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Am I just lucky or smart?

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I think the DFI employees on this site need change the way they post some of the messages here. I consider some of them unprofessional. Remember we are your customers. Customers are no. 1. I asked a simple question about the fan header voltage yesterday and nobody from DFI has given me an answer yet. Instead, they spent all day writing essays in this thread. Don't ask me to do a search. You are here to provide support and I expect your support.


If you have to answer the same question a thousand times to a thousand customers, just do it. This is your job (DFI support technician), isn't it?




Uh have you counted how many new posts there are in one hour? On of the reasons you answer might not have ben read was the sea of people asking the same questions over and over. There is no way they are going to keep up and test there are only two paid ones and they do testing rma and other dutys. Even if they only answered questions and did not have to work on the answeres they cold not keep up.


I am not getting paid or anything and I must have linked 30 people to the stickies just last night the same exat solution to the same exat problem over and over again. There were a dozen people with the same problem in one day and no one even botherd to read the other posts right next to them.


If they hired enough people to ansewer every identical question it would make the price of the mobo go up.


I am sorry if I am rude to anyone or come off that way my written english skills are pretty poor worse if I am at work I often only have one min on the computer at a time.


The thing is I wold probibily hardly be no this forum if the memory that I bought with the board showed up on time. The first set of memory was not stable at stock speeds with tons of playing the new memory was stable up to 280 with minimal adjustments.Neither were cheap memory either.

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1. I am not happy with DFI's support in regards to this forum, nothing personal, but I just recently asked for help 1 TIME and neither my post or pm were responded to(selective support?)This search thing is out of control. If this is a support forum, peeps SHOULD NOT have to perform a thread juggling act just to get information that they are entitled to by the virtue of, say, the $200+ they put out to purchase this product.


If you just want the answers, call your regional support office and get them. This forum is not based on or around corporate headquarters support system.


There is no juggling act. There is a forum to read, and a search button to find the answers to your questions. To say it is a juggling act is…completely incorrect, and consists of too much “me me me me me me me” attitude. This forum is not for you, and probably DFI motherboards are not for you.


Btw, there is no ‘selective support’. I turned off my PM’s because they consist of 50 ‘how do I overclock’ questions, and 20 ‘how do I put this together’ questions per day it seems. All of the questions that get sent to me in PM got ignored if they were questions that fell into one of these categories (and yours did):


1. can be found by search (I searched and found it…you can search and find it too)


2. should have been asked in open forum. I don’t answer pm’s because only you get the answer and that answer could possibly help others users. Don’t be stingy with your answers (ie: post in open forum your questions and others can maybe utilize the answers you received)


3. your thread probably went unanswered not because of ‘selective support’ but because of our workload. There are many threads Rgone and I never get to answer because of how busy we are. Same with PM’s. That is just the way it is. If you have a problem with this, complain to our bosses and tell them to hire someone else or give us a raise or make us robots so we never have need of sleep or a life and we can sit here 24 hours per day answering every question for every user.



Then re-read this post by Rgone:



So the mindless yammering and persistent failure to be one's own system intergrator and bear the responsibilities of same has caused a huge degeneration of the situation as a whole. So much so that we are even considering closing the site much like countries have closed the relief sites for displaced persons who cannot manage to get along and act as if they realized how to act when being handed something for free.



Not much else to say there. It is coming down to decision time…do we try and clean this place up and get you all on the right track and teach you to fend for yourselves and treat us with some decency so we will continue to have this forum and answer your questions and continue to support all the new daily refugees that show up here with problems?


Or do we shut it all down and go back to our normal, regular tasks for DFI (answering tech emails with canned answers, give canned answers over the telephone, provide no community for overclocking, modifications, and other ‘beyond-the-job-description’ things…?



Here's what I propose: We (not AG or Rgone since they have better things to do) should setup a thread with links to helpful posts. Then instead of referring people to the search (which is highly based on user skill) we can link people to that collective FAQ thread which should answer 90% of all questions asked


We are working on this in the Admin section with the mods and about 10 other highly respected members of this site. Its our last gasp for air in trying to turn this place around before I decide to close it for good and pocket the money I spend on it each month (which will also get me back to working only 6-8 hour days, 5 days a week, instead of the 12-16 hour days, 7 days a week that we work now)


dude I think it sux you guys have to come out of your OWN POCKETS to help people and its not fair(take it up with Oskar)


Oskar is not our bossman. He is just another engineer in the company that happens to be the one designing boards that you all enjoy. He has nothing to do with nothing for support other than to clarify an issue with his design when we run into a problem.



