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LAN dropout cure....non-heat related*

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This thread by comission of RGone (everybody show the 'G' man some lurve :)) is for those of us who have suffered at the hands of the evil 'LAN drop' syndrome. Note the asterix in the title, this thread as I see it is the last chance sallon for those of you who have tried all other known solutions to cure LAN dropout. I dont want to go into too much detail abt who should 'try' this but here are the sure fire signs that u will benefit from this 'fix'.


Prerequesits Start:


If you can use bios 1/21 and more recently hellfire's 3EG Rev1 with no LAN dropouts then this is for you :)


Prerequesits End-


Yup dats it folks, this cure, for those of you who fit in the above situation will let u use any bios without the LAN dropout effect slowly ebbing into your beloved HO (ofcourse within reason, no super hybrid-borg type bios can be expected to work, hehehehe)


Hereee goes....


Our mthboards use the following HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) by default: ACPI Uniprocessor PC


By changing this to Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC,


the LAN dropout problem is resolved! Also it has been reported by others that this also solves sound related issues, and some peeps have gone to the extent to announce that there HO's feel alot more spritley after the change (Oldfaht :)).


So how do u go abt doing this, I hear you ask. Easy peasy with mong's fail safe instructions (me hopes!). This is the procedure on WindowsXP with SP2, i dont know if the exact same steps are used with SP1 but im sure if they are a little different peeps here will give a helping hand.


Device Manager >- Computer >- Expand >- ACPI Uniprocessor PC >- Right Click >- Update Driver >- Install from List... >- Dont search Let me Choose >- Choose Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC.


You will need to reboot twice for the changes to be implemented, and then welcome to bios paradise u can pick and choose whatever bios u like (within reason) without having to worry abt LAN dropouts ever again, wooot :).


Here is a be4 and after pic


Before Change


ACPI Uniprocessor PC, Halaacpi.dll



After Change


Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC, Halacpi.dll



For those of you instaling from scratch things couldnt get much easier. When instaling press 'F5' at the same time it asks you to press 'F6' (wait a little while) you will then get an option option to choose which type of 'PC' u want to use. You wont be able to see the good one (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC), use the arrow buttons to scroll up, tis hidden :)


Dats it, welcome to the goodness.



Ok now I would appreciate something from you guys, please post your success, failure stories here. Try to keep ontopic, and if u can, please post your default HAL.


Think thats good enuff.



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:) Some who took the "fix".


1. Mongoled,


I think you know which side of the ledger to put me.

Man I gotta tell ya that the change from ACPI Uniprocesor PC to Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC has made a world of difference as to how my HO is acting. Not just with ceasing the LAN drops, but the whole system seems to be a whole lot snappier and stable.


I'll be interested seeing where you are going with this info.




2. Talking


looks like it has fixed my problem



cheers again



3. Thumbs up Mong


The only bioses that I did not get lan problems that resulted in a hard lockup were 1/21 and hellfire rev1. Untill now...


Changed the driver from ACPI Uniprocessor PC to Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC, flashed the offical 6/19 and have been running two days without any problem. Before only could get about five minutes before a hard lockup.


Thanks Mong great find.



And those are a few of those with new found satisfaction.


THANKS 'mong' you is tops man.


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I did this change on SP1, so no problem in that respect.


Thanks again!



EDIT: After further thought, and considering what I researched on ACPI last night, The changing of the HAL on one's computer is something not to be taken lightly, Under certain circumstances SOME hardware does not operate correctly and some prorams may not execute properly. SOMETIMES there are OS failures and a reinstall is necessary.


Just wanted to say this to alert everyone who may try this that there is a possibility of it screwing things up. So as with all major changes to your system be prepared with a back-up plan.


Now, I do believe this change will NOT be a problem for almost all, but as said before use this as a "last resort" after trying other possible solutions. Or as a forethought on your next installation of your OS.

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I don't have the LPB like you all. I made the change on both my LPA and my AN7. The AN7 did have occasional LAN drops. It seems to have cured my AN7 also. And both puters seem to have a smoother feel to them. I guess I would say a more responsive feel. Thanks for your hard work all. Just my 2 cents.


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ok nm, it wasnt changing that I guess, I just did boot to last known good config and it worked just fine and it still has the advanced configuration.


When I went to change my HAL, I also noticed that a couple other things did have drivers installed so I installed them. now they dont have drivers again..



It was the Silicon Image 3114 SATA raid drivers it didnt like and wouldnt boot because of those :(


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Originally posted by Mysticdrew

ok nm, it wasnt changing that I guess, I just did boot to last known good config and it worked just fine and it still has the advanced configuration.


When I went to change my HAL, I also noticed that a couple other things did have drivers installed so I installed them. now they dont have drivers again..



It was the Silicon Image 3114 SATA raid drivers it didnt like and wouldnt boot because of those :(



I could not boot to windows at first with sata raid0... I selected safe mode and got in there ,,then I checked the device manager to see if the change had effected and it did... I then rebooted and it went right into windows normally,, looked at device manager and advanced ACPI was enabled...


I never had a lan drop so I don't know if it's cured LOL... I see no difference yet,maybe you need a IDE drive to tell...

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Wanted this to work since I'm one that 1/21 and Hellfire's 3EG rev #1 only work (and work well). But....


After the HAL mod, XP failed normal boot.

Booted fail safe 3 times and some hardware was re-installed (not sure what).

Still normal boot failed.

Had a look at the boot log but didn't tell me anything.

Tried a clean XP install, booted the first time but all subsequent boots failed with BSOD's talking about hardware error. (tried this twice).

Re-installed from Ghost clone.


At a loss now, I've a new X800 card I've only had a couple of days. Could it be that? But haven't anything else to try with.


Any ideas guys?

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I had done this for sound issue, lan troubles I had came from using a version 5xxxx zonealarm... dropping back to 4xxxxx sorted it out...thanks to Mong on that headsup too.


I did want to go BACK to APIC.... but now the option is not there if I try to update the device driver for HAL.... so Im stuck on ACPI.


On my backup IDE drive, now that its WinXP (was Win2K) Ill leave that APIC and do my testing there for sound issues/high-fsb on the new Hell bios's.


Interesting sidenote... did SP2 install on my baby duron backupbackup system, and without EVER connecting to the net till after firewall, etc and cookies were on total manual prompt...I still got infected by DSO exploit simply by going to google.com, microsoft.com, macromedia.com, download.com (to get AdawareSEv1.3), hardocp.com, and updating def files for.... spybot1.3, AVG, and trojanremover. So ONE of those sites is infected. This DSO-exploit is something Spybit will "find" and "fix" but it wont, you have to go into registry and hand eliminate it. Download DSOstop and it will permenently prevent it. So SP2 still has direct security holes in it....sheesh.

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