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Toaster Sigs (NF2/AthlonXP ONLY!)

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I have a 9.5x250 toastie screen shot, but I am working on 10x250. Prime95 has been running for 15 minutes so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Either way this board has let me achieved my greatest oc ever! Thanks, DFI


Well 10x250 is a no go for now, I'll probably try harder later. For now I am going to post my screen shot and await my toaster.


Can someone host a pic of my screenie for me? :)

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Originally posted by king of nothing

Redrum --- Here ya go. Let me know if you want something different.




Thanks King of Nothing, This will do just fine for the moment. Nice work you do as always . These guys are lucky ro have you here!!


Have a nice day,


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Originally posted by dippyskoodlez



^^^^^^^^ Free hosting :)


Thanks, works great. Also thanks to King of Nothing for the same link.


Now on to business...here is my screen shot of 9.5x250




Toastie Please!




Athlon XP-M 2600+

2x256 HyperX PC3200+ 512 OCZ Performance PC3200 = 1GB

Radeon 9700pro

2x80gb WDD SATA Raid 0

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Hello king.:) Here's my screenie for my toaster, I 'm sorry that we went through this be4 but I had to rma my old board and this screenie is from my new board.


You can put whatever you want fom my current sig, in with this sig.Whatever you use will make me happy.:D


here it is birthday guy.₪₪₪₪ don't even bother with it on your birthday, I don't care how long it takes ya.:nod:





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Not too bad for a dumb old Hoosier boy:D




After three Prime failures at 6 1/2-7 hours with 10X250 I said screw it, throttled it down a bit, and went for it!

Thanks to all who posted with advice and information that makes these boards fly.


Parts is Parts But these boards take the "Right Parts" set up "Correctly" to make TOAST


AG, May I have a Toaster, Please :nod:

Thank you very much!


P.S. Still after 250-2500+ when I get time :shake:

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Originally posted by king of nothing

SAE --- How's this?




Wow. Fantastic. Thanks again for all the hard work... and even though your recent bday :D


Suits me very well, hehe.


Astonishing job :D

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