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my roommate is going to ITT tech here in san antonio

Off topic, I know... but I hope the ITT tech there is better than the one here in Knoxville. After my 1.5 years there, I wouldn't recomend it to anyone.

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which means my chacnes of getting my name pulled out of the hat are 7/130 or 5.4 % and the highest eligible scores are form chs tigers and superbeast:23/130, 24/130 or 17.6%, 18.5%. Id say that these guys have a pretty good shot at winning. But hey, its really luck thats got everything to do with it, right? lol :lol:


now im glad i decided to fold as much as i have :D

..but don't forget there will be three prizes given away so you have a better chance at winning something.

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will this be all members or just active members?

You don't have to be active but, you need atleast 1,000 score to be entered in the contest. For every 1,000 score you get one entry in the contest. So, in a way you increase your odds of winning if you're active :)


question. once we win something can we ever win anything again?

No, not in this contest.

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i am so excited to be the one who WILL win 1st place!! (well i will try)


here is a link to some f@h small tweaks that some of the newer people or maybe even some of the older f@h people might find usefull. Just don't use their team number just ours 12772!!!!



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when im folding my cpu usage is just at 50% even if i set all the seting in the advance tab of the configuration to use the max cpu power available y is this


ps i have a dual cpu system if it makes any diffrence

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do you mean that 50% of cpu usage is folding and the rest used up other various processes, or do you mean that the rest is going idle?


also have you configured folding to use multiple cpus? you said that you set all the settings in the advance tab of the configuration to use the max cpu power available. so you set it to use up all the idle process available, but i think folding will assume you only have one cpu unless you specifically configured folding to use multiple cpus.


this was from a link someone else posted in the folding forums that shows how to do some tweaks.



so you don't have to go searching through all of it

B) Two folds are better than one (Difficulty: Advanced)

            For those lucky users with dual-processor machines or rigs with hyperthreaded P4s, you can run two instances of the Console version simultaneously.  It's rather involved, but well worth it to see both of your CPUs (or both of your virtual CPUs) being utilized to their fullest.  These instructions assume you are running Win2K Pro or XP Pro.


    1) First, create two separate directories and dump FAH3Console.exe in each one.


    2) Then, you're going to have to make a shortcut to each FAH3Console.exe. Paste the Shortcuts into the C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartup folder so that both FAH consoles will startup every time the system boots up.


    3) Right click on each shortcut you've created. You'll see the "Target" line: "C:Program Filesetc.etc.FAH3Console.exe"


    Now, you MUST add the -local flag, if you haven't already done so here.  Remember to add the -local flag for each shortcut.  It's also a good idea to add -advmethods and -forceasm.


    4) Now, you're almost set. Double click on one of the shortcuts you created. The first time you do, you'll be asked to configure FAH. Aside from your username and Team No. (select team No. 11108 for Team MPC), one of the configuration options is to set the Machine ID for the first FAH3Console.exe program to "1" (when you get to the point where we run the second FAH3Console.exe, you'll need to set the second one's Machine ID to "2").


    5) Now that one instance of FAH is up and running, go into your task manager and hit the "processes" tab. You'll see FAH3Console.exe there. Right click on it and choose "Set Affinity" and set it for CPU 0 only (uncheck CPU 1). You'll also see FAHCore_xx.exe running. Set that for CPU 0 too.


    6) Now you're ready to run the second console (again, launch it by clicking on your second created shortcut). When you configure it, set it for a different machine ID ("2").


    7) In take manager, you'll set the Affinity for your second instance of FAH3Console.exe for CPU 1. Now, this will be tricky as you'll see two FAH3Console.exe's running. You can check which one is the first one by checking the affinity. The new one will have both CPU 0 and 1 checked, while the first one was just set to CPU 0.


    8) Do the same thing with the second FAHCore_xx.exe. Set it to CPU 1 only.


    9) Now you're running two instances of FAH, and they are taking full advantage of your processors.


    10) As long as you don't close out the Console programs, they'll remember their affinity. If you close them, or restart or reboot your computer, you'll need to go back and set the affinity again.


i think i've seen a screen shot of the setting up dual cpus for folding. i don't remember reading into it and not sure which site that was. the other one may be a better example or easier to follow (or not)?


gl. any more questions just ask. i'm sure one of us will be able to help ya.

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man I wish I had seen this thread sooner. I just got moved into my new house. First tim home owner here. and I just got my boxes and Rack up and running. and since it's summer time not many computer at the schools are turned on. so I just ran out and turned on 2 labs to start some movment. how long have we got, hopefully into sept maybe? sorry for my slow down, my output will rise again soon :)

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