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E8400 Overclocking On DFI Blood Iron


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um...jammin i think its set to like 1.650Vcore or something like that but you have to remember that im still have ALOT of issues with my bios along with alot of other ip35 pro users so nothing is really accurate at all. my temps still say like 245C on the cpu..lol so thats why i just go by CoreTemp....my E8400 at 4.3 99.95% load on OCCT the max temp i saw was 69C some say thats REALLY hot but i still think it could handle 75C at full load without any problems. i'll crank it up a little more tonight to get shadowfactor a OCCT at 4.4 so he'll stop calling me a liar. actually now that i think about it 3.6 is the highest i could go on mine too at stock voltages..after that i bumped it to 1.3 and went from there. all of my memory timings are also still on auto so i can still play around a little there if needed....

The E8400 seems to fail at 82c according to this guys test. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showpo...;postcount=1386

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Jammin, that Prime95 test really looks like the old Prime, just stressing one Core? Are you sure it's running both cores? I'd give Orthos a try, it's just the same, but it beeps if you're unstable, making Sleep-OCing possible :P

The latest version of Prime95 is better because it detects the number of cores available and creates the corrent number of worker threads automatically. No more mucking around with multiple instances of Orthos. :P

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Yea, but the new version looks different! I used that on my Q6600, cause I never got dual Orthos instances to work :lol:

Yes, it's a needlessly painful process. The only thing I don't like about Prime95 is that it doesn't have a running timer like Orthos.

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What Week/ batch do you have.

I've heard that many E8400's are dud's for overclocking. Certain weeks and stuff will not go past 3800


Box shot:




@King - you may well be right. I shall check that out :thumbs-up:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, better to add this here than create a new thread.


I've been playing around a little bit more, and I've decided it doesn't like me very much.


I can't get it Orthos stable at anything much over 3.6Ghz at the moment.

I've given it up to 1.35v and I've tested the RAM separately up to DDR900 (which it is fine at).


I can get about 20mins out of it at 3780MHz, which is a bit feeble really isn't it.

Reduced CPU voltage makes it fail a bit sooner. So I guess it would like more voltage, but I'm a bit uncomfortable with that.


Time to start fiddling with other settings to see if things improve I think. I've got to learn all the BIOS options some time right. :)

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