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The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread


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Thanks, Praz beat you to it. Mr. quick draw.


Of course I lost my opacity and can't find that setting now but still looking.


Edit: Found the opacity slider on the dashboard's control panel to the right.


And yes it is reading 6-10 CPU temp below Core or Smart Guardian or Everest. Does everyone just adjust it up? Raises heck with my happy OC.


I know this has been talked to death. Whip me if you need to. But it used to be closer to SG and Everest if I remember(is been awhile). All of them previously read low (so said). Maybe I have it choosing the wrong sensor (ITE8712F-1 Diode) using most recent data download.

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If Smart Guardian and Everest are in agreement with CoreTemp that is not the value displayed in MBM. CoreTemp displays the value from the thermal sensors in the individual cores. MBM displays the value from the thermal diode embedded in the processor. That is the same reading that the Bios shows. It is normal for the the sensor temperature to display a higher value then what the diode does.

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hmm, I don't remember then Chipset and LDT being reversed on the NF3.


Is the nVidia 7.22 plug-in started? (Right click task bar> NV Plug-in> start)

Sensors 21-26 set to custom?

MBM5 dashboard open all the way so nothing is hidden?





No the plugin wasnt started...so I started it...I got an alarm that sensor 21-22 were 900 and 300 degrees?


I went to setting and set 21-26 to custom... restarted MBM...and still no temp change...GPU 0... so I stopped the plugin...


Also the cpu fan speed is all over the map...from 1400-6000rpm...even when the fan stops (only fan hooked to the board) it reports wrong....


But it's the only thing that works this good on X64...so it's fine....so far..

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It's reading the GPU Core and Mem clocks and that's why it's setting off alarms.


Uncheck "Enable Temp Alarm" under Alarm for each sensor.


You probably need to adjust the Fan Divider/Type to get it to read correctly. What kind of fan is it Terry?

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Elcheapo...90mm 48cfm 2800rpm fan.... 0.23a/2.8w


the fan spins about 1200rpm mostly (bios controlled)


I am not worried about GPU temps...they are 33c anyhow...not going to get any hotter surfing the net or listening to MP10...;)

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