitor?


    This one is not the exact model that I have, but I love mine, except for the fact that you cant tilt the screen, and its stuck on a downward tilt, nothing a sharpie cant prop up...lol




    The second link is the one that I have

  3. Has anyone heard of this stuff?

    It is supposed to be non conductive, so you can spill some of it on the motherboard and nothing will happen.

    If this is true and people here have used it and still use it, I might actually go towards watercooling, the only reasons Im not going to right now is because 1. money issues and 2. my room mates get drunk, my luck one would run into my case and make the water spill out, but i wouldnt have to worry about that if i get this stuff...let me know some knoweledge on this fluid


  4. My dad also has a cord drill, but I was more or less just wondering if that was a special bit for a certain tool, such as a drimel (sp?) but can I get one of those bits at ACE hardware or something?




    So i need to look for a 114mm hole drill bit instead of a 120mm hole drill bit?

  5. and those work in cordless drills?


    this is my plan. replace the 80mm fan on the side with 4 120mm fans and putting them as intakes, then cutting a hole for a 120mm fan on the top for exaust. then im thinking about finally replacing the stock amd fan for a new one, but i will do this either over thanksgiving if i can find some where to get some cheap fans or over christmas. both are long breaks and it would actually be worth taking the computer back home

  6. Im thinking about cutting out holes in the plexi and adding more fans on the side of the case as intake and something i have needed to do for a long time, a top exaust.


    will it be work doing the side fans?




    What would be the best thing to cut through the plastic window and the metal?


    It has a design on the side of the case that im going to cut off so that I will be able to put the fans in

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