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Crucial Ballistix 2x1GB PC4000 kit gone bad (merged)

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Yes, I noticed in many cases when you are unhappy customer, if you are polite and reasonable they will treat you better than if you are abusive and using *strong* language. I know cos I used to work on a customer service helpdesk.

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Yes, I noticed in many cases when you are unhappy customer, if you are polite and reasonable they will treat you better than if you are abusive and using *strong* language. I know cos I used to work on a customer service helpdesk.

Heh, I currently work as one, if you count ISP tech support as being close enough :P.

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Guest Bulldog

Indeed staying polite helps speed things up alot as most companies will be more willing to make "exceptions" and deal with you on a more informal basis. Taking an aggressive tone will often put the company on the defensive, and they will often become tight-lipped with their responses. A "by-the-books" approach will then be taken to limit future liability.


@ n_w95482


I guess I'm lucky doing support for MBs as usually the people I deal with are "computer literate" and can follow, at the least, simple instructions. As an ISP support tech I could only imagine the horror stories you have to tell. I have some friends doing ISP support here in NL and the some of the stuff I hear just wants to make you cringe at the foolishness of it.


Customer: Hello tech support?

ISP Tech: Speaking. Can I help you?

Customer: I just got hooked up to the net today and I'm having a bit of trouble

downloading the Internet.

ISP Tech: ...........................

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My big one goes like this. I kid you not, this has happened on numerous occasions and I've been there for only about a month :P.


Me: ....Okay, open your Internet browser so we can see if that part of your connection works.

Other person: What's a browser?

Me: The thing you use to go to Google. Once you open that, put blablabla into your address bar.

OP: Where's that at? Is that the Yahoo/MyWebSearch (>_:P.

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Im always calm and polite on the phone and if you look at my posts, ive backed there customer support and understand hopw things work. Im just a little annoyed at the blatant lies i got over the phone.


Im very calm and patient but theres only so far you can go with that. I relise crucial are an excellent company and everyone makes mistakes. Thats why im going give them another go. 3rd time licky hey. I even brought some standard memory for my mums comp from them the other day, cause i know there excellent and this is a somewhat issolated inccident

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Well Lucky for me Newegg rocks :) They refunded me my money and instead of getting memory I got a viewsonic vx 922 :) and a razer mouse with pad, Guess i'll wait on memory as seeing what the ddr2 line shows as its almost upgrade time..

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FIANLLY!!! As christmas come early haha


They told me they wont have them till the 31st just 2 days ago which i was annoyed at. But now there here haha. Whats that all about. Not that im complaining now :)


If anyones interested, the batch number is CL1116V.88 / BL12864z503.16TF1Y


Im going chill with them while i catch up on my work load before i start playing with them though. Ill keep you up dated :)

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The replacments arrived here aswell.

My plan is to run them on stock settings on as low voltage as i can. I'll start ddr400 @ 2.4v , stock timings - 3-3-3-8 and see how they will do.


I got batch CL1116S.L6

BL12864L503, 16TD1


these are ballistix tracers (same as i sent back).

I'm not sure whether i'll get a change to play with them today but i'll report back asap.

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I only have pretty good to say about Crucial support and replacement, i bough last november new system components DFI board+CPU etc. and ordered Crucial Ballistix PC4000 (2x 1GB) sticks to it from their EU website, i regognice pretty soon XP was crashing randomly to Blue Screen, i then was lazy and put old Twinmos memories to this system and was happy because crashes dissapear, well then february i realized i have two very expensive mem sticks what i cant use, and have to do something about them. Then i downloaded MEMTEST+ and installed Ballistixs back to that machine and checked all bios memory settings were at their default values and run MEMTEST+ pretty soon errors started to appear in test screen, took few pictures of screen and contacted crucial support and i attached that error screen picture also in mail and asked politely what they like to do next?


Support person just told me to to send these sticks back to them and gave me RMA number what to use, i then went in regular post office and used standard air mail

to ship them in UK .. (from Finland), that was thursday if i remember it right, and next tuesday!! UPS guy was in my door giving me my new replaced Ballistixs.


So im at least one very satisfied Crucial customer, because it only took one email from me telling there is problem and then one email from them and

about week later i had new working memories, have to say this was best customer service i have ever received.

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