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Everything posted by daniel

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5147753023&rd=1
  2. well i want to continue using my watch in my right hand... but after a month of having it on the left.. b/.c of the cast... im using it on the left... and this is my watch i got a gshock
  3. http://www.jscustompcs.com/power_supply/ try that link i hope it helps
  4. CPU idler... something to watch the CPU temps?
  5. well... i used to use it on my right arm... but while ihad my cast on my right hand.. i had to put it on the left.. and now.. i got used to it
  6. well.... my day is like.. school, sleep, OCC and fridays and sats.. with my GF... and i am in the forums alll the time... searching for new topics.. were i can contribute my lil knowledge... but as SDY said... most of the times.... they already answered the question.. and there is nothing to add....
  7. daniel

    Any Cod Player?

    yup UO sorry i forgot to mention that...
  8. daniel

    Any Cod Player?

    Well me and some friends are just starting a multigaming clan... but the first server we are getting is a COD and then a CSS so if there is any clanless people around here.. that play cod... ur more than welcomed... www.pk-hq.net
  9. just gimme some game server hosts names that sponsor.. And well i already have a proposal... saying how we can get them more money
  10. Do u guys know any game server hosting.. that hosts for free. or sponsors? myclan really needs a server.. thnx for the help
  11. well there are some slot coolers.. that go in the PCI slots...
  12. 152 and in the ink one.. i got something like "Sexual Addict" DAniel, your . IQ is 84! highet than 15%
  13. Well a easy way to burn it... is copy all the files from teh CD to teh computer.. and then burn the CD from the computer.. with teh files u just copied....
  14. thats ugly +o( my favorite cars will always be mclaren F1 Corvette and a H1
  15. Well i use a similar prog... taht is listed.. there.... its called... registry mechanic... and well i dont use nothing from that list....
  16. Well guys, this prog, elimates all possible traces of spyware, ive use it and it is good, well it is not free, i thought it was free, because my ISP gave it to me for free... its called Pestpatrol www.pestpatrol.com well in that page you can get a free spyware scan, so you can test it... or here are some free versions of it... trials... Pest Patrol 4-2 Trial Pest Patrol 5 Trial Official Site (Must Register) Trial In the official site u just need to put ur first name and email address (can use a fake one) The trial lasts 30 days so guys try it!
  17. newegg, try the enermax, here is a link to newegg http://www.newegg.com/app/viewProductDesc....-103-437&DEPA=0
  18. well i have to deal with that all the days of my life.... b/c at school im called "El Hacker", people dont even know what spyware is... so they r always trying to get help from me... , but the worst part.. is that comp pro's... those that go... to fix ur comp.... they think they know all.... and one.. day i laughed so hard in a face of a guy.... b/c he told me that AMD procs couldnt be OC'ed..., that just imagine.. those would blow up... *he studyed computing stuff and all that crap*, so a 14 year old guy.... here... in this undeveloped country... can be "the Hacker" and just trust me if one of u guys came here.... u guys would be so confused... you cant OC in this country.. well u can.... but let me give u an example.. the best watter cooling system they sell is the wc-101.... and they dont even have brand named fans... well so im happy.. im just like the geek.... sorry if this doesnt have to do with the topic.. i was just.. saying... hows my life here... *Btw im 15 now *
  19. oh... so for the money ill get a 5200 its great for gaming... well games before doom 3... ive built 5 comps with that vid card, and it hasnt shown any problem, well the vid cards that i would get for that price.. would be a 5200 or a 5500 or if u can spend just a lil more a 9600pro and if u add 20 more bucks u can get a XT
  20. for a good gaming system i think u need to spend atleast 150 in a vid card...
  21. well u can get a ATi Radeon x800pro for 360 bucks in ecost.com
  22. Well i just bought a ati 10800pro (Better known as x800pro), with no vivo... is it possible to flash it?
  23. I use intel too.... and i paid like 140 bucks for it...can i OC i dont know...
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