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Damn, I must be crazy. Looking for a new gaming monitor

Guest Kronos_merged

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"Viewsonic 19" Pro Series CRT PF95+B OC'd to 23""


Now that's funny!



If I could only figure out which bios is specific for my moniter, and get the Hz dialed in, I might be able to squeeze another inch or two out of it.

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If I could only figure out which bios is specific for my moniter, and get the Hz dialed in, I might be able to squeeze another inch or two out of it.

You can download drivers your your monitor most likly from their site.

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  • 10 months later...

back from the dead!! I've been looking for a new monitor to play games and watch movies on. I was researching 20.1" flatscreen LCDs, but none seemed to be the right one. Then I did a search for widescreen CRTs and came across the Sony FW900. It's a tad bit smaller than the 24" DELL Ultrasharps.. about an inch less in width, less than an inch in height (22.5" diagonal), but I can get it for $400 SHIPPED! This is 60% off the price at AccurateIT. Killer resolution, no problem with ghosting, and its big as **** :) At a mamouth 96.2lbs though, I might need to buy a new desk :P


What are the downsides to a monitor that has no DVI connection, only D-sub?

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Guest Joalaielna

I've been looking into the sony for awhile. There was a guy on Ebay selling them for 200.00 buy it now and it was pickup only...I was about to do it but decided to wait and get a 20" widescreen LCD. Newegg has some for 200-250 that are really nice. I just am tired of hauling around a monster to lan parties.


I havent got the LCD yet but as soon as I get some more jobs to pay for it I will.

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The 1st one that you linked, the VX924, was the one that i intended on getting. Then before i made my purchase, the sales guy said that they would be getting the VX922's in within a matter of days. I cant see too much of a difference between them besides the 4ms vs 2ms response time but what i can say, is that im pretty impressed. Right now my retailer has is on for $319CAD so if you are looking at the 924, the 922 is definetly worth a look. If you want to know any details (i have access to a pretty sweet digi cam) i would be more than happy to snap some screenshots or closeups or whatever, just lemme know.

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Guest YuKoN

I like my 21" CRT. It's a Nokia 445ZA. Nice images- plays games at 1280x1024 at 85hz(reccommended resolution,will do 1600x1200). Best part is- I paid 50 bucks for it. Cost a little more than that to ship it lol. But, for about 110, I couldn't pass it up. I think internally it's a viewsonic.


And heck, with teamspeak and ventrilo these days, my lanparties are done sitting right here over my cable. Can't beat that- a chair with my own assprint and no-one to hog my beer lol. 'Cept me of course!


LCD's are very nice- if you have the means. One of my buddies just bought himself a 32" widescreen by Acer. I have to admit- it's pretty pimp. But I think my wife would wear my balls for earrings if I spent $1100 on a monitor. :eek:

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