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Vista worth it?


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you can get XP from Dell if you raise enough hell on the phone...

they do worship the dollar, and do not like losing a sale.

this is exactly why they pounded MS into submission over Vista.

it was killing their sales.

you know a product is great when there has to be a concerted effort to jam it down people's throats.

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Easy backup of user settings, files, and save games.

WOW, if I would have known this I would have done upgraded every rig I own.. NOT... I ordered a Laptop for my Dad the other day and the Egg still has some available with XP as that is what I got...

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Besides any system admin will tell you not to ever rely on embedded backup solutions because they only backup personal files not system files.
Actually, you're able to save system state with the regular Windows backup, no 3rd party needed.


???????????????????????? and xp can't do this? since when?
He didn't say XP can't do this, he said Vista makes it easier, which they do. How many general users know that several of their personal settings are hidden in Local Settings->Application Data, or regular Application Data? Hell, how many of them actually know that their user folder exists in Documents & Settings to begin with?


Now, I personally don't care about that ., I got Vista for DX10, and am quite happy with it. But if you ask someone for a benefit to an everyday user, don't scoff when they come up with a reasonable answer.

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Guest ajmatson
Actually, you're able to save system state with the regular Windows backup, no 3rd party needed.


System state yes, system files no. It only save your settings and activation keys but not the files themselves. You still have to re-install the OS and then restore the backup. That is not easier than just restoring an image file in one step....

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