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NF3 Ultra-D 939/AGP

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Is it possible to use 2x1 gig memory on this board?

I haven't found any info on that and I need new ram as I can't get 2x256 + a 512 Mb stick to work. on this board. :(

I have my eyes on this ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820231032

Or do I have to settle for 2x512 :confused:


This board is very picky on what mem you put in it. Me for instance found that the Corsair 3200XL 1024 Kit (Based on TCCD) worked very well on this board. If you gave it at least 2.9 Volts and used a DQ-Reduction of 50%. With these settings I could run them at 270MHz CAS 2.5-3-3-10-1t. However these XL sticks got bad. In fact the second kit I got back from RMA also got bad. They would not run at CAS 2.5 anymore.


So in the end I found out I would try some other sticks based on TCCD. This was the Kingston HyperX 1024 Kit. However, this kit would not overclock much. They was a big dissapointment when used with this motherboard. However, they worked very well in my DFI Lanparty nF3 250GB board. But they would not work past 250MHz at a TRCD setting of 3. Had to use 4.


But here comes the strange part.. I had a 2X512MB Corsair Value Kit which I had tried before in this mobo. However, I only Ran them Async. 270MHz HTT and a 166 Mem divider. Cause I never thought they would overclock well. I was wrong... I started upping the HTT with the mem running sync until I reached around 275MHz CAS 3-4-3-8-1t! And this only needed 2.6 Volts! They where perfectly stable!


One day i figured I would buy 2 more of these sticks. To try 4X512MB RAM in this motherboard. First I tried the new kit alone in the board. And they overclocked just as well as the old ones. With 4X512MB Corsair Value RAM the board Automatically sets itself on a 166 mem divider. And run them at CPC 2t. It won't boot with the sync setting. And if you try to use 1T it defaults to a 100 Divider and even with this divider it won't be stable.


So I ended up running 300MHz HTT x9 on a 166 Divider. This will bring the memory up to about 246MHz. And I ran them at CAS 2.5-3-3-7-2t. I also tested 337MHz HTT x8 with a 166 Divider. The memory would then run at 270MHz. I had to use CAS 3-4-3-7-2t on these speeds. But the 337MHz HTT gave me som strange beahavior after some time. 3DMark05 would lock up at a certain point in the last gaming benchmark. So I backed down to 300MHz HTT for a 100% Stable operation.


People are screaming out on how CPC 2t 'Kills' Application performance in Windows when Compared to CPC 1t. This is bull crap... Just take a look at these three links








My system runs newer games so much smoother with 2GB RAM.

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Question for O_G


which do you think is better, 245X11 with ram @ 1:1 at 2.71ghz




300X9 with ram on 166 divider @ 2.71ghz





First off....take what I say with a grain of salt..........cuz I'm a bit buzzed :D (repainting the homestead and beer is a pre-requisite...and I am drunk off my butt for the first time in almost 2 years...hehehheheheheeeeeeeeeeee).


300 X 9 with a 166 divider puts your ram at 250mhz as opposed to 245mhz 1:1...Now right off the bat we're talking 5mhz difference :P If both settings are stable then, me personally, I go for the extra five mhz....Unless of course benchies prove otherwise :rolleyes: Ya'll aint gonna see a bit of difference in real world applications and of course....300mhz bragging rights :eek2:


Big meggies win everytime with me as long as they are stable....Room to run free :)


I am once again frustrated with this board...an opty 150 that will do upwards of 2.9ghz but the ram settings for my XBLK's just don't seem to fall in place. 3-4-3-10 put's these puppies at 340 plus but I can't use a 9X multiplier. Do the math and you will see why I'm frustrated. These bad boys rock at 8X and kick some arse at 10X but this little classy lady just won't coopertate at 9X :shake: Fricken 1T~2T dilema strikes again :nod: Oh well......


(did I use enough smiley's???????? Where's my Corona ??????? (Damn disappearing alcoholic beverage :angel: )

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wish i could find one of these fine board-O-mine DFI nf3 ULTRA-D AGP mobos for sale somewhere, that isn't a lemon. wonder if they come with lemon reports, lol, j/k.


anyone here of a rev.b of this mobo? on the DFI Beta Bios website for this mobo they have two new bios release with the markings of REV.A and REV.B


my quest goes on.....



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Hello, im saving money to buy the DFI Lanparty UT NF3 Ultra-D because i wanted to keep my X800XT PE and move over to Athlon64 and Dual Channel support.

But i heard some bad news on other forums about the Bios, dead on arrivals, weak chipset fan..


Has DFI solved the Bios problem ? And are there even more problems that i don't know about where i should pay attention on?


Thnx =)

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The chipset fan is a peice of crap but the board is excellent and I'm able to run my X2 and x800xtpe with no problems...


Hello, im saving money to buy the DFI Lanparty UT NF3 Ultra-D because i wanted to keep my X800XT PE and move over to Athlon64 and Dual Channel support.

But i heard some bad news on other forums about the Bios, dead on arrivals, weak chipset fan..


Has DFI solved the Bios problem ? And are there even more problems that i don't know about where i should pay attention on?


Thnx =)

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Well I got about 10C in difference if that makes any difference :eek2:



Thanks, cause I don't want to change bioses, I'm on 711 and my O/C is rock solid. But max load temp will sometimes hit 52C which seems high, as my PC case comes with thermal probes and one in attached to the CPU heatsink, it never get's above 35C and usually is at about 29C. I've suspected that my acutal max load temp is around 46C not 52C, which coincides with what you've experienced. Do you think that I should try bios 824, as I do have a san diego core proc.?


Thanks for the Info,




P.S. I reinstalled the original chipset fan, after lubricating it's internals with silcon grease, it is completely silent and has been running now for about 3 weeks, hope this helps.

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