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Toaster Sigs (NF2/AthlonXP ONLY!)

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Originally posted by Oldfaht

I had me a good little sit down with me HO' and I told her that she was going to put out this time or I was just gonna turn up the volts on my Fortron, set everything on MAX in the bios and fry her little capacitors to a crisp!


Now, I wasn't too gentle on her with the foreplay either, no sir reee bob, for about 60 hours I had her running 10.5x250, w/ vcore 1.95, vagp 1.7, vchip 1.8. vdim 3.3, about half that time burning her mamaries up w/ Memtest. Not One Error! :nod:

Intermitantly I goosed her with long sessions with Mr. Prime.


I couldn't quite get her to go 8hrs. at that speed (best 6:30), so I backed off to 10x250 and ran prime last night, got up this morning and the HO' gave up @ 7:35 :eek: Dayam HO' I ain't giving up this easy, you, you, you Beitch! So I cranked up ole Mr. Prime again, told that dirty rotten stinkin' DFI HO'finity she better shape up or else. Went off to work.


Came home, sneaked back into the house, peeked into her room, and Lo and Behold the sweet girl was just purring away doing her little thing with Mr. Prime. My Sweet Sweet :angel:




Have to admit I'm feeling like a pig in chit this evening. hehehehe! 6-19 Official Bios Rocks! BTW thanks to AG, RG, and the rest of y'all, without your wisdom, expertise, and willingness to share that, I wouldn't have had a clue! :shake:


Temps: Idle:32case/37cpu, under prime: 34-35/42-44.5

Mem. timings: RGone's Deluxe 11-2-2-2-11-15-eefe-5463345

Thank You Sir!


AG, Your stamp of approval for an upgraded toaster would be appreciated!






hehehe i like, i like.


A good PSU is a must for these types of tortue sessions, im glad u reached your goal. I am on standby until i finish my studies for my goal 240x11.5. Until then i can only watch as others succeed



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It became very obvious early on that for high OC, a strong PSU was a necessity.(just look at the specs. of those who run up high). The Antec 400 Smart Power that came with the case just wasn't gonna cut it. Prime failing all the time when the 12v reading in HWDr. dropped into the 1.60 range. With the Fortron it's a whole different ballgame. :nod:


I adjusted the 5v/12v pot a couple of gentle clicks and it never drops below 1.76v in Prime @10x250. I think that with one more click this HO' would do 8hrs+ @10.5x250. I like the way she runs @ the 10.5 multi-pliars. But I may just leave well enough alone for a while. hehehe!


From the Chior: "Who the hale is this bozo trying to kid; leave well enough alone, LOL"


Anyway thanks for the props!

The journey has been fun........Onward!

*Where the hale did I put that little phillips head?*




A word to the wise.......I fried my first Fortron bring too zealous with adjusting the pots.....So do so yourself, very carefully and realize that with one little tweak too far you can fry a perfectly good piece (or pieces) of hardware. (Just covering my butt here)

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booyah testlab. sorry if my post edit sounded a bit harsh, but we try to keep the forum pages at a normal size and oversized pics to just links ;) (I hate scrolling pages as does everyone else).


PM king of nothing and tell him what you want your siggy to say ;)

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