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Amd Poor Farm


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I know this might be said news for all of you AMD fans, but lets just remember one thing.... One of the things that AMD doesn't make is MONEY!!!! I know earnings per share and P/E ratios might be over your heads but lets look at it in these terms


AMD has an earning per share of -$4.2 that means they lost 1,452,360,000 in the last period.... (thats 1.45 BILLION) They have a market cap of 2.5 Billion, at that rate they won't live long!!!! About 1.5 years and the money or value of the company is ALL GONE and they will be too....


INTEL has an earnings per share of $0.47 that means they made 3,070,980,000 in the last period... (thats 3.07 BILLION) They have a market cap of 152 BILLION It's going to be a hell of a long time before Intel has any cash worries....


AMD might pull something out an stay in the fight in some way but I'd say the numbers favor Intel in a big big way..... I hope they stay in the game becuase I think the compitition is good and I'm not an AMD basher, we need some one to be the second fastest processor. (AMD fans don't throw rocks at me, I just could not resist as an Intel guy!!)


In a real life comparison if your AMD you earn $20,000 per year but need almost $40,000 per year to live on and you only have another $30,000 in the bank before you go broke. Your friend Mr Intel earns $200,000 per year and is able to put about $40,000 in the bank each year. Your friend Mr intel has about $1,400,000 in his checking acount....


Hmmmm me thinks Mr. Intel is smarter than Mr AMD....

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perhaps advertising might help amd... intel has built up a big hype over their products over the last few years by making fancy commercials to get the average joe computer buyer to think intel is far superior. Like blueman group playing with the number 4... u can't beat that.. even though it has nothing to do with the processor itself besides it being "4". Also there was this thing with aliens editing images and i felt that was intel's way of saying that photo editting is exclusively intel (which it's not). Yah.. i guess im done.

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trust me, the game is far from over my friend. intel and microsoft were VERY close to a court date over the 64bit battle. ms is supporting intels current 64bit cpu in 1/3 or it's upcoming 64bit os's. amd is in all of them. microsoft and amd are working very closely, and sure seems like that isn't about to end anytime soon either. intel's P5 is no answer to the athlon 64, and there won't be from intel for atleast a year to 18 months. If you follow the market, worry about it now, but prepare for tomorrow is the way to go. and I don't see no fat lady singing for amd yet.

Edited by bigred

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I never declaired the battle over, just adding some perspective. However you assuptions on Intel and MS miss the mark. In fact Intel and MS are working very closely on sevreal new technologies that will reshape the battle completely... Microsoft isn't going to give up on intel at 26 Billion in annual sales against 2.5 billion for AMD......


Bill tells me that MS is working with Intel on the "next Gen" stuff and it will require a completely different hardware and software platform, in order to make that pay they had to hook up with the big fish.


Personaaly I think AMD makes it, but the race is going where AMD thinks it is!!!


PS.... Bishop that post is funny as hell!!!!!

Edited by Lantom

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I kinda just ignored that whole post cause its kind of stupid.... that's like

me creating my own operating system and trying to take on Microsoft and

expecting not to lose any money in the process.... say I had a better OS than

windows and stole a huge chunk of business from microsoft and scared the

crap out of them.... how exactly would that be a bad thing if for the time being

I lost a whole bunch of money??? I basicly opened up myself and my company

name to a whole new group of people for my future products and a change at

stealing even more of a market share and potentially taking over once everything

starts to pan out... then the money starts rolling in..... thats basicly the reason you're

not in the game... 'sacrifice' isnt in your vocab

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I agree with VolcomPimp (if I understand what I'm saying). AMD knew they were going to lose money this last period. They knew about it before it happened, but they wanted to roll out the Athlon XP line at a better price/performance ratio than what Intel had to offer. Now once the marchitecture got out of hand, they went astray, but before the 2800+, the prices were great for what you got. Intel has always charged a bit more for equal performance (or same price for less performance) which is how they made money. Intel's advertising was all over the place, but AMD was pretty much only known by people that know how to use a computer beyond MS Office.


Now AMD has a huge opportunity w/ the Athlon 64, and if they can market it right and get it to be well known, working alongside of Microsoft can quite possibly give them the upperhand for the next few quarters... Depending on Intel's response to this, AMD has the huge potential to grow in popularity among even the most novice users. Only time will tell..

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