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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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Not even close to 1:1 with the memory I've got right now. It'll get me to 225MHz but that's all until they get replaced with something more appropriate. Besides that, I can run 310x8 with the 2:1 divider no problems.


All memory is at 2T; just like everyone else I can't get it stable at 1T. Is it normal to see a drop of about 1000MB/s when running 2T opposed to 1T?


1T vs 2T should not be a big change in real-world results.

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What nForce drivers is everyone using with this board?


Which are the best: 5.10 Offical or 6.37 Beta.


I have them all


Windows install Reboots with any of the nForce drivers.




Did u get raid working?

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i wont be running RAID, will i be able to use this motherboard bone stock or is it having issues there as well? and can i run my extra samsung in this new computer once its up to get me 1GB of ram? not sure if different timings is an issue that would prevent me from doing this, both are ddr400 pc3200

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well i booted up my computer this morning, and i got a cmos checksum error i check the battery and it was ok. What happened is my bios settings disappeared after being shutdown, the only thing that stayed was the time and date (strange) so i did the reset of cmos the way it should be done and it took me 2 frick'n hours to make it into windows (lol) no matter what STOCK settings i used it crashed a soon has i got to the desktop, but i figured out the problem if i make any changes to this setting in the bios (CPU VID Control) it crashes, now this is what i mean, right now it says default, the bios shows that the vcore is 1.28, it should be at 1.40 Stock, so if i set it to 1.40 stock no windows,(crash) if i leave it at default it boots fine. this is the second time that i lost all my settings in the bios after i shut it down, not quiet sure why it is not saving it. Sandra shows me a error about no APIC detected for MP System (not sure what that is) Well my day begins now, I'm gonna try different slots for memory , some different memory, and a lot of other stuff i'll keep you all posted.


That's funny cuz Windows won't boot for me unless I change the voltage. I'm seeing the 1.28v current in bios and you can play with memtest and go so far as attempting to install OS but it won't finish the install and or boot into windows unless I have it set to around 1.425 +.10...currently at 1.45 +.10.


HT is very sensitive compared to my NF3 754. I ran that way out of spec but on this board just 1mhz beyond 2K and you get a safe mode warning...currently at HT X3.


1T is unstable at not much more than stock FSB...2T I've pushed the memory up to 330 x 8 x 3.0v with all memory settings on auto except drive strength which is at "normal" setting on one stick of OCZ PC4800. Backed that down and currently sitting at 325 x 8.


Initially hooked everything up, booted into bios, optimized defaults, rebooted and made a few adjustments then ran a few passes of memtest running dual channel. No problems. Decided to try and boot off my 754 raid array just for the heck of it and she booted right up (after I manually set the voltage). Once into windows it loaded a few drivers from CD and that was it. Didn't last long though :P A few forays into the bios and I managed to bugger it up and could no longer get back into windows. No biggy cuz I was gonna do a fresh install anyway...Time to call it a night.


So...............6AM sharp I was back at it with the OS install. After a couple of bsods realized I had left memory at 1T so I switched that to auto and that fixed one thing. Next was the raid and storage controller. Bsod at initial install of those. Started over and only installed storage controller and everything is golden for now.


For those with AC ATI silencer Rev 2's you're looking at a dremel job on the fan shroud. Mounting boss that joins the Silencers shell/shroud rests right on the edge of the chip set fan, not allowing the card to sit parallel to the case bottom. Probably work fine as is but I dremeled it down about .040/.060. Still touches but the cards seats good and proper now.


Time to install some benchies and stress testers...


So for now:


No memtest in BIOS...Not that big a deal :) Unless of course it's been renamed and or I just can't find it!!!

HT is sensitive

1T is sensitive

RAID does appear to be a bit buggy

Clearance issues with chipset HSF and AC ATI Silencer Rev 2


EDIT: ITE Smatguardian appears to work fine iffin yer switchin from the LP 754 and have that on CD. Don't know if it's downloadable from DFI. Voltages and temps appear to be as accurate as ever. Which means take em with a grain of salt ;) Temps are bouncing around from 12-13c to 33-35c which I was seeing in the bios and still seeing with smartguardian so take that for whatever it's worth.

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hi guys! been following this thread every hour i guess, since i decide to upgrade my trusty athlonxp. but, i'm kind of confused considering that the board is a year after the other manufacturers, you'd have at least expected it with better results than what you guys get from the start. i mean, they should have ironed out some of the kinks by now. haven't changed my mind about getting this board as soon as it is for sale here. keep on the good work and thank you for reading my s____ post. :nod:

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Hi OldGuy!!!!! It's a tricky one (lol) i have the San Diego 4000+ and just getting it to run alittle over stock is a real pain, and the 1T , 2T :( is a real pain. i don't think my Patriot like 2T but it won't even post at 1T. If you figure anything different out let me know, Thanks and Good Luck

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Iam modding the chipset cooler, here are some first pictures...not the best quality but.. more will follow with a new creation.


Look at the sticky tape (last picture) how BAD the contact was with the chip.

Maybe those overclock problems are releated by heat problems.









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ive been too busy to fool with the board any since i last posted and I am waiting for a BIOS to correct initial issues that we have found with the board. I won't be posting about the board again until there is a bios update to solve some of the initial problems users are facing.


this is exactly why i tried to make you understand that it is a good idea to wait a week or three until Rgone and I and the early adopters have had a chance to play with the board and get any initial problems corrected (or learn what they are and how to fix them without relying on a bios update)

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