Ummm, You are DFI employees, right?

This is DFI-street, where I and I am sure others, were under the impression that this is an official DFI support site, because if its not then I am little vague as to what DFI does to acknowledge most of its support issues, the manual does not even have a phone number.


We are DFI employees. Our job description says nothing about paying for a support forum out of our own pockets because WE think it is a better support system than what others have (search their website for a contact button or regional phone number and get canned answers).


This is NOT an official DFI support site, hence no links to it from dfiweb.com or dfi.com.tw. This is OUR support site, paid for with OUR money, not DFI’s. If you are unhappy with this support system, you can always call your regional office or email them and see what kind of answer you will get.


Look on the website for the phone numbers. They are there. I gave you the links to them (dfi.com.tw / dfiweb.com)


I appreciate this forum, but a refugee camp? I think thats a little skewed...and from what I gather above it seems like your concept on tech support is slighltly misplaced


It is a refugee camp. All the refugees that have a problem show up here. We don’t want it to be a refugee camp. We want it to go back to being a good community.


His concept of tech support is spot-on. Again I’ll repeat…you want official support from the official webpage, contact them. We are here to provide our system of support and it is much better than standard support (since they will ignore anything that even hints at overclocking, modding, or doing anything beyond stock speeds/voltages most of the time). If you don’t think it is better, then again, contact main DFI Taiwan support and get your support from them.


It doesn't matter if DFI funds this site or not. This site is run by several DFI employees and therefore DFI, as a company, has full the responsibity for this site. In many posts, these DFI employees clearly lead consumers to believe this is in fact an official DFI support site. Many of you post messages during normal work hours and we have to assume that DFI pays you salary to do so.


So incorrect that I can’t believe you’d even imagine such a thing.


We are DFI employees. Our job roles are ‘answer tech email and telephone calls’.


Period. End of story. We are not obligated to have this forum. Our bosses nor the company pay for it. Rgone and I do because it is more free in form on support than any corporate support system could possibly be. If this was DFI controlled and under DFI’s thumb, there would be no modification section, no talk of overclocking (regardless of PR statements since it is NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED AND VOIDS YOUR WARRANTY).


I’ve never led any user to believe this is official support site. If it was, it would have links to it at dfi.com.tw, dfiweb.com, and all the major vendors like newegg.com etc. It doesn’t. DFI has no control over this site and never will. I will shut it down and pocket the money I spend before I let corporate have any control over it, and go back to my normal duties of simply answering email and telephone calls.


DFI pays us a salary. It is up to them whether or not to terminate our employment. But we’ve made it clear to them that DFI-STREET is not theirs, belongs to us, and it gives us a little extra freedom and we are not bound by most of the corporate rules. We are bound by some rules as any employee is. We post during work hours, and beyond work hours. 9-5 is normal work ours, 85% of all my posts are after 5pm, with most coming between 9 at night and 5 in the morning.


DFI has also had it made clear to them (our USA bosses) that this site is more important than they could have ever imagined. We did not have to make it clear to them. You, the users, have made it clear to them (by signing up 20-30 new members each and every day for a year now, by writing emails to them telling them or us just how important this forum is, and by going above and beyond what corporate DFI is able to do for a customer *like help overclock*).


Please get your facts straight before making such erroneous comments.



I think the DFI employees on this site need change the way they post some of the messages here. I consider some of them unprofessional. Remember we are your customers. Customers are no. 1. I asked a simple question about the fan header voltage yesterday and nobody from DFI has given me an answer yet. Instead, they spent all day writing essays in this thread. Don't ask me to do a search. You are here to provide support and I expect your support.


If you have to answer the same question a thousand times to a thousand customers, just do it. This is your job (DFI support technician), isn't it?


We are not obligated to answer anything at this forum. We are obligated to answer tech support emails and telephone calls to the regional office. Don’t assume you know anything about our jobs or us because you don’t.


Here’s a good bit of advice: if you don’t like the way we post messages, don’t post here. If you don’t think we are professional, don’t post here.


We are free to write 2,000,000 word essays at this site if that is how we choose to spend our time.


You aren’t being asked to do a search. You are being told that you need to search. If you don’t like it, contact normal support and ask your question. They are obligated to answer you if they have an answer. At this forum we are not obligated to do anything for you if we choose not to.


