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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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Some cards overclock better than others, but it is ususally a matter of good power getting to them. Without a Vmod 6800U will go to 490+ in lots of cases, and they are the same core, same basic PCB, just ususally better RAM, and the 2nd power connector to get steadier juice to that core. Nice work on that GT, what kind of 3D bench #s is it putting up at 476/1296?


Well this was on my intel rig, i was getting 24k at 3dmark01SE at 3.2gigz. So i'm hoping for like 30+k with this rig.

Although it won't boot past 290!! Is this the work of the BIOS? Lol, speaking of 6800U's my friend is so pissed off right now, his like glitches while benching just skips from like 3 sec to 19sec and then like occasionally freezes, defective? I tryed it in my computer, same story.

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Hey yall :)


I've been following this thread from the first page and i've got some questions.


1) Do you have to do any modifying (like cap bending) to get the XP-120 to fit onto the NF3 Ultra-D?


2) Anybody running this board with a 3700+ San Diego, what are your results? this is the chip I want to get along with this board. Won't be making the purchase for about a month or so though so I've got some time to hopefully see all the current quirks worked out of this board.

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Hey yall :)


I've been following this thread from the first page and i've got some questions.


1) Do you have to do any modifying (like cap bending) to get the XP-120 to fit onto the NF3 Ultra-D?


2) Anybody running this board with a 3700+ San Diego, this is the chip I want to get along with this board. Won't be making the purchase for about a month or so though so I've got some time to hopefully see all the current quirks worked out of this board.


No problemo with the XP-120 or the Sandy...

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I managed to record the Beep Sequence, so if anyone can help me. I also tryed running 260HTT 166 like OldGuy suggested and it gives me blue screens, unlike 260HTT 1:1 where it doesn't.

Click here to Download Beep.rar




It happened to me on my LP-B that I have now after I tried using a RAM dividor that obviously didn't work. I chose it, saved my settings and exited the BIOS only to have it reboot to a blank screen doing THOSE BEEPS!!

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Any difference between the original bios and the one that's on the dfi website? Better, worst, or same?


I couldn't flash back to the 602 fast enough after trying the 629 last night. Literally ;) Optimized defaults loaded 1T, then rebooting it would hang, then clearing cmos and just booting into bios, no changes, reboot and it would hang or maybe let me get to the bios again, or not see my drives, or etc, etc, etc :drool: Took me at least a half to get to the point where I felt safe flashing back to the original.


Thankfully back to 602 and benching and testing again. No mo new bios for me for awhile...even the 602 got a little weird when I switched to SATA drives so I just went with one for now on channel 4 and did a fresh install. Everything is back to it's good old quirky but stable self :D

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