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Everything posted by daniel

  1. Well my brother needs a comp for his U and well he wants a INTEL one.... SO i built one with intel mobo p4 3.2 600 series 6600 GT 1 gig of pc2 4300 17inch LCD and a dual layer DVD burner all that for 1340 But he built a 8400 on dell with the same stuff exept that the dell has 2x512 ram sticks and a 6800 for the same price.... and he also has a 12% discount on dell.. so should he get the dell for about 200 bucks less or the custom built
  2. Just a message for all of U! if ur using IE switch now to Opera use spyware doctor to remove spyware u must have atleast 100 infections by now! Also opera has a auto reloader! when u right click any site! there is an option use my link http://www.surfjunky.com/?r=dorronsoro1
  3. daniel


    dont use IE use OPERA! if u already used IE run spyware doctor u must have atlaeas 100 infections..... in Opera it wont pop up
  4. Lol... .ur friend is dumb.. just make him read this thread
  5. 2 months ago.. i used... spy doctor, spy bot SD, Pestpatrol, Ad Aware and spy sweeper all together.... i scanned my system once a day.. but after i started using firefox.. my spyware decreased a lot.. so now i only have 3.. spy doctor, spy sweeper and ad aware
  6. ummm in the first link it says its 64bit proc im kinda liking this
  7. howd ya spec it to work.. with out a mobo :S
  8. Well, i already did a anti-virus one.. now i want to know about the spyware removal tools
  9. dude i need something under a 1500 bucks.. i looked at alienware... but they are over 1500
  10. Wuts the Best laptop i can get for max 1500 bucks.. Gaming laptop! thx
  11. Plz. plz plz.. i need this for a project tomorrow wut does this means C16H12FN3O3 - 5-(2-Fluorophenyl) 1,3-dihydro-1-methyl-7-nitro-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one. Thx http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/motm/rohypnol/rohypnolh.htm
  12. btw .. im not willing to buy a new vid card :@ i just need a add on thingy.... under 150 bucks
  13. daniel


    this link might help http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,119042,00.asp it was PC world not PC mag
  14. Well guys, i must get something to do video editting on my computer, well i need something for video in.... audio in... and if its possible a TV tunner too do u guys know of a good one?
  15. daniel


    fixed , my reason to put this up, is that i saw an article on PC MAg, about BTX being better b/c of airflow
  16. Well, just want to know wut u guys think about the BTX mobos
  17. Well, i just started to create a PHPNuke Site and i am already stuck at the beggining Ok , so i editted the stuff in teh config.pho file, i have mysqladmin.... i dont know how to add the tables to teh database with it.. all the tables info is in the nuke.sql so can someone help me plz...
  18. daniel

    Back-up Dvds

    i use nero recode to shrink and burn :S i bought it... but this is the first dvd that gives me prob
  19. daniel

    Back-up Dvds

    oh... b/c i have all my movies and a back up of it.. u never know if its gonna happen something to it well so i guess i wont back up this one
  20. daniel

    Back-up Dvds

    Well normally i backup all my dvd videos, but today i encountered one in my collection which is protected, how can i back up it?
  21. im not a photoshop guru.. but this is my second time using PS...
  22. well just one thing u guys dont think about is... they must pay people who build them.. marketers bla bla bla... also this comps include software
  23. if i want to get 4% more of a better system i would had to pay 600 more bucks.. that wut i paid for mine
  24. lol ive been trying to run that.. but firefox doesnt run... it.. and when i runn it on IE it crashes :S
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