You should not expect anything when you don’t have any idea of where exactly on the internet you are. You expecting anything means again, you should contact normal support through the proper channels at dfi.com.tw or dfiweb.com. We expect you to treat us like humans but you don’t, you treat us like a machine that is to spit out answer after answer regardless of whether we have more pressing matters or even *gasp* a life outside of this job.


We don’t have to answer the same question over and over. We instruct you to search because it has been answered many times already. If you are too lazy to search, or expect us to do something for you that is right in front of your face, you are out of luck, and maybe need to re-think how you can go around just expecting people to do as you command or will them to do.



Just in case some of you forgot to read the rules…here’s an excerpt from them:


Above all, this is a help forum. DFI Techs are here to assist users by their own choice. Other users are here to share their experience and knowledge in a community setting.


I am not up to the par as RGone, or Angry James


Lol…Angry James…that’s a good one (made me laugh)


How come he gets to curse


He doesn’t. I’ve warned him about this and if he continues to bust out the semi-partial curses then he’ll end up on the end of the consequences.





the moral of this story is a lot of you didn't bother to read the rules or the stickies and are too lazy to do anything but demand answers because you think it is your God-given right.


Too bad. It doesn't work that way.


There are two options.


1. we close the forum and go back to the old support system and you can worry yourselves to death on other forums where no DFI techs will ever show their faces because you can't control yourselves or have some common sense or even treat people decently because you spent some amount of money and demand that we drop everything we are doing to hold your hand.


Aint gonna happen (the hand holding). You want us to shut the forum down and go back to our normal duties and never even discuss overclocking, modding, etc that cannot be discussed by official tech support?


Just say so. I am more than ready to shut this crackhouse down and get back to a normal 9-5 5 day a week job where i can have a normal life (albeit a boring one). Choice is yours.



2. Try and clean this place up, weed out the bad apples, make much stricter rules and guidelines and have some zero-tolerance policies while streamlining the important information.




Personally, I am all for #1 at this point (see my avatar? after reading this thread you should understand exactly what that avatar is saying). Rgone and the mods and a few other respected users here have practically begged me to not do such a wild thing. Since I do respect them, I am willing to make the effort to keep the place open and see if we can turn it around...but I am not doing such a thing with much of a positive attitude as I have seen really all I need to see (and saw it for years as company reps quickly stopped going to forums all over the internet because of rabid customers forgetting they are people and treated them like dogs to be kicked).


But Rgone is like a brother, as are a few others, and I'll do as he and a few others ask that are like brothers and try to help turn this place into a good place again. They see merit in this place, as I once did.


And this is not something that has just come up all the sudden because of this thread. Rgone and I have discussed closing this forum down because of all the problems/problem users for about 3 months.


It is a good thing that he and I have the patience we do (unlike more than a few people that show up here with their demands).


We are trying to implement the new set of rules and such by next Friday. A lot of you are going to balk at them and if you do, you need to go away right now because this place is not going to be user-friendly for you, and you won't really dig our zero-tolerance policies too much.


for the other 99% of you, you will, I think, enjoy this place even more as it will be better than what it is right now. Less crap, more streamlined, less riff-raff, more helpful, and the best part of all is we are going to attempt to teach you how to fend for yourselves in a sea of choices, to teach you how to make objective decisions, how to search and find answers, and how to get the most out of the money you have to spend.


Until next weekend, I have an overflowing plate of work to do so you won't see me much at all (I say that but end up here 7 hours a day even on my 'vacation' days). I will continue to watch this thread carefully.

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(no need to quote the entire thing my man).



whut can I say?

dawg you do this cuz you want to.

If you think that I should I feel appreciative cuz you work OT is NOT MY FAULT or others that need the help. You took the job, started the site, and tried to help peeps and I dig it. But tryin to demean or denegrate people whose "hand you hold" is not my business or concern. If that is the case how come I have never spoken to you on the tech support line(that I have never called because I don't know the number)and that fend yourselves nonsense is kind of old like the "what gas your car uses" analogy.

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whut can I say?

dawg you do this cuz you want to.

