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Surge Protection; what do you use?


Surge Protection  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you use to protect your PC from surges?

    • Surge Protector
    • UPS
    • I have a whole-house surge protection system
    • I just unplug my PC when it storms
    • I just plug into the wall / power strip & hope for the best!

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In all fairness, the only reason the laptop is plugged into anything at all is because the outlet is full and the surge supressor has an opening. If I had a closer outlet free, I would be using it.

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i have a surge protector, but i only use it for the outlets. i'm not particularly concerned with a "surge" that's going to blow my system up, as i've gone my entire life without ever having an appliance die from a surge or lightning. and i've always left my computers plugged in and normally on, too.

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i have a surge protector, but i only use it for the outlets. i'm not particularly concerned with a "surge" that's going to blow my system up, as i've gone my entire life without ever having an appliance die from a surge or lightning. and i've always left my computers plugged in and normally on, too.


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at home the surge protection is built into the house... but I don't trust it 100% so EVERYTHING is on a UPS of some kind.


at the data center and the parks server rooms there are 2 levels of APC's (large full room style and individual) in addition to built into the building and a generator. the UPS's are only to hold things up in the 2 seconds before the generators fire up.


the rest of the parks all have just regular UPS's on the workstations.

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