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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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well had a little time to play tonite, hit 2660 w/stock volts and 3v on vdimm running 220 (2-2-2-6) w/ a stock amd hs. im a lil hesitant to start adding volts given the cooling and undervolt situation. but even w/ no oc on the vid card and 2T i beat my old 2k1se score by about 100 points. w/o the gpu o/c i took a beating in drag and nature (350/1000 vs 420/1100). :dog:




bf2 is not stable :/ get a reboot every 5-10min.. increased the cpu voltage to plus 3, no go. looped 2k1se fine for 4 hrs @ stock this evening........


Did you leave the default alone and only increase the "voltage increase" by +.30?

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I've tried to follow this thread but not being a hardcore overclocker it becomes very confusing quickly.


I just want to run my new mb, cpu and memory at default settings. Will this motherboard even work at default settings without problems or do I need to wait for the bios update mentioned in the last couple pages?


I tried booting my new board for the first time Wednesday with Buffalo Winbond CH5 1 gig PC3200 (2x256/1x512) memory that I used in my previous Soltek board. It failed miserably. The only way I could get it to work was using just the 2x256 or 1x512. I couldn't get 3 sticks to work at all together no matter which socket I put them in. So needing 1 gig (at least) for Battlefield 2 I went ahead and ordered 2 sticks of Corsair from Newegg. It comes today.


Were you able to get your OS installed?

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Did you leave the default alone and only increase the "voltage increase" by +.30?



yep. and according to the bios, cpu-z , and sandra its getting bumped..


this is at stock btw. 200x12x5, all mem to auto, all voltages default except vdimm set to 2.7 actually reads 2.78

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I've tried to follow this thread but not being a hardcore overclocker it becomes very confusing quickly.


I just want to run my new mb, cpu and memory at default settings. Will this motherboard even work at default settings without problems or do I need to wait for the bios update mentioned in the last couple pages?


I tried booting my new board for the first time Wednesday with Buffalo Winbond CH5 1 gig PC3200 (2x256/1x512) memory that I used in my previous Soltek board. It failed miserably. The only way I could get it to work was using just the 2x256 or 1x512. I couldn't get 3 sticks to work at all together no matter which socket I put them in. So needing 1 gig (at least) for Battlefield 2 I went ahead and ordered 2 sticks of Corsair from Newegg. It comes today.


mine ran on default settings =) my ram defaulted to 2T like many others. other than that i havent gotten one freeze up, one reboot, or bsod ! i need more ram tho !

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I switched out from my K8N Neo2 Platinum last night. With everything set to auto, it came up fine. I did not have to reinstall windows nor rebuild my Raid0 array. That was very nice. Only hinky was getting the Ethernet to accept a DNS assignment from my router at home. So, for the moment I just went with a fixed IP. Ran Prime95 Torture all night solid at 11x210 1:1 2-2-2-6-1T. I briefly tried my old Neo2 settings of 10x300 at 1T. No dice. Even 9x300 5:6 would not fly and that was rock solid on my Neo2. There's a lot of experimenting yet to do and I hope to get some time this weekend to pursue that. The bottom line is, it works with my 3700+ San Diego and both the Mushkin and OCZ TCCDs right out of the box. My gut feeling is it'll take some DFI bios updating before this board is as stable as my Neo2 was, but I also feel this board has the potential to meet that challenge, possibly excede it.


Edit: I forgot to add that the Vcore is .05V lower at the socket than called for in Bios. Vdimm is .1V higher than called for in Bios, Vagp is right on the money. Didn't check the chipset voltage on the board yet. All measuered with a Fluke 189 DMM.



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Guest bobyjo

Just for a suggestion, Place the memory sticks in slots "1 & 2" or "3 & 4".


The manual does not suggest using these slots for dual channel.


If I am not mistaken, the manual is wrong in this area.


To be easier, place the two 512mb sticks in the same color slots, and you are good to go.


Do not install 3 sticks unless you do not want dual channel enbled.

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Last night, out of curiousity, I populated all 4 memory slots with 512M TCCD sticks. I set all memory parameters to auto except the big factors which I set to 2-2-2-6-1T. Much to my surprise, it came up and loaded XP just fine. In my Neo2, it would not even POST. I ran a quick Super Pi 1M and it came in 4s slower at 11x210. When I checked CPU-Z the reason was revealed. The Bios had throttled back the memory to 100 Mhz, but at least it worked. It was past my bedtime on a work night, so I didn't pursue it further. Too bad there's no way with the current bios to force 1:1 aka MemClock 200 Mhz. More experimentation tonight...



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OCZ modstream 520 OR there Adjustable PowerStream for the adjustable 3.3Volt rail as that may well come in handy later.

Can you explain more simple. I don't understand.

AG is talking about power supply units that have variable outputs for the voltages ...typically there are 3 "pots" or dials on the exterior of the PSU that are used to dial delivered voltage up or down (within limits). So, with one of these PSUs, you can present, say, +3.8V on the +3.3V line.

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Hey guys, I'm looking to upgrade to this motherboard and 3700+ SD in the near future, I'll also be purchasing an OCZ Powerstream 520W as I don't think my Antec True 430W is fully upto the challenge. Do you guys think it best that I wait for a new BIOS to be released for this board before I consider purchasing it? Or is it ok to go ahead and order now? Thanks for any suggestions. :)

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Hey guys, I'm looking to upgrade to this motherboard and 3700+ SD in the near future, I'll also be purchasing an OCZ Powerstream 520W as I don't think my Antec True 430W is fully upto the challenge. Do you guys think it best that I wait for a new BIOS to be released for this board before I consider purchasing it? Or is it ok to go ahead and order now? Thanks for any suggestions. :)


That's really your decision to make wether or not to jump on board. I'm sure you've been following this thread and have seen that there are plenty of people up and running and quite a few who got there with no problems. I'm quite happy with mine. AG has already been very up front and told people to hold off awhile so it really is up to you. If yer not in a hurry to blow some money it certainly won't hurt to wait...

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