If you think that I should I feel appreciative cuz you work OT is NOT MY FAULT or others that need the help. You took the job, started the site, and tried to help peeps and I dig it. But tryin to demean or denegrate people whose "hand you hold" is not my business or concern. If that is the case how come I have never spoken to you on the tech support line(that I have never called because I don't know the number)and that fend yourselves nonsense is kind of old like the "what gas your car uses" analogy.

you have the choice of either accepting it, or leaving this forum and going somewhere else for support. Take it or leave it. But its getting to be an old argument with you, as is listening to your constant arguing or complaining. This is not your complaint department. This is tech support. Ask a tech support question or go to the Off Topic and complain or move on.

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I will never buy a DFI product any more. When my current NF4 Ultra-D dies in the foreseeable future, I will not RMA it even it is still under the warranty. I refuse take or witness any more abuse from someone who says he represents DFI.


There are a lot of good people here who are truly helping new DFI owners. Thanks to Pershoot, Sharp, StephenC, Playah and many others.


Logging out....

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I will never buy a DFI product any more. When my current NF4 Ultra-D dies in the foreseeable future, I will not RMA it even it is still under the warranty. I refuse take or witness any more abuse from someone who says he represents DFI.


There are a lot of good people here who are truly helping new DFI owners. Thanks to Pershoot, Sharp, StephenC, Playah and many others.


Logging out....

I understand. It is your choice. I do wish you well (and not in a smarmy way) with your DFI and whatever you purchase next. I am sorry you are not happy with our support and I am sorry you think you are being abused.


I do appreciate that you do not stoop to lowly insults and other negative things to tell me your opinion. We will miss you as a customer but you know when enough is enough for you, and I understand completely.

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I actually discovered this forum after I had purchased a DFI motherboard for my computer. Now I have had some minor problems, but this place helped me solve all of them. I am thankful there are people on this forum who will take the time to answer questions. Thanks again guys!

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Guest Spartacus



One possible solution to your headaches would be to move to a subscription based model for posting access to the forums. In other words, before you can post a stupid question you'd have to pay a $10/year subscription fee by Paypal or mail a check or something.


Read access (and SEARCH access :) ) to the forum could remain free.


Hopefully those of us who have offered help to a lot of people would be "Grandfathered in". :)


That whole idea I know will get flamed by many, but I don't care. Many tech companies are selling support as an add-on for the customers who NEED it. It helps keep cost down on the product and forces customers to not be so lazy and try to find the solutions themselves before screaming for help.


The fees would cut down drastically on the trash, free up your time, and also help recover your operating costs.


For those of you ready to whine about paying for support, remember the DFI website still offers free support and likely AG will be still answering your e-mails and RMA requests same as before.


Whattcha think?

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One possible solution to your headaches would be to move to a subscription based model for posting access to the forums. In other words, before you can post a stupid question you'd have to pay a $10/year subscription fee by Paypal or mail a check or something.


Read access (and SEARCH access :) ) to the forum could remain free.


Hopefully those of us who have offered help to a lot of people would be "Grandfathered in". :)


That whole idea I know will get flamed by many, but I don't care. Many tech companies are selling support as an add-on for the customers who NEED it. It helps keep cost down on the product and forces customers to not be so lazy and try to find the solutions themselves before screaming for help.


The fees would cut down drastically on the trash, free up your time, and also help recover your operating costs.


For those of you ready to whine about paying for support, remember the DFI website still offers free support and likely AG will be still answering your e-mails and RMA requests same as before.


Whattcha think?


Lordy you think people expect to be "served" now...Wait till someone pitches in a couple bucks :D It has it's pros and cons and god knows I'd love to never see another "what memory should I get" post or "is this 400w psu okay?"... I've only been here since April and I don't know how you guys can stand it some days...

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Lordy you think people expect to be "served" now...Wait till someone pitches in a couple bucks :D It has it's pros and cons and god knows I'd love to never see another "what memory should I get" post or "is this 400w psu okay?"... I've only been here since April and I don't know how you guys can stand it some days...


Yup took a good two months off the basic 64 section. The worst thing is when the people that get pissed off when you tell them something simple like their 300W with 12 amps on the 12 volt rail PSU is not enough. Seriously people get upset about this too?!


I sure wish the corsair people would come over and help out. they used to make good memory when everyone was using Intel. I know AG has tried to get some memory from them so he could do testing with no luck. You would think they would know not to look a gift horse in the mouth.


You would thing that people would realize things have changed with a new chipset and this is pretty much par for the cource for new chipsets unless you cripple it with overly safe settings.


You want a mobo that does 315 FSB 1:1 and no adjustment sorry not yet(unless you go to super high latency ie DDR2)

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