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The CM Stacker case and some mods !!

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i had to order the Cross-Flow fan today...the PWMIC and vdimm mosfet are just too hot with BH-5 running in it...


that is the only problem with watercooling...there is no airflow from a fan on a cpu heatsink to cool nearby components so you gotta really jury-rig the heck out of some fans to go on the hotspots on the board


im thinking of having my metal guy chop me a 120mm hole in the side panel...but i'll try the cross-flow fan first before I do anything (it will blow air all across the board...so i hope anyway haha)



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pic: bracket_assembly.jpg


Well it sure is shiney..hehe.. I have two 80mm panaflo's on my ram and top of mobo.. I hot glued them together then hotglued a "L" bracket in between them, it wedges between the psu and the stackers cage for the psu perfect..


Ill take a pick this weekend..


@kama_leon@hotma.. we like pics.. so dont forget when your done..


And make a sig with yout specs.. you dont want the sig police to come after you..




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pablo i cut mine with a dremel AFTER I had mounted them to the cards (before i hooked up the tygon tubing to them).


what i did was this


1. attach maze4 gpu block to vid card


2. take anti-static bag, and insert card into it


3. took razor blade and cut a tiny slit where each post was, then slid the bag down over the post


4. took it outside, put a piece of cardboard between the two posts sticking out of the bag


5. took dremel and used cutting wheel to cut off any post sticking up past the brass screw-downs


6. took can of air and blew off cardboard, then removed cardboard and blew off static bag, then removed card from static bag and blew off card real good.


7. installed!





i then talked to CPU Killer @ Danger Den and he said that I didn't receive the low-profile All-Thread posts hehe...but he said they make sure to send those each time a customer with a DFI LP SLI orders the Maze blocks to make sure others do not have to do what I did.


If you didn't receive the low-profile posts, just get ahold of Danger Den and let them know you need them as you have a DFI LanParty SLI board! Danger Den is awesome eh?


(btw, my Maze gpu blocks were test blocks and were sent to me for free which is why i didnt get the low-profile All-Threads....slight mistake but paying customers get them if they specify DFI SLI board)

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